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I like 4X and economic games so much, I even like "Build-A-Lot", which is not on For those who played it, does anyone know a similar game available at

The game's research consists of purchasing blue prints for better buildings (higher rent, or cost savings like a saw mill). You can ramp up from the "rambler" house all the way to a castle. I enjoy both the campaign and the levels where you aim for a certain level of assets. The games resources are workers, wood, and cash.

For those who played Build-A-Lot, what game do you think is closest to it?
sneakcity: I like 4X and economic games so much, I even like "Build-A-Lot",
It's only a model.
Maybe a model for Build-A-Lot 2 and 3 ("Passport to Europe"), which I've also played.
sneakcity: I like 4X and economic games so much, I even like "Build-A-Lot",
Breja: It's only a model.
Awesome. +1.
Really I'd prefer people interested in helping, rather than spamming my thread. Thanks.
sneakcity: Really I'd prefer people interested in helping, rather than spamming my thread. Thanks.
I'm sorry. I just found it so funny.
Unfortunately, I've never even heard of Build-A-Lot.
low rated
sneakcity: Really I'd prefer people interested in helping, rather than spamming my thread. Thanks.
(IT) can't help it,it's just a natural smart arse.
I've played the Build-A-Lot games, and they're pretty fun. I can't think of any game on GOG I'd compare them to though.
I never played that game, but from your description is sounds a little like Startopia .
Licurg: I never played that game, but from your description is sounds a little like Startopia .
Hmm, you know, I think you might be right. Theme Hospital is also along those lines now that I think of it. Both games are quite a bit more complicated than the Build-A-Lot games, but many of the concepts involved are the same.