RWarehall: And you just want to ignore the point that talk about suicide often encourages more?
Vainamoinen: I really hope no one here has made the argument in
this conflated, generalized, stupid and entirely incorrect manner!
The LGBTQ community will talk about the circumstances that led to the suicide, definitely, and they will do their very best to not just show ways out of those circumstances, but also supply those ways themselves.
There are tabloids which romanticize suicide, and as mass media products, they can definitely have a negative effect on suicide rates! Yet, surprise, we're definitely not talking about mass media here.
We're talking about people coming into LGBTQ communities looking for help in utter despair. When a person thinks of self harm, it's usually a good sign if the person openly speaks about these thoughts. When that happens, there has to be a reaction by the chosen online community. There has to be dialog. People have to talk about suicide. In detail. To prevent it. On this personal level, talking about suicide thoughts is indispensable to avoid suicide.
Want to shut them up, seriously?
On the other hand, nothing could be more important than exposing, denouncing, addressing the social circumstances that led to the suicide. And you will find plenty of that online. People in similar situations must be taught where they can find help, and they must be taught THAT there is help. All this doesn't encourage suicide, all this is definitely preventative. Strong voices that tell people that their parents are in fact wrong, that the person they found themselves to be is just a wonderful, a normal person, and that the extreme social pressure they are now experiencing is nothing but the clamor of bigots, religious extremists and other cis supremacists. There can not possibly be enough voices that drive these points home, particularly in your country's flyover states.
Want to shut those voices up, seriously?
But all this is about as off topic as it gets. Smoke screen built on smoke screen. Word spilt in vain in front of an audience that is set on not understanding. We're talking about suicide help 101 right now because gamergate supporters desperately want to avoid talking about strongly insulting, abusive and racist people in their very midst on this forum. They desperately want to avoid talking of any kind of forum moderation because they are well aware what thread and topics needs to be moderated most.
What obvious digression are we talking about next? I'm so excited to hear.
The endless Tale of a Tub.
Talk about classy...
"conflated, generalized, stupid and entirely incorrect"
"clamor of bigots, religious extremists and other cis supremacists"
"Smoke screen built on smoke screen."
"an audience that is set on not understanding"
"strongly insulting, abusive and racist people"
No wonder everyone thinks you are an arrogant jerk! Maybe you ought to read what people write and quit being an ass by attempting to take every God damn thing anyone says as out-of-context as possible...but reading comprehension isn't your strong suit...
I made my point but maybe YOU are the one who is too dense to see it.
Over and over again we hear this same argument without any of the context you mention above. Just transgenders have a high suicide rate, they need more rights. All I seem to hear on these forums in every discussion of the topic is how prone they are to suicide. There is no discussion about them getting counseling. There is no discussion about depression. Instead, it comes off as "transgenders are suicidal and its all of the rest of society's fault". You don't see how this can possibly be detrimental at all? You don't see how someone reading this, might off themselves trying to say, "see society made me do it". Are you that stupid? Are you so full of yourself that you can't even acknowledge that anyone else can have a differing opinion to your own?
And where did I try to "shut anyone up"? I am suggesting that maybe people shouldn't beat the "suicidal transgender horse" every take people are reluctant to spend billions of dollars building a third restroom in every public business. That maybe people can talk about this issue without bringing up "suicide" in every other sentence because I don't really think that is very helpful to the discussion and may be doing more harm than good.
No, but right now the only person being overly insulting is you, Vain. And just like almost every post you have ever made in these forums, you show your contempt for anyone who has a view which differs from yours. You are a perfect example of intolerance...