Serren: Ugh, I didn't realise that. Thanks for the warning, I'll probably skip this game after all.
Breja: I know it's hard to believe, but the series is actually better than the movie. It's faithful to the original, it's still all puppets, it looks incredible, the actors doing the voices do a superb work and, most importantly, it actually has a great story and engaging characters. I mean, let's face it - the movie is a marvel to look at, but the story is as basic as it gets, and the characters have the depth of Super Mario graphics.
I didn't really get that impression at all; I thought the Netflix series was binge/story-bloat, which could've been condensed down to, voila, an hour and a half movie, which we had already seen, and had much better soundtrack, atmosphere, casting, and prop-work. I espeically didn't like the casting, particularly the battle scenes. . . just looked silly. I wish they had spent more production-money on good writers, rather than on uber-expensive celebrity voice-actors.