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pearnon: You can stop hitting that strawman. No one is fighting against empathy or the usage of people as scapegoats here.
Telika: Quite the ballsy lie, there.

This whole "woke" psychosis is purely political. Not even ideological, but political. It's a reaction (in the reactionary sense) to racism and sexism being problematized. It's just an irritation and a vague scare at the realization that anti-racism, sexual parity and inclusion (and even ecological concerns) are getting recognized as unavoidable concerns in all aspects of society. It clashes with conservative values, and worse, it echoes the values with which progressives have been guilt-tripping conservatives for ages. It represents the enemy, the "them". Therefore it has to be designated as the threat, the cause of everything bad. No matter how contrived the reasoning (after all, it has to make "antiracism is bad" sound different from "racism is good", and just having to resort to such awkward mental gymnastics is a source of irritation, as it's an implicitly conceded victory of the opponent's "racism is bad" position).

And you end up with that. Take average, disappointing or just bad commercial movies, and try to relate their flaws (even when you clearly analyse them, as unrelated factors) to matters of diversity and social representation. "Look there is a plot hole, this is because they hired a black actor, if they had a white actor they wouldn't have had that plot hole".

Pure us-vs-them panic, on the side of embarrassed evil. Pure politics. And if mods consider this post here too "political" because it scratches the thin paint over the stakes of such "discussion", then better just lock the thread. Because this is the actual dialogue that has been going on all the long, since post 1.
Nicely put
No surprise, they were trying to hire "Agile" engineers a while back. Have you ever read the ethos of agile? It's grade A marketing bullshit.

CDPR, leanings or otherwise really enjoy chasing worthless buzzwords.

Addendum: Boy, this would be a fun thread if bans/probations/permabans were privy to the public.
Post edited October 16, 2022 by Darvond
Telika: This whole "woke" psychosis is purely political. Not even ideological, but political. It's a reaction (in the reactionary sense) to racism and sexism being problematized. It's just an irritation and a vague scare at the realization that anti-racism, sexual parity and inclusion (and even ecological concerns) are getting recognized as unavoidable concerns in all aspects of society. It clashes with conservative values, and worse, it echoes the values with which progressives have been guilt-tripping conservatives for ages. It represents the enemy, the "them". Therefore it has to be designated as the threat, the cause of everything bad. No matter how contrived the reasoning (after all, it has to make "antiracism is bad" sound different from "racism is good", and just having to resort to such awkward mental gymnastics is a source of irritation, as it's an implicitly conceded victory of the opponent's "racism is bad" position).
The only mental gymnastics here are yours.

Telika: And you end up with that. Take average, disappointing or just bad commercial movies, and try to relate their flaws (even when you clearly analyse them, as unrelated factors) to matters of diversity and social representation. "Look there is a plot hole, this is because they hired a black actor, if they had a white actor they wouldn't have had that plot hole".
What a tonn of BS! And projection, of course. As one smart guy once said "SJWs always project."

Telika: Pure us-vs-them panic, on the side of embarrassed evil. Pure politics. And if mods consider this post here too "political" because it scratches the thin paint over the stakes of such "discussion", then better just lock the thread. Because this is the actual dialogue.
Well, considering that GOG mods define "politics" as whatever they want, I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah, when CDPR pushes politics on their forum - it's fine. If anyone criticizes - that's politics.
Vainamoinen: Besides, as experience in the last 15 years has shown, the true statement would be "go woke OR get broke".
pearnon: - Oscars viewership in an increasingly descending gutter
- Gillette got an $8 billion write-down from P&G
- Battlefield V bombed and caused EA's stock prices to face its worst drop in more than a decade
- DC and Marvel comics' division is dying a slow death, with the former on course for a second buyout in two years, and the latter holding very firmly to momma Disney's udders
- Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy
- Netflix canceling shows left and right where they took social justice liberties with the source material
- Ghostbusters 2016 needs no elaboration
- Lightyear managed to spectacularly squander decades of goodwill buildup by Pixar
- The Rise of Skywalker made $1 billion less than The Force Awakens.
- Rings of Power is losing viewers (or "samplers", as the spinning jargon goes) instead of gaining them as new episodes are released, with a nearly 20% drop recently
Actually, I think better arguments against the "woke OR broke" would be things like Sonic The Movie, Joker, Top Gun Maverick, Doom Eternal, Ion Fury, Kingdom Come Deliverance, and a bunch of anime being successful. Because when a woke movie or game fails, those "diversity and inclusion" activists will always find an excuse "it was bad marketing", "screenwriters were underpaid", "COVID-19", "alt-right trolls conspiracy", etc. But for some reason, those movies and games that reject wokeness have a far greater rate of success. And this pattern those activists wouldn't be able to explain.

