nightcraw1er.488: Oh can get death rally for free on Zoom platform: LifeLover: Death Rally is also free in Steam, but Steam ≠ GoG ≠Epic Games Store ≠ Ubisoft, that's why I want the game release in Gog store.
P.S. Zoom Store as I understand some kind of subsidiary of GoG? or not...
No, they're their own thing. Completely different from GOG. Their primary focus is of course, old games.
nightcraw1er.488: Oh can get death rally for free on Zoom platform: LifeLover: Death Rally is also free in Steam, but Steam ≠ GoG ≠Epic Games Store ≠ Ubisoft, that's why I want the game release in Gog store.
P.S. Zoom Store as I understand some kind of subsidiary of GoG? or not...
I think my post may have been deleted or GOG forum on mobile is screwing up again, but Zoom are not affiliated with GOG. They are their own platform and going after classic games in particular, which is gonna be odd now considering that GOG say they're going to do the same. Who's going to get the rights first? GOG, Zoom or both? These are very interesting times.