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Carradice: A note related to that. Playing SNES games on a mini-SNES, I found, to my surprise, that games actually looked better with scan lines. A possible explanation is that the scan lines help soften the perceived image, as the mind fills up the gaps appropiately. Actually, these games were created to be watched with scan lines. Maybe if there had been screens without scan lines at the time, the choices for graphics would have been different, since the designers would not have been able to rely on the softening effect.
tomimt: Quite a few of the old console and 8-bit and 16-bit computer games were actually designed with CRT monitors and TVs in mind. The developers basically were using the way CRT draws the images on the screen to make the graphics appear sharper or more colourful than they actually were. Moder displays do, in some ways, a disservice to old pixel art, as it draws them differently from how CRT works. Here's a small example of how CRT makes pixels look more detailed:

There are other discussions about it, if you just google it.
Thanks for the info and link....
playing games for >40 years , the arcade hall monitors looked kinda same pixelised, though i always felt many looked more straining to the eyes than the crt monitors we used, maybe because some screens were very large.

Anyway... so it seems pixel games will slowly ""die"" ? and soon we will only have vector games like so many new games look like ? I hope not cause i already bought far less games the past 3 years , and if old pixel games "die" i'll be buying even less games. (-’๏_๏’-)
Post edited March 16, 2021 by gamesfreak64
tomimt: Quite a few of the old console and 8-bit and 16-bit computer games were actually designed with CRT monitors and TVs in mind. The developers basically were using the way CRT draws the images on the screen to make the graphics appear sharper or more colourful than they actually were. Moder displays do, in some ways, a disservice to old pixel art, as it draws them differently from how CRT works. Here's a small example of how CRT makes pixels look more detailed:

There are other discussions about it, if you just google it.
gamesfreak64: Thanks for the info and link....
playing games for >40 years , the arcade hall monitors looked kinda same pixelised, though i always felt many looked more straining to the eyes than the crt monitors we used, maybe because some screens were very large.

Anyway... so it seems pixel games will slowly ""die"" ? and soon we will only have vector games like so many new games look like ? I hope not cause i already bought far less games the past 3 years , and if old pixel games "die" i'll be buying even less games. (-’๏_๏’-)
I see nothing to suggest people will stop making games with pixel art.
low rated
Breja: The world would really be a better place if people weren't so concerned about other people's wellbeing.
So the problem is that people care; and not that people don't and that some actively are unconcerned; nor that some are actively working against the wellbeing of others?

That, really, is your thought process days after it needed yet another femicide to bring abuse back in the media; despite metoo, despite the sexual abuse scandals (regarding both genders) - it`s people that care about the wellbeing of others that are the problem?

It's people that care about the wellbeing of others that are the problem - which leads to migrants still drowning in the Mediterranen sea? It's people that care about the wellbeing of others that are responsible for the attrocities, happening just now - 19 ongoing genocides in the world - but hey; just care less. It's not happening silently enough.

It's people that care about the wellbeing of others that are responsible for preventable diseases linked directly to how our societies function; from sedentary lifestyles, to smoking, to obesity (which is - just as world hunger - a disease of malnutrition).

No, no. Care less. The world is better that way. So much nicer if we just ignore things.
Breja: The world would really be a better place if people weren't so concerned about other people's wellbeing.
Mnemon: >Incoherent outraged rant<
Context, my friend. Context. I wasn't talking about genocides or murder or "femicide" or migrants. None of that was anywher within the scope of this conversation. Nor do I have any intention of discussing such subjects on this forum, let alone in this thread. I was talking about cries in favor of censorship and similar limitations of personal freedom justified as being "for the good" of people whose freedom is being infringed.

I hope that clears things up. Bye. Have a good day of productive outrage on twitter.
Breja: The world would really be a better place if people weren't so concerned about other people's wellbeing.
Mnemon: So the problem is that people care [...]

No, no. Care less. The world is better that way. So much nicer if we just ignore things.
The sentence quoted from #13 was, in all likeness, written ironically. It refers about how some people (zealots) want to forbid things to others with the excuse of their own well being.
low rated
Mnemon: So the problem is that people care [...]

No, no. Care less. The world is better that way. So much nicer if we just ignore things.
Carradice: The sentence quoted from #13 was, in all likeness, written ironically. It refers about how some people (zealots) want to forbid things to others with the excuse of their own well being.
And it spectacularly missed it's target in doing that in a polemic fashion. Apparently answering in a, likewise, polemic matter was, then, too strong a tobacco.
Mnemon: >Incoherent outraged rant<
Breja: Context, my friend. Context. I wasn't talking about genocides or murder or "femicide" or migrants. None of that was anywher within the scope of this conversation. Nor do I have any intention of discussing such subjects on this forum, let alone in this thread. I was talking about cries in favor of censorship and similar limitations of personal freedom justified as being "for the good" of people whose freedom is being infringed.

