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Get ready for an engaging visual novel with fully-voiced characters and beautiful 2D artwork from artist Ueda Metawo. Dead End Aegis is coming soon to GOG!

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Marcus-Havoc: The only reason those other 2 were pushed out was because of certain political ideologies. Joden koek is alleen verandered door de ras jankerds en F1 zijn alleen verandered vanwegens het gejank van westerse feministen.

Meerderheid van F1- pit girls waren erop tegen want zo verdiende ze hun geld.

If you wanna play the moralist viewpoint, you can only find the truth of the effect of the underage character argument through factual data comparison. In this, there are a lot of lies and pitfalls. For instance, the grooming gangs in U.K.
In recent studies, they claimed that the majority of the abusers weren't the suspected Pakistani groups but so-called white people, Which was a lie, if you then go into the data it shows it's overwhelmingly Pakistani men doing the raping of young girls, but the media holds this fake veil over people's eyes.

The whole point in general is, Why do a group of men that don't consume any western media or media in general do more sexual abuse than the ones that constantly are exposed to such so-called harmful media?

As long as you don't data all of it you can't draw a fair conclusion, and you'll just become a moralist that can make up anything he finds questionable and demand he is morally superior because he thinks he is, not because of what the facts show.

But in general; subjects like these get swept under the rug in this generation because of political correctness, because in some people's eyes certain groups can never do wrong regardless of the facts.

Most people that claim that this fictional form harms real ones is a fallacy which isn't based on data but just on feelings.
Which seems to be the only thing people are running on these days.
Zimerius: We do need to start somewhere too, right. If political correctness decides were to start i'm actually glad we start somewhere because the current situation still has a lot of points that could be improved on. Violence in games for example might be a bigger issue than these loli figures engaging in 'normal' life. But stories of school kids that are sexually exploited hold a much higher priority because of its impact. Start small, start with the easy extremities...... lol do it with the help from a life coach :D
"But stories of school kids that are sexually exploited hold a much higher priority because of its impact."
Please cite your so-called great impact, unless you can factual substantiate it, you're talking out of your ass.

If what you seem to be suggesting is true, then you'd rather have a China style society, seeing as you wanna control fiction itself, meaning people could simply be arrest for making a drawing. Political correctness is cancer upon the world because it makes up lies when it suits its agenda and not the facts that lie beneath it.

The example I just mentioned is one of it but get ignored because of cultural or racial reasons, but its impact is in the real world not drawn with a pencil, which seem to be the top priority by people that virtue signal. Right now through the lies of BLM or even these grooming gangs there have been more victims in the real life than any drawing by an animator.
But people love to look away at those facts, because of political correct and their fake narratives that aren't backed up by factual data.

All you're doing right now is cherry-picking and not even looking at the big picture that is impacting actual lives.
You seem more preoccupied with virtue signaling and pretending to be morally just than addressing what impacts actual lives.
Post edited January 08, 2022 by Marcus-Havoc
Hmm, came into the thread to see the hype and what people thought about the content of the game. Instead, it's predominantly politics, Nazi, and other stuff that's... not relevant nor on-topic? Stuff that affect most VNs shouldn't be specifically discussed in these game threads. A lot of people here should make use of the DM feature more, I think. Or make new threads on GOG about their stances on how censorship/underage law works.

If we're talking about the politic featured in the game, then hell yeah I'm interested.
Also, I think the ENG dub in the trailer could've been better, but hey using an ENG VA is rare even for JAST. The game itself is JP dubbed tho so not like I mind much.
Post edited January 08, 2022 by kn1000a
low rated
kn1000a: Hmm, came into the thread to see the hype and what people thought about the content of the game. Instead, it's predominantly politics, Nazi, and other stuff that's... not relevant nor on-topic? Stuff that affect most VNs shouldn't be specifically discussed in these game threads. A lot of people here should make use of the DM feature more, I think. Or make new threads on GOG about their stances on how censorship/underage law works.

If we're talking about the politic featured in the game, then hell yeah I'm interested.
Also, I think the ENG dub in the trailer could've been better, but hey using an ENG VA is rare even for JAST. The game itself is JP dubbed tho so not like I mind much.
I'm curious if he can back up his politically correct claims by making examples, while he seems to be ignoring actual child abuse for years from people that don't even consume this media. His idea is to become more politically correct is a good thing, so we most likely will end up more like China where even fiction will be banned because the SJW (commies) get to say what is or isn't just even in the fictional manner.

