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Celebrate 40 years of Tetris® with Tetris® Forever, coming soon on GOG!

Unrivaled after four decades, Tetris® Forever celebrates the original, genre-inspiring puzzle game that escaped from behind the Iron Curtain, onto the world stage, and into our cultural consciousness. It includes more than 15 playable classic Tetris games, and an all-new Tetris game – Tetris Time Warp.

Wishlist it now!
Tetris is one of those timeless games. It is a jewel of its time created by a genius. I don't know how many versions of Tetris I have played during my life. But how much I enjoy games like this one or the also known BreakThru!
Nice. Maybe I'll finally stop playing Tetris DS.
Nice! Tetris on GoG! Definetly going to my WL :)
Bit of trivia:
Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr A. Serebrov (b. 15 February 1944) became the first person to play a videogame in space when he packed a Game Boy and his personal copy of Tetris (Nintendo, 1989) for his trip to the MIR Space Station in 1993.
sbaylus: Bit of trivia:
Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr A. Serebrov (b. 15 February 1944) became the first person to play a videogame in space when he packed a Game Boy and his personal copy of Tetris (Nintendo, 1989) for his trip to the MIR Space Station in 1993.
The first time it was launched(uncredited):
Just another station(game boy) for me,
But a huge block for Humanity!
*cough* Apotris... *cough*
Post edited September 14, 2024 by Firebrand9
It'll be nice to see the classic Tetris get some representation. It's a VERY different game from the modern version of Tetris. While I'm amazed that it's taken THIS long to get a Tetris variant here, this seems like THE one to get.
Firebrand9: *cough* Apotris... *cough*
Huh. Didn't even know that existed. Quite nice. Also has some of the best music of any freeware/open-source Tetris clone I've tried.
P-E-S: Huh. Didn't even know that existed. Quite nice. Also has some of the best music of any freeware/open-source Tetris clone I've tried.
Look through the settings. Prepare to have your mind blown. You can even alter the piece graphics in-game. Easily the best clone that exists.
Never heard of this, looks like a cool idea.
P-E-S: Huh. Didn't even know that existed. Quite nice. Also has some of the best music of any freeware/open-source Tetris clone I've tried.
Firebrand9: Look through the settings. Prepare to have your mind blown. You can even alter the piece graphics in-game. Easily the best clone that exists.
Are the settings flexible enough to allow combinations like 20G with no lock delay? (This particular combination isn't actually playable, as the pieces would all instantly fall to the bottom and lock in place before you can do anything, but is it least possible to start a game with these settings?)
dtgreene: Are the settings flexible enough to allow combinations like 20G with no lock delay? (This particular combination isn't actually playable, as the pieces would all instantly fall to the bottom and lock in place before you can do anything, but is it least possible to start a game with these settings?)
Frankly I have no earthly idea dtgreene. Your question would be best answered by trying it yourself & posting back here. If the answer is no the developer is fairly open to feature requests.

Edit : Spoke to the developer. They said "no that combination isn't possible right now. mode settings (like gravity curves and lock delay) aren't tweakable right now."

You'd have to look at the settings & see for yourself dtgreene. I don't know every odd combination that's possible & ones that render gameplay unplayable don't seem like pragmatic settings to have or add in a game.
Post edited Yesterday by Firebrand9