Crosmando: Dating a woman these days is a coin flip, there's a chance you get someone who is somewhat approaching "normal", but there's also a chance you'll get someone with a screw loose who will flip out and try to ruin your life.
I'm lucky to be out of the dating pool. My fiancée is great. She also seems to think a huge number of women these days are a bit nuts so we've discussed these sorts of things like reasonable adults who care about each others respective opinions. I have two major takeaways.
1. It's not just women. I probably notice it more in women since I'm a straight male and have known many women who didn't act like some today. Women also have more of a platform today. Women have been in the workforce in numbers since the late 70s but there was no social media. There weren't too many women with a platform in traditional media either and those that were likely were handpicked. So I get why it seems like it's just women but I think people in Westernized countries(no idea about elsewhere) are just different in the past decade or so. Maybe independent in a negative narcissistic way. Hyper capitalistic. Also I feel we have a major victimhood problem where people get social clout by touting every struggle so that can of course lead to lies. If you've ever felt like a victim, it sucks. I want more people avoiding that entirely. Scars can be a badge of honor but they should also be a learning experience.
2. There isn't a litmus test. Sorry. It sucks but there are too many factors. It'd be so much easier if you could say "oh she follows this trend so she's automatically terrible" or "he's a football/soccer fan so he's scum". Doesn't work that way. You gotta talk and get close enough to see what the deal is. That means you can get burned but the same applies to the other person. Hopefully you're both not pieces of shit and don't do that to each other, but be careful trying to develop any broadstroke purity test. Other then "she's hot" I had little connection to my fiancée and was confused by some of her interests. I would have missed out though if I wrote her off.