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I have nearly all modern ARPG games but I can't choose any game and I want a reason . Lastly I am interested with Grim Dawn , Victor Vran and Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut . Anyways I have other ARPG games too like Diablo 3 and expansion . Even I have older ARPG games . Help to me for choose one of them and give to me some advices about pros and cons etc .
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Okay,the first one sucks (you clear out a section and go back to town then go back and fight your way through them again) and the other two I haven't tried.
Post edited November 11, 2016 by Tauto
Seems no one playing ARPG games in these days :D
Tauto: Okay,the first one sucks (you clear out a section and go back to town then go back and fight your way through them again) and the other two I haven't tried.
Err, in Grim Dawn (and it's predecessor Titan Quest) you can teleport back to base and back to spot you teleported from. There are also rift gate pretty much in some part of each region you can teleport to so you never have to walk back and forth if you don't want to. And monsters do not respawn instantly. Maps are fully repopulated only if you exit and reload the game (don't remember if the region you're on is repopulated. It's been awhile).
Post edited November 11, 2016 by Petrell
Skysect: Seems no one playing ARPG games in these days :D
I've been playing so many of them lately. >_<
Tauto: Okay,the first one sucks (you clear out a section and go back to town then go back and fight your way through them again) and the other two I haven't tried.
Petrell: Err, in Grim Dawn (and it's predecessor Titan Quest) you can teleport back to base and back to spot you teleported from. There are also rift gate pretty much in some part of each region you can teleport to so you never have to walk back and forth if you don't want to. And monsters do not respawn instantly. Maps are fully repopulated only if you exit and reload the game (don't remember if the region you're on is repopulated. It's been awhile).
Err,I know about the teleporters.I found you go through one section and the respawns are way too fast.It's just a hack and slash and they do get a bit boring.
You have only to look at my avatar to know that my suggestion can be no other than Path of Exile. You don't mention it in your post, so I can't tell if you have it or not. But since the game is free, that's not even an issue.

The pros of PoE are too many to post here, but I'll try giving you a general idea. It's been said by many to be one of the best ARPGs ever, second only to Diablo 2. It's incredibly complex, there are plenty of builds to choose from; an innovate skill system: you have skill gems that you can pick from the ground as loot, or buy (cheap) from vendors and these will be your skills. They slot into your equipment and you can change them at any time. It's pretty neat. The (massive) skill tree only has passive skills, like more life, more mana, armour, evasion, accuracy, etc. And also some more build defining skills, for example, Blood Magic will take all your mana away and make you use your life pool to cast skills, or Chaos Innoculation, which gives you immunity to chaos damage, but your life is 1. Stuff like that.

The end game is, again, quite innovative. You get these maps (there are 15 tiers of them) where you go in, kill mobs, kill boss, get loot. The thing is, you can craft these maps just like any other piece of gear. Do you spend a lot of money crafting the map, in hopes of good loot, or you just craft it once and go? There are other end game options, bosses you can farm. You choose how you want to spend your end game.

The currency system. There is no gold. There are several different currency types, in the form of orbs. These orbs can be used to craft items (an orb of transmutation, for example, will transform a normal item into a magic item, while an orb of alteration will change the mods in a magic item). But they are also currency, if you want to trade with vendors, or with other players, it's what you use and you have to be aware of ratios. They're fairly static, though. It sounds more complicated than it is.

Their business model is one of the fairest you will find in any free game. The microtransactions are, for the most part, just cosmetic. The exception being stash tabs. You get four of these for free, which many people find enough. I don't. I'm a hoarder. I bought loads of them.

The playerbase: less toxic than in other games. Stay away from global chat, though. Reddit is where you want to go for questions.

What else? The developers are amazing, always interacting with the community, listening to all our whining and the game is in constant expansion (next year a new act will be added). I can't stress this enough. PoE developers have ruined every other company for me, they are fantastic in their approach.

Did I mention the game is free?

Cons: The lore is meh. It's nothing special, don't expect Diablo-like lore. The ambience is fantastic, though.

It's online only. Even though you can play the game as single player, without trading, or partying, you can't play it offline.

It can be a bit overwhelming for a new player. There are so many new things to learn and there's no hand holding throughout the game. You will have to go to the wiki occasionally to know what stuff means.

