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Your character is a player of a fictional MMORPG...

Stop, stop. No. Sorry. I can play a necromancer, I can play a hired assasin, I can play a serial killer, but even I have some standards.
Post edited September 02, 2021 by Breja
It's a few steps above default Game Maker assets, but I've already seen this game done better. It was called Live A Live.

Maybe don't abbreviate your game in such away that it could be confused for another game. Since TOME4 does exist.

I was actually hoping this was going to be along the lines of, I dunno maybe a game where you were handed out magical orders to reattune the terrain accordingly while keeping it and the factions in harmony?

Instead, the realization slowly set in that it's a party turn based-RPG that looks like a tactical RPG.
Saturday Morning Cartoon: The Tactics Game!
So, let's see. TOME is also known as Tales of Middle Earth (TOME 1-3) and Tales of Maj'Eyal (TOME 4). This does not appear to be part of the same series. Not that I think there will be any lawsuits involved. CrossCode already did the "you're a character in a MMORPG" thing (and I think there may have been others as well -- I'm not sure Star Ocean 3 counts), and Neptunia is a game series taking place "in the video game industry", so much more of a game about games than this is. What exactly is new here? Quick Time Events in a turn-based battle? Yuck. Also, not new, although they generally aren't called QTEs. Honestly, I wish people would use a different term for "turn based with twitcher elements" so I can just avoid them entirely. Line combat on a grid (as appears to be the case judging by the first animated image)? Not a big fan of line combat anyway, but this just makes a mockery of grid combat. I'm not a fan of that art style, either. Oh, and way too many exclamation points in the game description.

Then again, maybe it isn't as bad as it looks Nonetheless, I guess I'll do a hard pass on this one.
Oh jeez, this IS still coming out, isn't it? I figured it died when Kirb got cancelled.
gibbeynator: Oh jeez, this IS still coming out, isn't it? I figured it died when Kirb got cancelled.
Who/what is Kirb?
gibbeynator: Oh jeez, this IS still coming out, isn't it? I figured it died when Kirb got cancelled.
Darvond: Who/what is Kirb?
The creator of the original TOME web series. He had some abuse allegations tossed his way a couple years back.
[i][i]is a non-linear, story-driven RPG adventure, featuring an original turn-based combat system enhanced with various quicktime events. Your character is a player of a fictional MMORPG which rose to prominence during a (obviously just as fictional) global pandemic, which caused almost everybody to stay home and play games.

Quicktime events...why do designers do such a thing?
Also the global pandemic bit is pretty dubious. If MMORPGs really profited from Corona, that would be another pernicious consequence.
Post edited September 04, 2021 by morolf
This sounds interesting.