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tfishell: S'more coming.

Preemptively before anybody asks me to tweet back again: get your own Twitter account. ;)
People swore with their soul that they ain't gonna get FB and Twitter accounts cuz datamines yadda yadda.

....or something like that. xD
Remastering a game is not all that bad as long as its for bug fixes and control overhaul.
They can also include original game as a bonus in remake version.
Anyway, imo I think we still need some missing, important bonus content and alt versions that people feel are important (not to mention fixes for some non-LA games), but then again I'm not the one buying all these games, so let the money talk. ;-)
HijacK: It's a troll. Don't mind him. Carry on with the thread.
hedwards: o,O
Original second post was deleted. The spammer that was around here was making no sense in this thread.
Come on, LucasArts, time for some more gOg

(it takes two to Tango)


Swoah-Tull! Swoah-Tull! Swoah-Tull!
I can't believe someone else remembers this thing.
Maybe the original Battlefront, too? You know, for collecting purposes?!
thejimz: I can't believe someone else remembers this thing.
Droidworks was honestly impressive in a few ways. Fully customizable character builds, including bipeds and wheeled droids, changing stages in really tiny ways on different difficulties not unlike the original GoldenEye... It's still a children's game, so it's kind of like comparing Pajama Sam with Monkey Island, but so what? Pajama Sam is great too!

Also it's completely unplayable on modern operating systems (even Windows XP - there are workarounds but they don't work for everyone), so if GOG can fix that, I know I'd be a happy nostalgic gamer.
Post edited August 09, 2015 by Blackdrazon
tfishell: S'more coming.

Preemptively before anybody asks me to tweet back again: get your own Twitter account. ;)
Whilst really good to see. You have been around long enough to know GOG have their own definition of "soon".
wolfsrain: Maybe the original Battlefront, too? You know, for collecting purposes?!
The problem is the third installment is also called Star Wars: Battlefront. They could always release the original here on GOG as Star Wars: Battlefront Classic.
getting more LucasArts games here should be doable. Disney just has to see that the games on GOG give a profit. Then more games will be sold here. So if you want more LucasArts games here, buy more LucasArts games here (and give them away, if you already own them). Basically, if you can afford it, you can just throw money at Disney via GOG until they fork over the remaining games. :-)
Lifthrasil: getting more LucasArts games here should be doable. Disney just has to see that the games on GOG give a profit. Then more games will be sold here. So if you want more LucasArts games here, buy more LucasArts games here (and give them away, if you already own them). Basically, if you can afford it, you can just throw money at Disney via GOG until they fork over the remaining games. :-)
I more think they're just biding their time knowing the rotation of people's wallets and game-budgets and are waiting until they think the most people have the most money so they can clean up quickly.
I am also hoping to see Curse of Monkey Island & Escape from Monkey Island.

I don't think CoMI needs anything but the SCUMMV adaptation to run on modern OSes, but a reworking of MI4's controls to mouse friendly wouldn't hurt my feelings a bit. I seem to remember grumbling at the keyboard controls fairly often, but I did enjoy much of the humor.
011284mm: Whilst really good to see. You have been around long enough to know GOG have their own definition of "soon".