onarliog: Of the plethora of games Degica has released, only a single one made it to GOG -- Crimzon Clover, and that was maybe after 1-2 years of delay, and without the latest patches or expansion. So I'd wager this will never arrive here.
omega64: Crimzon Clover got Patches and an expansion? O_o
Seems like there's an arranged soundtrack, I wonder if we have it in our version...
Well, I meant the arranged OST, which we GOGers didn't get. There was also a corresponding update that added support for the OST plus some other tweaks. "Blackbird" from Degica kept saying that we would be getting both here at some point (check out the game specific forums here), but alas, it never happened. Also Blackbird no longer works for Degica, and I believe there is nobody else monitoring the GOG forums in his place, so this is a lost cause.