Swedrami: Have stumbled across / had a couple videos (one of them about the HITMAN GoG release) from the Bellular News channel pop up in the recommendations in the past, and it's been just objective and mostly neutral reporting on mainly noteable things happening in the games industry, ad-free to boot (wouldn't notice anyway, thanks to AdBlock) and without having to resort to paid promotion/product placement, at least in those few videos I've seen.
They're definitely not fond of bad business practices from the likes of Ubisoft, EA, Activision-Blizzard, Square Enix, etc and will voice it accordingly, and quite expressively at that (I think they're located in Northern Ireland).
They are from Belfast, NI, to be exact,
While I often disagree with their opinions, it's mostly skewed by their mainly multiplayer experience, long term WOW Subscribers, and recently FFXIV Subscribers, that think Subs are wonderful.
I wouldn't mind so much if those high WOW/FXIV Subs gave access to all the the content, including new expansions, but they don't.
Same with Game Pass/PS Now (on PC, don't have consoles), I ignore back catalogue, if I wanted those games I bought them back when they released, or in deep sale on PC. What do they have new, 1st Party only on GP, nothing currently on PSN.
There's no guaranteed game access either, even 1st party games, can, and do roll off the service, at any moment, which is the biggest issue with GP, is it's base Game only, you have to buy DLC/Expansion, and they never go on sale to compensate for Base Game cost.
That's exactly the same issue I see with free base games on Epic, no DLC/Expansion sales can end up more expensive than buying the game here or even Steam, and I'm not going to touch on Steam's many failings.
I'm a GOG customer for one reason,
Offline Installers, I get 80% of my games from GOG, the base game, with DLC/Expansions patched, and kept updated to latest hardware, and no Store Client needed (How I hate those bloatware abominations).
GOG is far from perfect, but I can get my SPGs Microtransaction Free, DRM free is a welcome bonus, but I'd take in game DRM from other stores, if it meant I coulod ditch their Store Client Bloatware.
So while their's certain aspects of Bellular Content I disagree with, they are largely consumer foccused, they talk, the talk, online, but I'll reserve judgement on the Dev Studio, until they also walk the walk in their games.