You may get addicted and your wife/husband will probably leave with the kids. It will be worth it, though.
If you want Victor Vran for free, Message me. I got an extra copy from the sale for purchases. I love Grim Dawn and Titan Quest. Much more than Van Helsing or Victor Vran. And the original Van Helsing is far better than the Final Cut IMO.
Tauto: Err,I know about the teleporters.I found you go through one section and the respawns are way too fast.It's just a hack and slash and they do get a bit boring.
That's ARPG's for you. The whole point is to grind XP and loot either alone or with friends hacking and slashing your way thru thousands of generic mobs and occasional boss monster. ;-p
BlackSithis: "Path of Exile stole my life and I love it for that!"
Path of Exile is good, but it just never really sat well with me. I played it a lot (got well into Act 3) before I decided I wasn't going to sink any more time and energy into figuring it out. It is good, but I personally can't endorse it as great as you do. I feel like Grim Dawn is a better game. The atmosphere and systems are simply fantastic. Plus being built in the Titan Quest Engine really helps because that hit the nail on the head of what a good ARPG needs to be. And Grim Dawn doesn't require Steam (if you buy here) or to be online at all after you download it.
Path of Exile starts shining once you hit the higher levels, 65~ onwards. This is when your build usually gets those last bits that it needed. It's hard to explain, but the skills evolve with you. The way supporting skills work, you won't be getting those last ones until you're finally able to support their mana cost, or get that essential piece of gear. This means they may feel a bit sluggish at the beginning, but they'll feel much better once you start levelling them up. More importantly, it's when you start mapping, which is the true essence of PoE. Reaching Act 3 is not having played a lot, it's having taken a quick peek at the game and checked out the basics :P (many skills gems aren't even available until then). Normal difficulty is basically a tutorial.

I think they're different styles of ARPG though. I can't talk about Grim Dawn, as I haven't played it yet (my shitty laptop can't play the intro, so I'm waiting until I can get a decent PC). I played the first Act while it was still in development, but that was it. I have played Titan Quest, though, which I lov. However, I feel that both GD and TQ are more of a one run type of experience. You play it once, maybe twice to try another build, but there's nothing really new after that. There's no end game. PoE is all about the end game. It's about trying all the different builds and experimenting with stuff to see if it works (or not).

Path of Exile doesn't require Steam. You can play the standalone. It is only online, though, as I have mentioned in my original comment.
Tauto: Err,I know about the teleporters.I found you go through one section and the respawns are way too fast.It's just a hack and slash and they do get a bit boring.
Petrell: That's ARPG's for you. The whole point is to grind XP and loot either alone or with friends hacking and slashing your way thru thousands of generic mobs and occasional boss monster. ;-p
And sifting and sorting through a veritable freighter-load of loot, to try to find the small handful of actual decent pieces. At least pseudo-crafting these days removes some of the drudgery.


To the OP: Played the older Divine Divinity games? The first 2 are available in the sale for less then 2 bucks.
Tauto: Err,I know about the teleporters.I found you go through one section and the respawns are way too fast.It's just a hack and slash and they do get a bit boring.
Petrell: That's ARPG's for you. The whole point is to grind XP and loot either alone or with friends hacking and slashing your way thru thousands of generic mobs and occasional boss monster. ;-p
ARPG's will be avoided by me from now on:)
Petrell: That's ARPG's for you. The whole point is to grind XP and loot either alone or with friends hacking and slashing your way thru thousands of generic mobs and occasional boss monster. ;-p
HereForTheBeer: And sifting and sorting through a veritable freighter-load of loot, to try to find the small handful of actual decent pieces. At least pseudo-crafting these days removes some of the drudgery.


To the OP: Played the older Divine Divinity games? The first 2 are available in the sale for less then 2 bucks.
Yes I played them years ago but I got a gaming pc yesterday . So I prefer to play newer games :)
Post edited November 11, 2016 by Skysect
Do you like tower defense mixed in with your ARPGs? If not, avoid Van Helsing. There are forced tower defense sequences. I did enjoy the moments of lighter humor, though, and the actual ARPG part is fun.

I haven't yet played Victor Vran, though I own it, so I can't comment on how it compares to the other two.

Grim Dawn is mechanically excellent, the gameplay and the character builds really shine, but true to its name, it's unrelentingly grim in tone. Not for the easily depressed.