dnovraD: For what purpose do you intend to use this for?
Want to build a hobbie project for Android / iOS and another for Windows / Linux, but I've never "worked" on a "big" GUI project like the ones I want to create, alone.
First I tried setting up Cordova and Electron for the ease of HTML/CSS GUI creation, but I noticed, researching, that apps built with Electron tend to be badly optimized and I want it to work fast and well.
Then researched a bit about wxWidgets, GTK, and the most used ones. None of them were of my liking, although GTK seems pretty well used and documented enough for a GUI beginner.
Ended up learning about Slint, eGui, Iced and Tauri.
Slint and eGui called my attention, but people on the internet praise Iced a lot.
Rust called my attention the first time around 3 years ago as it was being publicized as being "Memory Safe, harder to commit memory errors like in C and blazingly fast.", but only now I decided to actually give it a try.
Already tried to use Rust/Slint and build a quickly little GUI app that is taught on their documentation. (The memory game)
Really fun process, not too hard to understand, but some things happens on the back that I couldn't figure it out what was happening.
I liked Slint because its GUI code look a lot like HTML/CSS editing process, and its absurdly well optimized with simple 2D programs apparently.
By creating this little program following their documentation I learned one thing that annoyed me, though:
The compile time in Rust is... eh.. not great.
So, any thoughts?
.Keys: ...should I learn Rust? [x] - Use Go. Its so Good!
[x] - Try Assembly first. Back in my day I used to.. (...)
[x] - No, never.
Nutty_the_Squirrel: no, it's just a trend promoted by (((them))) that's going to die off anyways, nothing can replace good old c and asm, they are THE timeless languages, though use go for a memory safe language since the guy who was involved in the creation of c was also involved in the creation of it so it must be another masterpiece (or atleast close) like c
What you mean by promoted by them? Who are them? Microsoft, Google and Amazon?
Do you mean that the engine around the "R" from "Rust" forms a Pentagram if you line them out? :P
You saying Rust is going to "die off" so easily contradicts the data I've been researching.
In the last couple years the use of the language actually increased by a lot.
Here are some sources showing its growth, usage and overall data:
https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/02/19/2023-Rust-Annual-Survey-2023-results.html And C will probably still be used for a hundred years simply because so many systems depend on it. Rust growth will, apparently, from the data, start to replace C code or places where C would be used.
And companies are indeed pushing Rust for its, eh, they indeed to like to repeat that, "Memory Safety features" and "Speed". xD
dtgreene: I'd say that yes, it's worth learning.
Rust does have some nice characteristics. For example, if you can get your code to compile, it very likely works as intended. Furthermore, if your code fails to compile, the compiler error messages are actually quite helpful.
I could also recommend learning a bit of Haskell, even if you don't plan to use it for serious code; it will introduce you to a programming paradigm that's very different from what you're used to, and much of it can be applied to modern languages.
(I'm actually writing a computer game in Rust; progress is slow but steady, and I don't get stuck with heisenbugs and other hard to find bugs nearly as often.)
Nutty_the_Squirrel: (...)
dtgreene: (I rejected Go because an unused variable is a hard error; also, the language doesn't play well with C the way Rust does.)
.Keys: [ ] - Let me show you how Python works everywhere!
dtgreene: It even works with Rust; you just need the pyo3 crate.
(On the other hand, Python isn't suitable for low-end microcontrollers; Rust, on the other hand, can be used there.)
Thanks for the tips.
Nice to know you're creating a game on Rust!
If I remember corretly you were using Godot, by some other post long ago.
Why did you stop? Or Godot supports Rust? I don't intend to use Rust for creating games, but it got me curious now.