Or did my comment trigger you? Like it does most people when it comes to uncomfortable facts. But then again, to this generation, telling facts that they don't want to hear is labeled Nazi.
low rated
Zimerius: We do need to start somewhere too, right. If political correctness decides were to start i'm actually glad we start somewhere because the current situation still has a lot of points that could be improved on. Violence in games for example might be a bigger issue than these loli figures engaging in 'normal' life. But stories of school kids that are sexually exploited hold a much higher priority because of its impact. Start small, start with the easy extremities...... lol do it with the help from a life coach :D
Marcus-Havoc: "But stories of school kids that are sexually exploited hold a much higher priority because of its impact."
Please cite your so-called great impact, unless you can factual substantiate it, you're talking out of your ass.

If what you seem to be suggesting is true, then you'd rather have a China style society, seeing as you wanna control fiction itself, meaning people could simply be arrest for making a drawing. Political correctness is cancer upon the world because it makes up lies when it suits its agenda and not the facts that lie beneath it.

The example I just mentioned is one of it but get ignored because of cultural or racial reasons, but its impact is in the real world not drawn with a pencil, which seem to be the top priority by people that virtue signal. Right now through the lies of BLM or even these grooming gangs there have been more victims in the real life than any drawing by an animator.
But people love to look away at those facts, because of political correct and their fake narratives that aren't backed up by factual data.

All you're doing right now is cherry-picking and not even looking at the big picture that is impacting actual lives.
You seem more preoccupied with virtue signaling and pretending to be morally just than addressing what impacts actual lives.
I do understand if you are emotional about certain topics. It is not easy to hear in the media month after month how some ethnic immigrant youngster, usually someone you would link to the a Muslim mindset, sometimes in group are responsible for raping young girls, killing them sometimes etc. I do would like to urge you on, at least to try and contain those feelings and also to try and keep this line of messaging on topic.

Fact is, there are some vn's done in a certain style that now legally present (forced) sexual intercourse while harbouring on the borders of decency. If you are fine with those, it is OK, especially if you see more pressing matters. Personally, i feel that those should step away from the borders, and certainly the ones that are not age restricted. The solution for having a 'patch' you need to take extra steps for to unlock that content is a step in the good direction. I hope there will be more of those.

That's it.
Post edited January 08, 2022 by Zimerius
low rated
Marcus-Havoc: "But stories of school kids that are sexually exploited hold a much higher priority because of its impact."
Please cite your so-called great impact, unless you can factual substantiate it, you're talking out of your ass.

If what you seem to be suggesting is true, then you'd rather have a China style society, seeing as you wanna control fiction itself, meaning people could simply be arrest for making a drawing. Political correctness is cancer upon the world because it makes up lies when it suits its agenda and not the facts that lie beneath it.

The example I just mentioned is one of it but get ignored because of cultural or racial reasons, but its impact is in the real world not drawn with a pencil, which seem to be the top priority by people that virtue signal. Right now through the lies of BLM or even these grooming gangs there have been more victims in the real life than any drawing by an animator.
But people love to look away at those facts, because of political correct and their fake narratives that aren't backed up by factual data.

All you're doing right now is cherry-picking and not even looking at the big picture that is impacting actual lives.
You seem more preoccupied with virtue signaling and pretending to be morally just than addressing what impacts actual lives.
Zimerius: I do understand if you are emotional about certain topics. It is not easy to hear in the media month after month how some ethnic immigrant youngster, usually someone you would link to the a Muslim mindset, sometimes in group are responsible for raping young girls, killing them sometimes etc. I do would like to urge you on, at least to try and contain those feelings and also to try and keep this line of messaging on topic.

Fact is, there are some vn's done in a certain style that now legally present (forced) sexual intercourse while harbouring on the borders of decency. If you are fine with those, it is OK, especially if you see more pressing matters. Personally, i feel that those should step away from the borders, and certainly the ones that are not age restricted. The solution for having a 'patch' you need to take extra steps for to unlock that content is a step in the good direction. I hope there will be more of those.

That's it.
The line of the message is the same, the problem for you is that I give a life example that moralist like you seem to ignore on a daily basis, whine and complaining about fictional characters. What I'm pointing out with it is simple, I don't see them consuming much anime, let alone hentai. This group of people actual does what seem to be promoting.

The whole notion of banning fiction for a moralistic reason is absurd. Most politically correct people that use that notion to boost their own SJW ego while all their live ignoring the actual crimes around them. More and more you see moralistic fantasy folks cry about things that don't matter while looking away what is actually going on.

