NuffCatnip: Pretty much did the exact opposite, their stunt only harmed women.
DoomSooth: How did it hurt them? They weren't really punished and I doubt they have the means to pay him. He doesn't just magically get the money. There was a good chance that he could have ended up in prison. There's no way they would have. Some people will always assume he's guilty just because of the accusation. Females are almost never punished when they lie about things like this. "If we punish them for lying, it could keep females that would be telling the truth from reporting someone."
Society treats them and certain other people like they're misguided children. Males are always thought of as guilty, even when they aren't, after they've been accused.
In case of real abuse, some people will take this instance as say something along the lines of 'see, this is going to be exactly like the one time Chris Avellone was accused, nothing happened' and brush it aside.
I couldn't care less about these two money-grubbing clowns and yes, they got off the hook easily, but I stand by what I said, they hurt the credibility of real victims.
Regarding the bold part, where I'm coming from that doesn't matter. You're innocent until proven guilty. Not the other way around.
Edit: I won't respond further as this thread is most likely going to turn into a dumpster fire within a day.