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Know nothing about this one. Is story any good?
Reaper9988: For me that is a pretty bleak future you're predicting heh, but to each his own.

Still doesn't apply to pure fictionary things, there is no minor to protect here
The ones in game aren't real,if there is any, and the ones outside should have parents that don't let them touch
The game is rated AO after all.

Of course some teen will find it, but that's just like smoking and drinking and all other forbidden things, part of growing up.

Zimerius: all fun aside. That is why i choose the examples such as the grid girls and jew cookies (or any other product that has a name someone could think of as insulting to groups of people or entire races). the job of a grid girl is in essence harmless right ? Not to mention the names of edibles that have had their signature mark for many years. Or national hollidays such as Sinterklaas for that matter where one white bloke travels through the Netherlands with his black helpers ;) << while in reality this saint helped slaves who were happy to etc etc etc
Grid Girls do it voluntarily and I really don't see the problem with Jew cookies, is Jew a bad word now ?
That is what i mean with superficial and hypocritical.

Still doesn't apply though, Grid Girls are real humans, also Grid girls are at an public event.
Jew cookies are, well I really don't know what the problem with that is, it was just a name change anyways,
A pointless one imo but if you want to change Loli to Rori, be my guest.

But anyways still doesn't apply, we are talking about private entertainment in which no one is hurt or bothered which paid employees have made.
It's a private entertainment, who exactly gets hurt when someone plays it ? No real human got bothered or hurt in any way.
Do you think it furthers real sexualization (in which case I'd need a few peer reviewed studies) or are you generally not liking pornography ?

TheGrimLord: I'm inclined to agree that English VA' s can do a great job. I just prefer my visual novels in Japanese, though oddly enough not JRPG's. I know, it's weird.

No sir, you're just promoting moral authoritarianism. Look, I don't like woke shit either. At all. But you're just as bad. What people need is the freedom to be an individual. If you want to get into adult stuff, it is your choice. If not, that is also your choice. That should be a basic human right, not one side saying "you should do as I say for a better tomorrow." These are the words of an authoritarian. You are more than welcome to start your own area of the world where you can pursue these aims and allow others who agree to join you. But you do not dare make this the norm. I do not agree with social authoritarianism on the left, nor moral authoritarianism on the right. There needs to be a level of balance. This is never achieved by tipping the scale towards one side, even if you believe it is the best outcome for all. To each his own, let every man have his own choice to pursue that which aligns with his will.
Zimerius: Just a simple example,

I like to have sex in public places were other people can see me interact.
Not private, other people can be bothered, doesn't apply
There is also a way to do that fully without bothering anyone that doesn't want to see it.
Amateur Porn is a thing.
Post edited January 08, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
Zimerius: all fun aside. That is why i choose the examples such as the grid girls and jew cookies (or any other product that has a name someone could think of as insulting to groups of people or entire races). the job of a grid girl is in essence harmless right ? Not to mention the names of edibles that have had their signature mark for many years. Or national hollidays such as Sinterklaas for that matter where one white bloke travels through the Netherlands with his black helpers ;) << while in reality this saint helped slaves who were happy to etc etc etc
Reaper9988: Grid Girls do it voluntarily and I really don't see the problem with Jew cookies, is Jew a bad word now ?
That is what i mean with superficial and hypocritical.

Still doesn't apply though, Grid Girls are real humans, also Grid girls are at an public event.
Jew cookies are, well I really don't know what the problem with that is, it was just a name change anyways,
A pointless one imo but if you want to change Loli to Rori, be my guest.

But anyways still doesn't apply, we are talking about private entertainment in which no one is hurt or bothered which paid employees have made.
It's a private entertainment, who exactly gets hurt when someone plays it ? No real human got bothered or hurt in any way.
Do you think it furthers real sexualization (in which case I'd need a few peer reviewed studies) or are you generally not liking pornography ?

Zimerius: Just a simple example,

I like to have sex in public places were other people can see me interact.
Reaper9988: Not private, other people can be bothered, doesn't apply
There is also a way to do that fully without bothering anyone that doesn't want to see it.
Amateur Porn is a thing.
Its just a matter of view. Child porn is banned in any country, Some of these erogee vn's seem to suggest just that
. Even if, and i find that matter debatable, the only thing the artist tries is to stay true to a drawing style. Nobody in their right minds can ignore the fact that those characters do look pretty underage. No matter how adult their behavior is in those comics. That is my whole gripe with this specific scene. Also, the amount of true hentai to be found online containing 'real' childporn is staggering and should be dealt with for the same reasons. The whole lolli thing might be better appreciated with a different approach but in essence, this remains the same as other actions taken throughout the western world to improve the situation concerning the way women are viewed, and how sex is perceived in general, be it homosexual, genderless and or whatever
_Auster_: The game's store page on Jast's own store has the tag "no mosaics", so likely AO and erotic.
What does no mosaics even mean? It doesn't have piecemeal stone artwork..?
high rated
Reaper9988: Grid Girls do it voluntarily and I really don't see the problem with Jew cookies, is Jew a bad word now ?
That is what i mean with superficial and hypocritical.

Still doesn't apply though, Grid Girls are real humans, also Grid girls are at an public event.
Jew cookies are, well I really don't know what the problem with that is, it was just a name change anyways,
A pointless one imo but if you want to change Loli to Rori, be my guest.

But anyways still doesn't apply, we are talking about private entertainment in which no one is hurt or bothered which paid employees have made.
It's a private entertainment, who exactly gets hurt when someone plays it ? No real human got bothered or hurt in any way.
Do you think it furthers real sexualization (in which case I'd need a few peer reviewed studies) or are you generally not liking pornography ?

Not private, other people can be bothered, doesn't apply
There is also a way to do that fully without bothering anyone that doesn't want to see it.
Amateur Porn is a thing.
Zimerius: Its just a matter of view. Child porn is banned in any country, Some of these erogee vn's seem to suggest just that
. Even if, and i find that matter debatable, the only thing the artist tries is to stay true to a drawing style. Nobody in their right minds can ignore the fact that those characters do look pretty underage. No matter how adult their behavior is in those comics. That is my whole gripe with this specific scene. Also, the amount of true hentai to be found online containing 'real' childporn is staggering and should be dealt with for the same reasons. The whole lolli thing might be better appreciated with a different approach but in essence, this remains the same as other actions taken throughout the western world to improve the situation concerning the way women are viewed, and how sex is perceived in general, be it homosexual, genderless and or whatever
Child porn is rightfully banned because children get hurt in the process..
No one is hurt in making fictional pictures.........that is what is so silly.
You seem to imply that these fictional characters make people more likely to become child molesters, there is no real evidence for that.

But there is no point in debating, you and I obviously stand on completely opposing points to most everything.
I don't want to get into a debate about identity politics here, not again anyways.
Post edited January 08, 2022 by Reaper9988
Dillerkind: I don't know this specific game but I believe with many Japanese games of that sort it's not the sexual content per se that's the problem. It's the (sexualization of) more or less underage-looking characters. I may be wrong of course, that's just the impression I get. If my memory doesn't play tricks on me, I've seen games released on Nintendo consoles that were NOT available in Germany supposedly due to loli-looking characters (I doubt that there's actual sexual content on Nintendo)
MarkoH01: That just shows how they don't understand a certain ARTSTYLE. The characters might look underage but they aren't. Please tell me one underage girl that is already working ... like I said. There is no sense in it just stupid regulations from some prude people who think that everyone and everything will destroy the children. Poo parents - unable to protect theit offspring from ... yes, I still don't know from what kids need to be protected when it comes to anime games. Even a hentai would not crush a child's soul. I simply don't beliebe in banning and censoring and I also don't believe in those so called dangers - never did and never will. And that was my final word on the matter.
I agree as long as the characters are based on fantasy/not real world people/character
An anime character in a visual Novel is based on fantasy in my book
If they had used actual kids from the real world i woud not be cool with it
Post edited January 08, 2022 by Lodium
high rated
Personally, I don't think discussions involving the terms "child molester", "underage" or "pedophile" should even be mentioned here in GOG forums. Despite the content or what some may think of this content, I don't think GOG or it's mods would appreciate this kind of chatter on their forums. I have a feeling that the mods are going to get tired of this and just start locking these threads altogether.
Post edited January 08, 2022 by TheGrimLord
high rated
Zimerius: ...
I am not sure if you are trolling or actually serious. I really hope it is the former because if it is the later then your "better tomorrow" sounds way too much like a fascist dystopia where every media, speech or thought are asceptized and policed.
I can't access the game?
low rated
MarkoH01: That just shows how they don't understand a certain ARTSTYLE. The characters might look underage but they aren't. Please tell me one underage girl that is already working ... like I said. There is no sense in it just stupid regulations from some prude people who think that everyone and everything will destroy the children. Poo parents - unable to protect theit offspring from ... yes, I still don't know from what kids need to be protected when it comes to anime games. Even a hentai would not crush a child's soul. I simply don't beliebe in banning and censoring and I also don't believe in those so called dangers - never did and never will. And that was my final word on the matter.
Zimerius: still, it is a difficult subject. How can you, as a society, rule out jew cookies, F1 racing girls but allow anime to presume its course unchecked? you can't, in my opinion
The only reason those other 2 were pushed out was because of certain political ideologies. Joden koek is alleen verandered door de ras jankerds en F1 zijn alleen verandered vanwegens het gejank van westerse feministen.

Meerderheid van F1- pit girls waren erop tegen want zo verdiende ze hun geld.

If you wanna play the moralist viewpoint, you can only find the truth of the effect of the underage character argument through factual data comparison. In this, there are a lot of lies and pitfalls. For instance, the grooming gangs in U.K.
In recent studies, they claimed that the majority of the abusers weren't the suspected Pakistani groups but so-called white people, Which was a lie, if you then go into the data it shows it's overwhelmingly Pakistani men doing the raping of young girls, but the media holds this fake veil over people's eyes.

