mike_cesara: for less than 1€ you can grab any of these great classics!
Populous drmike: I'd go for the third one in the series:
https://www.gog.com/game/populous_the_beginning I know I hated the first one simply because of that tiny window.
Ha! I did play the demo version only, quite long time ago.. As far as I can remember the demo of Populous The Beginning was bundled with SimCity 3000 CD, the game my second half used to spent hours and hours almost every bloody day ; )
I have to play the full version yet, already waiting in my library.
As for tiny windows.. I'm use to play on screens from 9" to 43" actually, on the biggest one every game looks great for me : D
edit: I think everyone interested in the game should grab whole serie at once. For this price it's a steal..
And there are many more cheap as chips games one the sale. Hard to imagine for someone who had to work a whole week to buy Quake ; )