What you at least need to be able to do to make your point of so-called great impact is show proof or data that substantiates it, or else it would be no different from deciding things on feelings and not facts.

Australia would have been an interesting testing ground for the so-called danger of hentai test, seeing as it banned hentai completely, but sadly COVID went on, so you can't use that anymore, seeing as the majority has been locked and are still locked up commie style.

Joey the anime man had a good video on that one.

Even people that are pro-censorship of anime were mostly busted with child sexual charges. Not to mention the U.N that wants such a ban being a hive of pedos on a larger scale, but gets swept under the rug when it doesn't suit the media's agenda.

Data is what matters, not one's feelings.
Post edited January 08, 2022 by Marcus-Havoc
low rated
Zimerius: I do understand if you are emotional about certain topics. It is not easy to hear in the media month after month how some ethnic immigrant youngster, usually someone you would link to the a Muslim mindset, sometimes in group are responsible for raping young girls, killing them sometimes etc. I do would like to urge you on, at least to try and contain those feelings and also to try and keep this line of messaging on topic.

Fact is, there are some vn's done in a certain style that now legally present (forced) sexual intercourse while harbouring on the borders of decency. If you are fine with those, it is OK, especially if you see more pressing matters. Personally, i feel that those should step away from the borders, and certainly the ones that are not age restricted. The solution for having a 'patch' you need to take extra steps for to unlock that content is a step in the good direction. I hope there will be more of those.

That's it.
Marcus-Havoc: The line of the message is the same, the problem for you is that I give a life example that moralist like you seem to ignore on a daily basis, whine and complaining about fictional characters. What I'm pointing out with it is simple, I don't see them consuming much anime, let alone hentai. This group of people actual does what seem to be promoting.

The whole notion of banning fiction for a moralistic reason is absurd. Most politically correct people that use that notion to boost their own SJW ego while all their live ignoring the actual crimes around them. More and more you see moralistic fantasy folks cry about things that don't matter while looking away what is actually going on.

What you at least need to be able to do to make your point of so-called great impact is show proof or data that substantiates it, or else it would be no different from deciding things on feelings and not facts.

Australia would have been an interesting testing ground for the so-called danger of hentai test, seeing as it banned hentai completely, but sadly COVID went on, so you can't use that anymore, seeing as the majority has been locked and are still locked up commie style.

Joey the anime man had a good video on that one.

Even people that are pro-censorship of anime were mostly busted with child sexual charges. Not to mention the U.N that wants such a ban being a hive of pedos on a larger scale, but gets swept under the rug when it doesn't suit the media's agenda.

Data is what matters, not one's feelings.
I do see why you have such a hard time grasping certain nuances. For example, for someone who's promoting data over feelings, you seem to jump quite fast to conclusions about what kind of grouping I belong too and how my responses are in said group. Or are you just into the gathering of knowledge and not so much the appliance of said knowledge in a sensible manner?

Again, if you fail to understand why certain aspects of anime fall into the same group of behaviour the world decided to ban out over these past couple of years, then i don't think we have much ground for discussion. I mean, if you can't even acknowledge my side of the story without falling into wordings such as dumb and stupid I can only wonder about if your aim is to discuss or to go to war? Personally i'm up for discussion atm but wars, for now, i'll keep restricted between my CPU and me thank you very much.

On another note, it is pretty hard to make a hard fist against something that is already illegal. I mean, you should expect from any reasonable man that he's willing to put rapists to death if he had his way right? Therefore why should your point belong in this discussion?
Post edited January 08, 2022 by Zimerius
low rated
Marcus-Havoc: The line of the message is the same, the problem for you is that I give a life example that moralist like you seem to ignore on a daily basis, whine and complaining about fictional characters. What I'm pointing out with it is simple, I don't see them consuming much anime, let alone hentai. This group of people actual does what seem to be promoting.

The whole notion of banning fiction for a moralistic reason is absurd. Most politically correct people that use that notion to boost their own SJW ego while all their live ignoring the actual crimes around them. More and more you see moralistic fantasy folks cry about things that don't matter while looking away what is actually going on.

What you at least need to be able to do to make your point of so-called great impact is show proof or data that substantiates it, or else it would be no different from deciding things on feelings and not facts.

Australia would have been an interesting testing ground for the so-called danger of hentai test, seeing as it banned hentai completely, but sadly COVID went on, so you can't use that anymore, seeing as the majority has been locked and are still locked up commie style.