I hope that clears things up. Bye. Have a good day of productive outrage on twitter.
Well yes, context.

As a reminder that is what you responded to:
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I agree with the Zoidberg. Games should not be making smoking seem "glamorous" and/or "cool" or anything like that.

Killing people is not a behavior that players are going to emulate in real-life.

On the other hand, smoking is one that they would in some cases. Hence, game makers should not be promoting that by glorifying such disgusting & unhealthy smoking behavior in their games.
So, context.

Nothing about smoking is cool and the tobacco industry very, very carefully constructed that image[*]. Well researched - and just how influentual their marketing was. Smoking as an image of rebellion, of freedom, of independence.

[* It's also been one of the most dishonest industries out there, falsifing medical reports and - as is also well researched - the originator of much of the anti-science and anti-intellectualism tactics that the oil industry is now copying to discredit climate science.]

We should at this point challenge that - and yes games ought to, too - and can be rightfully called out for lazily copying this.

That, by and by, is not censorship. It's asking for accountancy and responsibility. Quite in contrast the way you responded to that post I quoted. Your *ironic* diatribe was clearly aimed at shutting down an opinion you didn't like. I pushed a little further then, mirroring what you just did.

So again: Context. You are not being censored - but if you don't debate but "produce outrage" then make sure you can stand looking at a mirror reaction.
high rated
I really don't want to keep this going. Simply put - I value freedom of expression and personal freedom to make choices, including bad ones like smoking, above all. Devs have every right to put smoking, drinking or whatever else they feel is proper for a character in their game. Art should not be pressured to conform to what some people think will make it "safe" or turn it into beneficial propaganda. I find any calls to do so examples of a very dangerous and ugly mindset. That's it. I am not going to respond to any further sanctimonous zelotry from you.
Post edited March 18, 2021 by Breja
gamesfreak64: Thanks for the info and link....
playing games for >40 years , the arcade hall monitors looked kinda same pixelised, though i always felt many looked more straining to the eyes than the crt monitors we used, maybe because some screens were very large.

Anyway... so it seems pixel games will slowly ""die"" ? and soon we will only have vector games like so many new games look like ? I hope not cause i already bought far less games the past 3 years , and if old pixel games "die" i'll be buying even less games. (-’๏_๏’-)
my name is sadde catte: I see nothing to suggest people will stop making games with pixel art.
Okay, maybe i should have used probably or presumably , ...
i did not say they will stop making games with pixel art., or developing games that use pixel art ,cause i don't know that for sure. ( maybe i should use for certain ? :D)

Anyway all those adjectives :D
Post edited March 20, 2021 by gamesfreak64
gamesfreak64: Okay, maybe i should have used probably or presumably , ...
i did not say they will stop making games with pixel art., or developing games that use pixel art ,cause i don't know that for sure. ( maybe i should use for certain ? :D)

Anyway all those adjectives :D
I wasn't being pedantic about language use. What I meant was that I don't see why you would draw that conclusion.
my name is sadde catte: I wasn't being pedantic about language use. What I meant was that I don't see why you would draw that conclusion.
Actually, it might seem that point-and-click adventure games are seeing a revival, with more and more quality games coming, meeting success, don't you think? Pixel art games are a sizeable portion of those. Wadjet Eye Games comes to to mind, and they are not the only ones. Few days ago, GOG announced NORCO, (from Geography of Robots / Raw Fury) and they keep coming.

So, rejoice! it seems that for lovers of pixel art point-and-click adventure games, the tide has turned.
Carradice: Actually, it might seem that point-and-click adventure games are seeing a revival, with more and more quality games coming, meeting success, don't you think? Pixel art games are a sizeable portion of those. Wadjet Eye Games comes to to mind, and they are not the only ones. Few days ago, GOG announced NORCO, (from Geography of Robots / Raw Fury) and they keep coming.

So, rejoice! it seems that for lovers of pixel art point-and-click adventure games, the tide has turned.
I agree whole-heartedly! That's why I was rather confused with gamesfreak64's doom and gloom analysis.
gamesfreak64: Okay, maybe i should have used probably or presumably , ...
i did not say they will stop making games with pixel art., or developing games that use pixel art ,cause i don't know that for sure. ( maybe i should use for certain ? :D)

Anyway all those adjectives :D
my name is sadde catte: I wasn't being pedantic about language use. What I meant was that I don't see why you would draw that conclusion.
I know :D .... also never implied ( suggest something indirectly.) you being pedantic about language use ....

Anyway ... tbh my grammar sux in Dutch aswell... my German is bad but i never cared and never will care about grammar and all that nonsense ...

Back in school i never cared , as long as people can understand what i am trying to say (tell) i'm a happy camper. Things don't have to be perfect for me i am easily pleased, and happy with a 6 , i had many 0f them on my reports , never 3 sixes in one row ofcourse, cause that would bad.