P.S On the other hand Disney, Amazon, and Activision Blizzard can be good examples of companies that DO try to maximize ESG score. They are definitely the most empathetic, healthy, productive and treating well their employees. Because that's what ESG is about, right? ;-)
Post edited October 16, 2022 by LootHunter
Shadowstalker16: Just wow indeed. You lived all this time thinking corporations weren't bound by laws (like every other legal person in every country) until ESG came along?
mechmouse: Being Ethical and being within the Law are 2 wildly different thing, specially when money and influence can buy changes in the law.
Then I got a newsflash for you: no companies are ethical. They never will be and if you think laws asking companies to preach to the masses changes that, you're naïve.

Also, ''ethical'' is something entirely subjective and the people forcing their ''ethicality'' upon others should first evaluate why their version of ''ethical'' is so superior in the first place. The subjectivity of morality is why laws exist, because laws enforce behavior instead of thought-crimes.

Some would even say the most ''ethical'' thing a games corporation can do is shut down and reduce the carbon footprint from making their games. And all things considered, I can't say that's wrong either. So what in particular makes this particular version of moral policing more valid than that one?
Gudadantza: Why should a company not agree with corporate measures against pollution, or emissions or justice and workers conditions, diversity and good work spaces, or sanity in the inner administration or company government?

Go Woke go Broke is just a blatant reactionary message/propaganda for the companies and it means that your company will be profitable only if it follows the bad habits of the past.
About workers conditions, this a problem in companies that make large budget games. Between two similarly attractive games, the one that was made without exploiting the people that made it has a big plus, in my book. Especially if you ever worked or plan to work, you might sympathize with them. Teenagers might have some trouble realizing they are next, though.
Telika: And you end up with that. Take average, disappointing or just bad commercial movies, and try to relate their flaws (even when you clearly analyse them, as unrelated factors) to matters of diversity and social representation. "Look there is a plot hole, this is because they hired a black actor, if they had a white actor they wouldn't have had that plot hole".
LootHunter: What a tonn of BS! And projection, of course. As one smart guy once said "SJWs always project."
Oh but of course. Is this stable genius also the author of "white males are oppressed", "hollywood only casts women and minorities", "critical race theory and gender studies are indoctrinating our children", "they want to make everybody gay", "women and black people are trying to dominate society", "trans people are privileged citizens", "our omnipresent pundits are totally cancelled" and "islam dominates Europe" ? Because this admirable brand of non-projecting lucidity could help denounce Ukraine's invasion of Russia.
LootHunter: As one smart guy once said "SJWs always project."
Telika: Is this stable genius also the author of "white males are oppressed", "hollywood only casts women and minorities", "critical race theory and gender studies are indoctrinating our children", "they want to make everybody gay", "women and black people are trying to dominate society", "trans people are privileged citizens", "our omnipresent pundits are totally cancelled" and "islam dominates Europe" ?
No. He definitely didn't say those things. Are you sure that your quotes are accurate and that you aren't trying to twist them?
LootHunter: As one smart guy once said "SJWs always project."
Using the label "SJW" is an official certificate of an IQ in the one digit range.

LootHunter: But then again I wouldn't expect a guy who thinks that FA is the best Star Wars movie because it had the biggest boxoffice(and simultaniously ignores that TLJ grossed only half of FA and TRoS even less) to be able to understand something that is too complex to explain in one line.
You should open a jumping goalpost farm.

So the lack of commercial success of any company that has "gone woke" is clearly because they've "gone woke", but if the same company is hugely successful, the success can not possibly mean that people appreciate the "wokeness".

And people like myself who can not connect to new Star Wars or the Marvel Cinematic Universe for wholly other reasons than diversity and inclusivity are ignored in the entire equation or worse yet, counted towards the extremely few who left because they didn't like the "wokeness".

pearnon: - Oscars viewership in an increasingly descending gutter
- Gillette got an $8 billion write-down from P&G
- Battlefield V bombed and caused EA's stock prices to face its worst drop in more than a decade
- DC and Marvel comics' division is dying a slow death, with the former on course for a second buyout in two years, and the latter holding very firmly to momma Disney's udders
- Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy
- Netflix canceling shows left and right where they took social justice liberties with the source material
- Ghostbusters 2016 needs no elaboration
- Lightyear managed to spectacularly squander decades of goodwill buildup by Pixar
- The Rise of Skywalker made $1 billion less than The Force Awakens.
- Rings of Power is losing viewers (or "samplers", as the spinning jargon goes) instead of gaining them as new episodes are released, with a nearly 20% drop recently
As I said above, you can not take single instances of loss and look at them completely isolated from any context, then slap the label "go woke, get broke" on them. It's not a cheat code indeed. And just a bit of Mr. google will give us so much more credible explanations for your above statements:

- The Oscars have been in decline for many decades, in parallel to the movie theatre business in general.

