pimpmonkey2382.313: Agreed with CT, but with FF6 it basically just felt like "find everyone then just go kill the badguy" the quality of writing took a nose dive at that point in the plot.
We need to take into consideration that by the time one gets to that part in FF6, a typical Chrono Trigger playthrough is already over. FF6 is approximately 150% as long as Chrono Trigger and the problem is not that FF6 has worse writing, there is arguably even more good writing than in Chrono Trigger quantity wise but the good stuff is spread out over a longer playtime and more sparse in the 2nd part if one plays all the side quests of which not all are equally interesting. Charaterization is deeper and more mature in FF6, although one has to point out that only half of the playable characters are well developed and interesting so the relevant character roster in both FF6 and Chrono Trigger are pretty much the same size with FF6 having an edge due to depth and detail.
The never-ceasing random battles contribute towards bloating FF6's playtime in a major way without adding content so while FF6 does have more total content and takes 50% longer to complete than Chrono Trigger, FF6 doesn't have 50% more content. One big difference between FF6 and Chrono Trigger is that you can see the entire content of FF6 in a single epic playthrough by doing all the side quests and everything whereas Chrono Trigger requires you to restart the game in new game+ mode to see everything. So FF6 caters more to patient and enduring people who like to 100% a game in one take whereas Chrono Trigger caters more to people who enjoy searching for all the different endings via replaying but want each playthrough to be more streamlined and more consistently engaging. FF6 is like a classical opera with some low key subtle parts whereas Chrono Trigger is a classical symphony with more drive and little slack. Comes down to personal preference in the end.
Most of the replay hours in Chrono Trigger are going to consist of content one has already seen during the first playthrough so that balances out with the repetitiveness FF6 players endure with random battles against standard mobs. Chrono Trigger makes the repetition less painful because you can quickly blitz through the game in new game+ mode and focus on the different story options without being held up much by redundant combat. I'd say that in the end, both games provide about the same amount of quality content, FF6 just spreads it out over more hours. Makes it feel more epic but also more of a drain in some parts, just like an opera if I may make the comparison again. This drain builds up tension though so in a way it contributes towards the game's total epicness, even if I normally prefer streamlined content delivery à la Chrono Trigger and consider the latter better design. Especially nowadays where I have reduced patience.
The 25 hour mark seems to be a magical sweet spot up to which point RPG games remain fresh and don't overstay their welcome and Chrono Trigger ends around that mark, perfectly timed. Practically no game can avoid pacing issues, repetitiveness and average player fatigue after that time mark and it also depends on the patience levels of each individual. Final Fantasy titles are generally more drawn out and require quite a bit of personal investment and stamina, sometimes too much. Chrono Trigger is designed in such a way that it delivers its payload more quickly and evenly, and for many players this will be translate to better design and more enjoyment whereas for the slower paced endurance players, Final Fantasy can result in an overall more memorable experience.