Joey the anime man had a good video on that one.

Even people that are pro-censorship of anime were mostly busted with child sexual charges. Not to mention the U.N that wants such a ban being a hive of pedos on a larger scale, but gets swept under the rug when it doesn't suit the media's agenda.

Data is what matters, not one's feelings.
Zimerius: I do see why you have such a hard time grasping certain nuances. For example, for someone who's promoting data over feelings, you seem to jump quite fast to conclusions about what kind of grouping I belong too and how my responses are in said group. Or are you just into the gathering of knowledge and not so much the appliance of said knowledge in a sensible manner?

Again, if you fail to understand why certain aspects of anime fall into the same group of behaviour the world decided to ban out over these past couple of years, then i don't think we have much ground for discussion. I mean, if you can't even acknowledge my side of the story without falling into wordings such as dumb and stupid I can only wonder about if your aim is to discuss or to go to war? Personally i'm up for discussion atm but wars, for now, i'll keep restricted between my CPU and me thank you very much.

On another note, it is pretty hard to make a hard fist against something that is already illegal. I mean, you should expect from any reasonable man that he's willing to put rapists to death if he had his way right? Therefore why should your point belong in this discussion?
The point is, your whole argument doesn't even hold water unless you're a moralist. Whether you say one thing doesn't mean it encompass any form of truth. Your entire notion is based on your feeling for the matter. Hence, why I'd rather rely on data than blurt something out simply because I deem it so. This isn't a matter of a war in the discussion but rather me calling you out that if you feel it is, so then you should have data before making such claim.

It is made illegal by moralist and people that push things on feelings and not facts. Hence, why you can do more harm with good intention than one might realize. There are plenty of examples in the real world where certain people get protected by using fake moralistic views than anything that would be factually based.

You would normally say yes to that in any circumstance, but what you could do in the long run look at what made that behaviour to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Killing him won't automatically solve the larger problem.

Like I said, what if loli content would stop people from acting out? Wouldn't your eventual banning worsen the problem in the long run? Because moralist never think about the factual nature of things, other than what they themselves would like to see, and what they themselves expect to see from that result. They love deluding themselves to think that their answer is always the right and just one.

For instance, on the subject of real life that I just mention, I have shown people time and time again the facts behind them and still they believe in their own bubbled notion of my gut feelings matter more than your factual data. This even accounts for your style of "Think of the Children" When you confront them with what I just said about grooming gangs, they love overlooking that fact while still crying about fiction. Because moralist don't actual believe about addressing the issue and are just in it for their own ego and feel good moment.

My point falls under the same notion that moralistic people themselves created a culture these days that looks away at actual crimes based on certain criteria, but hold others to a higher standard for convenience’s sake. For instance, there is more outcry for the protection of fictional characters than there ever is for the real deal. Even you should know that the majority of real life crimes get ignored when it suits a certain agenda, it is mostly the moralist that screams the loudest that tend to end up being the biggest sexual predator.

Even my whole point is a more valid one, because my arguments are based on the real world events while yours are based on a moralistic view of a "What If" idea.

Like I said, unless you have data that proves otherwise, it's just your notion of fake alarmism.
low rated
Zimerius: I do see why you have such a hard time grasping certain nuances. For example, for someone who's promoting data over feelings, you seem to jump quite fast to conclusions about what kind of grouping I belong too and how my responses are in said group. Or are you just into the gathering of knowledge and not so much the appliance of said knowledge in a sensible manner?

Again, if you fail to understand why certain aspects of anime fall into the same group of behaviour the world decided to ban out over these past couple of years, then i don't think we have much ground for discussion. I mean, if you can't even acknowledge my side of the story without falling into wordings such as dumb and stupid I can only wonder about if your aim is to discuss or to go to war? Personally i'm up for discussion atm but wars, for now, i'll keep restricted between my CPU and me thank you very much.

On another note, it is pretty hard to make a hard fist against something that is already illegal. I mean, you should expect from any reasonable man that he's willing to put rapists to death if he had his way right? Therefore why should your point belong in this discussion?
Marcus-Havoc: The point is, your whole argument doesn't even hold water unless you're a moralist. Whether you say one thing doesn't mean it encompass any form of truth. Your entire notion is based on your feeling for the matter. Hence, why I'd rather rely on data than blurt something out simply because I deem it so. This isn't a matter of a war in the discussion but rather me calling you out that if you feel it is, so then you should have data before making such claim.

