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Tarm: Huh. I think I just got to know you. You're that boring person that can't think outside of your age or known horizon if it's not structured. Stop limiting yourself.
uhhh, no

not even close
Tarm: That statement needs clarification. What's wrong with Buffy?
drealmer7: dollhouse is the "best" thing Whedon did, and it is bad

firefly is the worst, and it is puketastic

Buffy is right in the middle and it is like "seriously? this got made and then a spinoff too?" - I think I watched 3 seasons of it wanting it to get good, but, noooop, same juvenile crap over and over and over with the standard crap writing
Buffy is known for taking grown up things cushioned in a High School envirinment. So you just came shooting like a square eyed kangaroo..
Tarm: That statement needs clarification. What's wrong with Buffy?
Breja: It's just so lame, it takes everything that makes vampire stories scary and cool and moody and makes it this high school drama with a high school girl fighting vampire with kung-fu. You know, at least in something like Fright Night the vampire is still a force to be in awe of, not to be kicked in the shins, scary, powerful and sexual in a creepy, predatory way, not some high school forbidden romance with a guy called Angel.
When did you watch it? Did you watch it after you've gone from school and got one with your life?

Buffy takes up a lot of maturity questions. Buffy have to care for her family the whole series. It's a theme. Care for your family.
Post edited September 02, 2017 by Tarm
Tarm: That statement needs clarification. What's wrong with Buffy?
Breja: It's just so lame, it takes everything that makes vampire stories scary and cool and moody and makes it this high school drama with a high school girl fighting vampire with kung-fu. You know, at least in something like Fright Night the vampire is still a force to be in awe of, not to be kicked in the shins, scary, powerful and sexual in a creepy, predatory way, not some high school forbidden romance with a guy called Angel.
and it's the same episode over and over and over again

"ohno a baddy popped up, I have to do some research to figure out what it is, and then kick its ass just like always"

does she even kill things? it's like Hercules action where it's all a bunch of noise and punching and throwing around yet somehow the bad guys die in the end
Breja: It's just so lame, it takes everything that makes vampire stories scary and cool and moody and makes it this high school drama with a high school girl fighting vampire with kung-fu. You know, at least in something like Fright Night the vampire is still a force to be in awe of, not to be kicked in the shins, scary, powerful and sexual in a creepy, predatory way, not some high school forbidden romance with a guy called Angel.
drealmer7: and it's the same episode over and over and over again

"ohno a baddy popped up, I have to do some research to figure out what it is, and then kick its ass just like always"

does she even kill things? it's like Hercules action where it's all a bunch of noise and punching and throwing around yet somehow the bad guys die in the end
Then you're not watching it. The flashy filming and action clipping is a jungle to get through. You're just dissing the surface.
Tarm: Then you're not watching it. The flashy filming and action clipping is a jungle to get through. You're just dissing the surface.
no I just don't remember because it was utter shit and my brain is nice to me in that regard

you're just a fanboi who can't see it for what it is

I definitely remember that there was NO flashy filming or action clipping, it was just B-value production aimed at a teeny bopper mainstream audience
Post edited September 02, 2017 by drealmer7
Breja: It's just so lame, it takes everything that makes vampire stories scary and cool and moody and makes it this high school drama with a high school girl fighting vampire with kung-fu. You know, at least in something like Fright Night the vampire is still a force to be in awe of, not to be kicked in the shins, scary, powerful and sexual in a creepy, predatory way, not some high school forbidden romance with a guy called Angel.
Not sure how much you know about the series/story, but there's actually a reason this particular high school girl can kick the vampires' asses. Not that I dispute much of what you say about it, mind you. My wife's a big fan of the series, but I just couldn't bring myself to watch more than a couple episodes.
Not to mention that Sarah Michelle Gellar couldn't act wet in a thunderstorm.
Yep, gotta agree on that.
Tarm: When did you watch it?
When the better shows went to commercials.

Tarm: Did you watch it after you've gone from school and got one with your life?
I'm not sure I ever got on with my life :D

Tarm: Buffy takes up a lot of maturity questions. Buffy have to care for her family the whole series. It's a theme. Care for your family.
You could say as much about The Jetsons :P

GR00T: Not sure how much you know about the series/story, but there's actually a reason this particular high school girl can kick the vampires' asses.
I know, but it doesn't make it any better. That's not how vampire hunting should look like. I really hate what modern pop culture has done to vampires, and I think it all pretty much begins with Buffy.
Post edited September 02, 2017 by Breja
buffy is so frikken juvenile there are no deep or mature themes or really any themes other than

"OMG I like this guy but he's no good for me what do I do?!" and some other middle school drama crap that shouldn't even be drama in MS
drealmer7: buffy is so frikken juvenile there are no deep or mature themes or really any themes other than

"OMG I like this guy but he's no good for me what do I do?!" and some other middle school drama crap that shouldn't even be drama in MS
Breja answered me with nonsense so no answer from me there but you the same? How about the theme where Buffy is not fitting in while getting into a new school and her mother is struggling to find a way.
Where she covers for her mother.

You only see the action monster a week you miss the long run.
drealmer7: buffy is so frikken juvenile there are no deep or mature themes or really any themes other than

"OMG I like this guy but he's no good for me what do I do?!" and some other middle school drama crap that shouldn't even be drama in MS
Tarm: Breja answered me with nonsense so no answer from me there but you the same? How about the theme where Buffy is not fitting in while getting into a new school and her mother is struggling to find a way.
Where she covers for her mother.
handled in a complete moronic juvenile way that doesn't even actually dig at or address the theme on any level of depth

like Joss Whedon (the writers) is aware of the existence of such things but has no emotional maturity to be able to understand or deal with it on any meaningful level

also, some unfoldings (that are of no suprise to many) you might want to be aware of regarding Joss Whedon, you might want to do some research on recent happenings with him (search Joss Whedon feminism or joss whedon ex wife)
Post edited September 02, 2017 by drealmer7
are you two still arguing about that stupid show? :P

What's next, we start threatening each other over our differing opinions of "I Dream Of Jeanie"?
Tarm: Breja answered me with nonsense so no answer from me there but you the same? How about the theme where Buffy is not fitting in while getting into a new school and her mother is struggling to find a way.
Where she covers for her mother.
drealmer7: handled in a complete moronic juvenile way that doesn't even actually dig at or address the theme on any level of depth

like Joss Whedon (the writers) is aware of the existence of such things but has no emotional maturity to be able to understand or deal with it on any meaningful level

also, some unfoldings (that are of no suprise to many) you might want to be aware of regarding Joss Whedon, you might want to do some research on recent happenings with him (search Joss Whedon feminism or joss whedon ex wife)
Understood where you're coming frong. You're dredging. Also you're projecting your childhood into this conversation.
tinyE: are you two still arguing about that stupid show? :P

What's next, we start threatening each other over our differing opinions of "I Dream Of Jeanie"?
Shit, I'll have to sit that one out. I had to google it to even know what the hell it is.
tinyE: are you two still arguing about that stupid show? :P

What's next, we start threatening each other over our differing opinions of "I Dream Of Jeanie"?
Breja: Shit, I'll have to sit that one out. I had to google it to even know what the hell it is.
Gilligan's Island?
Breja: Shit, I'll have to sit that one out. I had to google it to even know what the hell it is.
tinyE: Gilligan's Island?
I heard of that one at least. No idea what it's about though. Those old american sitcoms didn't exactly have much of an impact over here.