dtgreene: Here is the thing: If the original content is sufficiently bad, as I believe it is in this case, it will cause enough people to not buy the game (and could easily trigger boycotts) that censoring it is, indeed, the most sound business decision.
For the original content to be so bad that enough people (a large majority) might agree to boycott / censor it, it would basically
require for it to be literally on the level of "Ethnic Cleaning" (nazi-propaganda game, google at own risk), or otherwise outright illegal, and frankly, at that point neither have the devs any intention to change it, since they intentionally made such a game / movie / etc to begin with, nor do their customers care, given what they just bought.
And in any case that doesn't fall under the above category (hateful propaganda games), having dimwits call for censors actually increases their sales (look GTAV, or Hatred, which sold far more than it would have without people calling for censoring), especially if the devs don't bow / give in. As lots of people who are against censorship will now protest-buy it to offset the almost inexistant loss made by these people and reward the devs / publishers for standing up to them.
dtgreene: If I were in the market for the game and heard about this support conversation, it would actually be bad enough for me to not get the game, and to tell others not to get the game.
YOU. Most sane adults would either not give a fuck about it instead of being a huge drama llama (just one line of text among about 100k to 1M ) or buy something they like instead of forcing others to change things just because "they" don't approve.
And if a friend really told me to not get a game for such a fallacious reason, I'd either laugh in their face and tell them to mind their own business... or ask them if they're alright in the head.
There is a huge difference in proportion between a single line / bad joke and a genocide simulator promoting nazi-culture. Sadly some peope have such issues in their head that they literally need to blow everything out of proportion and can't distinguish between real issues and complete bullshit.
dtgreene: Edit: Another point; I wouldn't be surprised if some later Japanese versions of this game end up having this support conversation replaced with something more tame.
I doubt it. Japan doesn't give a rats ass about offended gaijins (just look at some nice tweets from a known japanese dev about how some whiners can suck his "guess what" ). Japanese companies rarely care about the western market, and instead focus mostly on the domestic one. And rather than censoring something like this, they would rather just not release abroad (at least they know their customers and rather care about their opinion than that of non-buyers... western devs should really start taking example on this)