BlueMooner: You can watch other series by the same group as Gamers.
Dorkness Rising
Hands of Fate
Humans & Households
Those I got from GOG. Plus "Natural One", I think.
BlueMooner: JourneyQuest
Standard Action
Aha! JourneyQuest is series I started watching. Nice one! It seemed fun and high production values. Nicely done. I think I did not bookmarked it because I thought I would remember where to find it (in the same channel for "The Gamers"). But then I forgot
why I tought I would reach it again. Thank you.
Standar Action is new to me. I will check it out.
BlueMooner: Also
Legend of the Lich Lord
Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager
The Guild
I saw some episodes from "The Guild", but it never clicked to me. Maybe because it seemed to focus more on the players, or perhaps it was the intro and outro that I had to skip when watching multiple episodes in a row. The others are new to me.
BlueMooner: And a sorta-video series
DM of the Rings
Oh, I remember reading that one. Yeah, it was funny, but not as great as the "Order of the stick". Though you are right in that the OotS did not feature any players, just the characters. Still, bought all the books I could find.
Thank you for your fine suggestions, BlueMooner.
rtcvb32: There's Stuff of Legends (...)
Oh, but it looks fun. I will watch it.
rtcvb32: I think Dead Gentlemen (
Zombie Orpheus) are the only ones to really do D&D right,
Forgive my ignorance, but is there any relation between Dead Gentlemen and Zombie Orpheus?
rtcvb32: I get the feeling it will never finish. Not only that they have to replace so many of the actors that were so awesome in the first season. :(
Oh, I had no idea. I only saw about half the first season. I am sad to learn it does lower its level and it was not concluded.
I think it is always unfair to replacement actors. The original actors never had to deal with a "before".