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Solaris - A. Tarkovsky
Seven Samurai - A. Kurosawa
Searcher - J. Ford
Mulholland Drive - D. Lynch
M - F. Lang
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - M. Stuart
That reminds me, need to be on the look out for that shithead who came in here two years ago and told everyone what happens in Force Awakens. He posted it in three different threads, two totally unrelated to the movie, or any movies, and claimed he had no idea why people were so pissed at him.

Fucker is bound to be back come this December.

Shit, I wish I could remember his name.


That's the asshole.

He also called me an idiot for liking the movie. Mind you, I am an idiot, but for so many reasons that have nothing to do with Star Wars.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by tinyE
Matewis: 2 years ago my boss did his best to avoid any info The Force Awakens related, but a visit to the cinema's lavatory beforehand ruined everything.
Breja: I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed much eariler. Like when he first saw A New Hope.
haha yeah I suppose
tinyE: That reminds me, need to be on the look out for that shithead who came in here two years ago and told everyone what happens in Force Awakens. He posted it in three different threads, two totally unrelated to the movie, or any movies, and claimed he had no idea why people were so pissed at him.

Fucker is bound to be back come this December.

Shit, I wish I could remember his name.
Thanks for the warning. I'm going to stay off the forum until I've seen the film then :P
Post edited August 31, 2017 by Matewis
tinyE: That reminds me, need to be on the look out for that shithead who came in here two years ago and told everyone what happens in Force Awakens. He posted it in three different threads, two totally unrelated to the movie, or any movies, and claimed he had no idea why people were so pissed at him.

Fucker is bound to be back come this December.

Shit, I wish I could remember his name.


That's the asshole.
Come on, do you seriously think anything in that movie is going to surprise you? They pretty much outright admitted already that it's an Empire Strikes Back remake. Unless you consider Rey losing her left hand instead of right a spoiler, I think we're safe.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by Breja
tinyE: That reminds me, need to be on the look out for that shithead who came in here two years ago and told everyone what happens in Force Awakens. He posted it in three different threads, two totally unrelated to the movie, or any movies, and claimed he had no idea why people were so pissed at him.

Fucker is bound to be back come this December.

Shit, I wish I could remember his name.


That's the asshole.
Breja: Come on, do you seriously think anything in that movie is going to surprise you? They pretty much outright admitted already that it's an Empire Strikes Back remake. Unless you consider Rey losing her left hand instead of right a spoiler, I think we're safe.
Someone is someone's father and I want to hear who FROM the movie, not some asshole in the forum. And if Luke is going to eat it, I want to learn that FROM the movie.

Because of that butt wipe I knew Han was a goner before the opening scroll of VII.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by tinyE
Breja: Come on, do you seriously think anything in that movie is going to surprise you? They pretty much outright admitted already that it's an Empire Strikes Back remake. Unless you consider Rey losing her left hand instead of right a spoiler, I think we're safe.
I wonder what the counterpart to the Cloud City visit is going to be. Though I wouldn't mind it at all if the film just visited Cloud City again. Seeing as epVII's characters (except the whappity wap dude) and story alienated me I don't have high hopes. But I might as well still go and enjoy the exotic SW locations, and I'd absolutely love a modern CGI treatment of Cloud City :P
Breja: Come on, do you seriously think anything in that movie is going to surprise you? They pretty much outright admitted already that it's an Empire Strikes Back remake. Unless you consider Rey losing her left hand instead of right a spoiler, I think we're safe.
Matewis: I wonder what the counterpart to the Cloud City visit is going to be.
The luxurious casino city of Canto Bight.

Like I said, they're not even hiding it anymore.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by Breja
i think I derailed another

Sorry Matewis.
tinyE: Because of that butt wipe I knew Han was a goner before the opening scroll of VII.
dude~! I've not yet seen it

way to fucking spoil it for me!

- I mean I probably won't ever see it and I think I might have already known that? so I'm mostly joking with ya, but, I may have eventually watched it and I'm not sure I'd have remembered knowing that

it's seriously no big deal pls try not to feel bad :þ
Post edited August 31, 2017 by drealmer7
tinyE: Because of that butt wipe I knew Han was a goner before the opening scroll of VII.
drealmer7: dude~! I've not yet seen it

way to fucking spoil it for me!
Wait, there are Star Wars fans who didn't know the only reason Harrison came back was to kill Han?
darthspudius: Wait, there are Star Wars fans who didn't know the only reason Harrison came back was to kill Han?
I would think most fans would have known he wanted the character killed off back in the original trilogy.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by drmike
darthspudius: Wait, there are Star Wars fans who didn't know the only reason Harrison came back was to kill Han?
I've stayed far away from anything new star wars because I was under the understanding that JJ Abrahms was in charge of the new series and he's just a ruiner.
Themken: Lady Snowblood has been filmed?! :-O
timppu: Loong time ago! No idea if they are any good, but it might be indeed I got to know them due to the Kill Bill movies, now that I think about it.
They're good, especially the first one.
tinyE: i think I derailed another

Sorry Matewis.
Lol no worries: my thread, my rules, and I say any thread like this one that has 1 or 2 pages relevant to the topic followed by polite discussions and lighthearted back and forths is a win, no matter the relevance of the latter to the topic.
darthspudius: Wait, there are Star Wars fans who didn't know the only reason Harrison came back was to kill Han?
drealmer7: I've stayed far away from anything new star wars because I was under the understanding that JJ Abrahms was in charge of the new series and he's just a ruiner.
Not that I agree with your hate of Abrams (seems we can't agree on anything), but you don't need to worry about that - he was only directing the first movie. I don't think he will have anything to do with any more, at least for the time being. Anyway, no director is really in charge of anything when it comes to Star Wars right now. They are only doing what the whatever commitee Disney has overseeing this tells them to do. The Rogue One reshoots and then the way they fired the two guys originally making the Han Solo movie made that pretty clear.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by Breja