- Gillette isn't publicly traded, but a quick look at Gillette India's stock market development during the last 20 years quickly squashes the idea of a downward trend that an advertisement sparked. They peaked at the end of the fiscal year 2019, pretty much exactly one year after the ad released, then went downhill with Covid, but are gaining again right now.

- EA's little drop came after a truly motherfucking meteoritic rise of just about one thousand percent between 2012 and 2018. You know, the era of Dragon Age, the Mass Effects, all games that worked really hard on inclusivity and representation. They survived Covid nearly unscathed and aren't even particularly affected by the present stock market downturn. I'd say buying EA stock would be a solid investment right now.

- Marvel movies and series, in my admittedly limited view, are the same story told a thousand times. Dude or dudette gets superpowers, has to deal with the responsibilities that come with it. I haven't researched whether they're actually in decline, but I wouldn't be surprised. It's the same story over and over and over and over again. I don't see where the 'woke' element is even logically supposed to come in here. If you look at your average Marvel movie, you would of course say it failed because it's crappy or repeats all the old clichees, not because it has e.g. a strong female protagonist. Because if you did, you'd have to tie the failure of other Marvel movies to them having male protagonists. So they would have to stop making "man" movies altogether. I of course am taking the gross generalisation even further. I'd say the problem with superhero movies is that there are superheroes in 'em.

- Boy Scouts of America went to their knees after after a bombardment with sexual harrassment lawsuits. Damn, I wish we could do the same thing with the Catholic church. Then again, the problem with both institutions clearly is their Christian-conservative organisation, and I kind of insist on your agreement here.

- I never watched the 2016 ghostbusters, but its success was right up there with Ghostbusters II (not adjusted for inflation though). I have no idea how good the script was, I hear it was pretty bad, but they easily would have succeeded with a bad script if only they hadn't tanked a 144 million budget into this movie. Ghostbusters Afterlife (a pretty fucking woke movie with a female protagonist that was plenty awesome and had some great words by Dan Akroyd about the matter, google them!) succeeded on half the budget, but would not have succeded on the budget of 2016's Ghostbusters. I fail to see any possible connection to "wokeness" whatsoever. If 2016 GB had a great script and a reasonable budget but had failed simply because of female protagonists, that would be shit too, right?

- No idea what the problem with Lightyear is, but if a movie is at 75% on Rotten Tomatoes, it's usually pretty great.

- Netflix cancelling shows left and right period, because as mentioned above they're being ground to a fine powder by wokeriders Apple, Disney and Amazon. And they're making new shows aimed at a younger target audience now that are woker and woker. I mean, have you watched Arcane? That's one of their most successful shows ever. They'll keep on doing that woke show until the makers are getting a better offer. These are the forces at work, and clearly these are the forces at work. OF COURSE Netflix is going down. The reason is that they can not compete with monopolies, and this isn't just painfully obvious, it's also painful to me.

- One billion is literally peanuts to Disney. The best movie in the entire Star Wars series made 5 billion at the box office, the rather repetitive sequel made three times as much for no reason whatsoever. This number pointing game tells us nothing. Absolutely nothing.

- Rings of Power is losing viewers! Big secret: Every show does. That's why they eventually go off the air. In this case, the record breaking viewership was in part comprised of dedicated haters that only watched the series so they could hate a little more. I can think of some scenarios in which the hate movement lost steam and that played into the declining viewership. ;)
Post edited October 16, 2022 by Vainamoinen
Telika: Is this stable genius also the author of "white males are oppressed", "hollywood only casts women and minorities", "critical race theory and gender studies are indoctrinating our children", "they want to make everybody gay", "women and black people are trying to dominate society", "trans people are privileged citizens", "our omnipresent pundits are totally cancelled" and "islam dominates Europe" ?
LootHunter: No. He definitely didn't say those things. Are you sure that your quotes are accurate and that you aren't trying to twist them?
Oh, you know, just asking. From experts on projection. Maybe I could also learn about the industrial lobby trying to cover up the global warming hoax, about russian's attempts to get hillary clinton elected, or about the democrats' shenanigans to try to "steal the votes".

So many subjects. It's a rich can of worm, you opened there.
LootHunter: No. He definitely didn't say those things. