eiii: Sadly it still has the same low-res pixelated graphics. :(
Cannot say for this game (although it looks good) but for Wadjet games at least, it is a style choice. They put great care in their pixel art. For Technobabylon, for example, the main developer prepared 3D models because it was easier for him to do that than pixel art. Then, from the 3D models still pictures were obtained. These still pictures were the basis for a specialized artist that was responsible for the actual pixel art that appears in the game. Cared for to the last single pixel. See, this is the opposite of cheap development that uses pixel art as an excuse to save effort. Technobabylon is a game where every scene is pleasant to the eye, be it a run down factory or appartment, a busy police station or the virtual world.
timppu: Yeah I was wondering when they start making HD remakes of all these modern low-res pixel art games. Figures.
I think they should also make remakes of movies like Raging Bull, Memento and Sin City, where they've added color to all the black&white scenes.
A note related to that. Playing SNES games on a mini-SNES, I found, to my surprise, that games actually looked better with scan lines. A possible explanation is that the scan lines help soften the perceived image, as the mind fills up the gaps appropiately. Actually, these games were created to be watched with scan lines. Maybe if there had been screens without scan lines at the time, the choices for graphics would have been different, since the designers would not have been able to rely on the softening effect.
Yet some people insist that they do not want scan lines... But indeed it might become something like adding colour to black and white movies.