The whole point in general is, Why do a group of men that don't consume any western media or media in general do more sexual abuse than the ones that constantly are exposed to such so-called harmful media?

As long as you don't data all of it you can't draw a fair conclusion, and you'll just become a moralist that can make up anything he finds questionable and demand he is morally superior because he thinks he is, not because of what the facts show.

But in general; subjects like these get swept under the rug in this generation because of political correctness, because in some people's eyes certain groups can never do wrong regardless of the facts.

Most people that claim that this fictional form harms real ones is a fallacy which isn't based on data but just on feelings.
Which seems to be the only thing people are running on these days.
TheGrimLord: Personally, I don't think discussions involving the terms "child molester", "underage" or "pedophile" should even be mentioned here in GOG forums. Despite the content or what some may think of this content, I don't think GOG or it's mods would appreciate this kind of chatter on their forums. I have a feeling that the mods are going to get tired of this and just start locking these threads altogether.
Yep I'm stopping it, this is supposed to be about the game.
lukaszthegreat: I can't access the game?
Do they thave to block AO content in the Norfolk Islands like in Germany/ Australia ?

If so, VPN if you want so see it.
Post edited January 08, 2022 by Reaper9988
Zimerius: Nobody in their right minds can ignore the fact that those characters do look pretty underage. No matter how adult their behavior is in those comics.
So if a fictional character is 12 years old, but looks like at least 25 years old you're ok then? Because you can't use both "only look matters, not specified age" and "only the specified age matters, not look" at the same time.

BTW, i know a girl that looks like a teenager, but was born in 1996. Following your logic she couldn't have sex because she looks pretty underage, huh?
Post edited January 08, 2022 by JuWalk
low rated
Zimerius: ...
Gersen: I am not sure if you are trolling or actually serious. I really hope it is the former because if it is the later then your "better tomorrow" sounds way too much like a fascist dystopia where every media, speech or thought are asceptized and policed.
The view I present is more or less based on the view of the current state of the world as a teenager that needs to be restricted for its own good, only to be able to reach adulthood in a more or less 'healthy' of body and mind state if she is guided and corrected in such a manner that a healthy growth is ensured :p

A bit of idealism which I hope is grounded in truth. There are a lot of things wrong in the world we live in, right? With abuse and violence around every corner. Some small things i mentioned are to me reactions to oppose abuse and violence. And like it or not, but humanity is also connection and responsibility. As an individual you and your spouse take a role for your kids for example. As a group, there actually exists a similar responsibility
low rated
Zimerius: still, it is a difficult subject. How can you, as a society, rule out jew cookies, F1 racing girls but allow anime to presume its course unchecked? you can't, in my opinion
Marcus-Havoc: The only reason those other 2 were pushed out was because of certain political ideologies. Joden koek is alleen verandered door de ras jankerds en F1 zijn alleen verandered vanwegens het gejank van westerse feministen.

Meerderheid van F1- pit girls waren erop tegen want zo verdiende ze hun geld.

If you wanna play the moralist viewpoint, you can only find the truth of the effect of the underage character argument through factual data comparison. In this, there are a lot of lies and pitfalls. For instance, the grooming gangs in U.K.
In recent studies, they claimed that the majority of the abusers weren't the suspected Pakistani groups but so-called white people, Which was a lie, if you then go into the data it shows it's overwhelmingly Pakistani men doing the raping of young girls, but the media holds this fake veil over people's eyes.

The whole point in general is, Why do a group of men that don't consume any western media or media in general do more sexual abuse than the ones that constantly are exposed to such so-called harmful media?

As long as you don't data all of it you can't draw a fair conclusion, and you'll just become a moralist that can make up anything he finds questionable and demand he is morally superior because he thinks he is, not because of what the facts show.

But in general; subjects like these get swept under the rug in this generation because of political correctness, because in some people's eyes certain groups can never do wrong regardless of the facts.

Most people that claim that this fictional form harms real ones is a fallacy which isn't based on data but just on feelings.
Which seems to be the only thing people are running on these days.
We do need to start somewhere too, right. If political correctness decides were to start i'm actually glad we start somewhere because the current situation still has a lot of points that could be improved on. Violence in games for example might be a bigger issue than these loli figures engaging in 'normal' life. But stories of school kids that are sexually exploited hold a much higher priority because of its impact. Start small, start with the easy extremities...... lol do it with the help from a life coach :D
Post edited January 08, 2022 by Zimerius
paladin181: What does no mosaics even mean? It doesn't have piecemeal stone artwork..?
Erotic Japanese games need to be censored by law, with the censorship ranging from small bars drawn above what needs to be censored, to being completely covered. One of those types of censorship, and what is probably the most common in Japanese games, is mosaic censorship, where what needs to be censored gets its resolution extremely lowered and pixelated.

As far as I know, if a game on Jast says there are no mosaics, that means the game's erotic parts are completely uncensored.