It is made illegal by moralist and people that push things on feelings and not facts. Hence, why you can do more harm with good intention than one might realize. There are plenty of examples in the real world where certain people get protected by using fake moralistic views than anything that would be factually based.

You would normally say yes to that in any circumstance, but what you could do in the long run look at what made that behaviour to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Killing him won't automatically solve the larger problem.

Like I said, what if loli content would stop people from acting out? Wouldn't your eventual banning worsen the problem in the long run? Because moralist never think about the factual nature of things, other than what they themselves would like to see, and what they themselves expect to see from that result. They love deluding themselves to think that their answer is always the right and just one.

For instance, on the subject of real life that I just mention, I have shown people time and time again the facts behind them and still they believe in their own bubbled notion of my gut feelings matter more than your factual data. This even accounts for your style of "Think of the Children" When you confront them with what I just said about grooming gangs, they love overlooking that fact while still crying about fiction. Because moralist don't actual believe about addressing the issue and are just in it for their own ego and feel good moment.

My point falls under the same notion that moralistic people themselves created a culture these days that looks away at actual crimes based on certain criteria, but hold others to a higher standard for convenience’s sake. For instance, there is more outcry for the protection of fictional characters than there ever is for the real deal. Even you should know that the majority of real life crimes get ignored when it suits a certain agenda, it is mostly the moralist that screams the loudest that tend to end up being the biggest sexual predator.

Even my whole point is a more valid one, because my arguments are based on the real world events while yours are based on a moralistic view of a "What If" idea.

Like I said, unless you have data that proves otherwise, it's just your notion of fake alarmism.
It is nice to see you finally found some sense. Well said though! Couldn't have said it any better, not even in my native language! It seems you could do with a pinch more of objectivism but, i'll answer you this one. Killing the rapist is indeed symptom fighting, like taking pain killer. It may not resolve the true problem, but it will prevent you from taking on a too strained of an attitude. Meanwhile saving money on jailers and other process costs. Personal opinion, of course. Now, if you would, you could take the last say in this argument since I don't see any reason to continue.
low rated
Marcus-Havoc: The point is, your whole argument doesn't even hold water unless you're a moralist. Whether you say one thing doesn't mean it encompass any form of truth. Your entire notion is based on your feeling for the matter. Hence, why I'd rather rely on data than blurt something out simply because I deem it so. This isn't a matter of a war in the discussion but rather me calling you out that if you feel it is, so then you should have data before making such claim.

It is made illegal by moralist and people that push things on feelings and not facts. Hence, why you can do more harm with good intention than one might realize. There are plenty of examples in the real world where certain people get protected by using fake moralistic views than anything that would be factually based.

You would normally say yes to that in any circumstance, but what you could do in the long run look at what made that behaviour to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Killing him won't automatically solve the larger problem.

Like I said, what if loli content would stop people from acting out? Wouldn't your eventual banning worsen the problem in the long run? Because moralist never think about the factual nature of things, other than what they themselves would like to see, and what they themselves expect to see from that result. They love deluding themselves to think that their answer is always the right and just one.

For instance, on the subject of real life that I just mention, I have shown people time and time again the facts behind them and still they believe in their own bubbled notion of my gut feelings matter more than your factual data. This even accounts for your style of "Think of the Children" When you confront them with what I just said about grooming gangs, they love overlooking that fact while still crying about fiction. Because moralist don't actual believe about addressing the issue and are just in it for their own ego and feel good moment.

My point falls under the same notion that moralistic people themselves created a culture these days that looks away at actual crimes based on certain criteria, but hold others to a higher standard for convenience’s sake. For instance, there is more outcry for the protection of fictional characters than there ever is for the real deal. Even you should know that the majority of real life crimes get ignored when it suits a certain agenda, it is mostly the moralist that screams the loudest that tend to end up being the biggest sexual predator.

Even my whole point is a more valid one, because my arguments are based on the real world events while yours are based on a moralistic view of a "What If" idea.

Like I said, unless you have data that proves otherwise, it's just your notion of fake alarmism.
Zimerius: It is nice to see you finally found some sense. Well said though! Couldn't have said it any better, not even in my native language! It seems you could do with a pinch more of objectivism but, i'll answer you this one. Killing the rapist is indeed symptom fighting, like taking pain killer. It may not resolve the true problem, but it will prevent you from taking on a too strained of an attitude. Meanwhile saving money on jailers and other process costs. Personal opinion, of course. Now, if you would, you could take the last say in this argument since I don't see any reason to continue.
I could care little what your stance on the rapist was, because I already knew where you would stand on this. You most likely were seeing if I was going to be moralistic on this matter. You seem to be bullshitting around the main fact I made about fiction and reality. With this admission. You seem to only want objectivism when it suits your agenda, seeing as you provided nothing more than alarmist words and fake notion of "what would you do" to see if I'd use a moralistic stance on a rapist.

