White_Barry: Do you mean like a walking simulator where the developers shoe-horn in various messages from a perspective that they believe most people do not experience or give much thought to and at the end of the "game" one is supposed to think, for example, "Golly-gosh-shucks-gee-willackers! I never realised lobsters had it so bad. Quick wife o' mine! Fetch me a hashtag!!! Ah perfect!
#LobstersHaveItBadToo. That'll learn 'em to dis lobsters". And before you know it the [Your Nation Here] Gubment is passing Lobster Legislation. Or do you just want something that is going to alter your perspective on a personal, inner journey kind of way?
Fairfox: i feel youre teasin :P, buuut givin' benefit of doubt (always!) an' answerin' sincere lee, not so much 'preach' gamies. i feel if anythang active lee preaches, beeee it gamies, movies, even music, then teh product has failed in its attempt/job @ conveyin' its message in a wai taht peeps will take to heart an' mebbe be affected by
...liek, i kno most everythang has shades to it, an' much is cynical (sigh) or subtle or whatevs, buuut when you get to full-on skoolin', peeps tune out in droves. nobody needs a lecture, y'kno-ho
so yah, moar personal. dont have to be in big wais, tho tahts fine too-too, if moar... dramatic (?) an' unusual (??). i lieked teh post 'boot animals. imma real animal lovah sooo taht gets me in teh feelz
It looks almost like you're on a spiritual quest for enlightenment. Some games can have a sort of pseudo-mystical feel, like some of the Myst games or Zork Nemesis and so on. Especially if you play them late at night with all the lights out and burn some incense and put on some Indian restaurant music.
Alternatively if it is inner enlightenment you're seeking I don't want to encourage anyone take mind altering substances, especially if they are illegal in your neck of the woods. But I would suggest maybe yoga and/or meditation. Of course meditation can take years, even decades unless you intend to do it three hours a day and even then there's no guarantee. And then there's always the risk you may