Geralt_of_Rivia: No, the time is correct.
He is listing Euro prices from his point of view (Germany), which because of regional pricing is a valid information, but not the time. He lists time in UTC not in CET. And since CET is UTC+1 midnight in UTC is 01:00 in CET.
D'oh. I was afraid I'd somehow missed something important. My still-sluggish brain managed to miss the "UTC"
even though it was in part of the text I quoted. -_-
Personally, I would've found it more useful to have the time each game was added to the sale queue, plus the initial amount of time in the countdown at that time (listed separately), but I'm not the one keeping the list, so I'll just shut up. :)
thomq: UTC, not CET. When I figure it from my timezone by converting it to UTC it works fine for me.
Yes, see above. Basically, my brain decided that, because he was using German prices, he was
obviously using German time, as well.