You'd most likely kill anybody who even remotely seen a drawing of an underage character instead of looking at the facts, because he might a threat in the future, and we have to save on cost.

Your moronic future would most likely be that of the anime Pyscho-pass, where we just lock up people because of the "what if" idea.

Unlike you, it seems, I still believe in the law. Because there are still people that are innocent that get locked up because of simply a simple assumption of him being something he actually wasn't.
Post edited January 08, 2022 by Marcus-Havoc
paladin181: What does no mosaics even mean? It doesn't have piecemeal stone artwork..?
_Auster_: Erotic Japanese games need to be censored by law, with the censorship ranging from small bars drawn above what needs to be censored, to being completely covered. One of those types of censorship, and what is probably the most common in Japanese games, is mosaic censorship, where what needs to be censored gets its resolution extremely lowered and pixelated.

As far as I know, if a game on Jast says there are no mosaics, that means the game's erotic parts are completely uncensored.
Thank you so much for the explanation.
kn1000a: Hmm, came into the thread to see the hype and what people thought about the content of the game. Instead, it's predominantly politics, Nazi, and other stuff that's... not relevant nor on-topic? Stuff that affect most VNs shouldn't be specifically discussed in these game threads. A lot of people here should make use of the DM feature more, I think. Or make new threads on GOG about their stances on how censorship/underage law works.

If we're talking about the politic featured in the game, then hell yeah I'm interested.
Also, I think the ENG dub in the trailer could've been better, but hey using an ENG VA is rare even for JAST. The game itself is JP dubbed tho so not like I mind much.
The political corectness can actually have an impact on games, Movies, tv and so on
In fact it have several times had an impact on it
Examples include cencoring just based on feelings I.E the remastered commando games here on gog
casting Female characters in a Movie or tv series or even games that had male actors to begin with

The Most recent example
is James Bond, an iconic male character many whished to played by a female character just for the sake of appeasing people with feelings
Using a already etablished famous female character or making a new female character is out of the question
Its not like we have had Modesty Blaise , or other female characters that they coud draw upon on
oh no sir

Luckely it seams the director of James Bond didnt cave in to the pollitical correctness wave
Post edited January 09, 2022 by Lodium
low rated
Breja: I'm sorry, but that's a terrible, terrible excuse. It's a lame technicality on which to justify something intensely creepy.
Don't forget about the "1000 year old X", where X is an inexplicably young looking character obviously meant to be a stand in for a loli, but the author gets away with it, even though the art of them is enough to get everyone else in trouble.

And looking at Dead End Aegis, I can't help but think that this just looks like an overcomplicated version of Meet 'N' Fuck: Star Mission, a dumb hentai flash that's over a decade old at this point.

Edit: Readers, do yourself a favor and ignore the discourse in the middle of this second page. (Post 55 to Post 69.) (Assuming you have the forum set to maximum of 50 posts per page.)
Post edited January 09, 2022 by Darvond
The fact that Zimerius replied to the others, but evaded answering a very easy but uncomfortable question from me, perfectly demonstrates the hypocrisy and double standards of those who like to shout "boo hoo fictional characters offend me, ban them !!!111". Pathetic
Breja: I'm sorry, but that's a terrible, terrible excuse. It's a lame technicality on which to justify something intensely creepy.
Darvond: Don't forget about the "1000 year old X", where X is an inexplicably young looking character obviously meant to be a stand in for a loli, but the author gets away with it, even though the art of them is enough to get everyone else in trouble.

And looking at Dead End Aegis, I can't help but think that this just looks like an overcomplicated version of Meet 'N' Fuck: Star Mission, a dumb hentai flash that's over a decade old at this point.

Edit: Readers, do yourself a favor and ignore the discourse in the middle of this second page. (Post 55 to Post 69.) (Assuming you have the forum set to maximum of 50 posts per page.)
They should, why did you add another senseless "I is offended" post though ?
Post edited January 09, 2022 by Reaper9988
Reaper9988: They should, why did you add another senseless "I is offended" post though ?
I'm not offended, I'm jaded. Hence why I namedropped the flash of yore.