IV is far better a game than III. III is just so limiting, which is weird, seeing as II felt even better.
See in III, they introduced the idea of strategic resources, which basically mandate that you need X to use Y Tech. This would be a good idea if the game ever bothered to spawn more than one (per) at a time, and they didn't have a random chance per turn to slip away to another location. So the Railroad, one of the most useful techs in the game requires
two of these, and I've had games where it turns out coal (or worse, iron) was sitting on some island just off to the side of the super continent, out of reach of most early game boats.
I made a post about this. Also, due to various mechanics, the use of popcorn strats is mandated for any useful empire growth. This wastes a lot of startup time, as rather than cultivating your empire from within with workers, or generating trade with roads, you are instead encouraged to throw settlers everywhere.
Also, Civ IV is still getting mod updates and considered the crown of the series so far, whereas I'm not really aware of any kind of modding scene for III.