zeogold: So far, the only argument I can perceive from you is "We need to ban all alt-right-leaning users, because they are bigots which ruin this community", which I personally find to be a rather shoddy argument.
dtgreene: Having bigots in a community makes the community extremely unwelcoming and outright hostile to those who belong to the minorities targeted by the bigots. Hence, by banning (or at least disciplining) those bigots, the community would become more welcome towards minorities.
And what about when the minorities act as poorly as their so-called bigots? Should they be equally banned? Or given a free pass?
This is the part you and Telika don't get. Telika throws out the strawman of someone proclaiming "Refugees are subhuman cannibal terrorist liar criminals", yet show me were all these supposedly vast number of posts actually are.
The reality is someone says something like, "I don't think refugees should be allowed in my country because they don't know our language and won't fit in", then someone like Telika goes in and called them a racist fuck. Or like you, someone uses the word "Tranny" and you are calling them homophobic and want to get them banned.
Both of you are guilty of gross exaggeration.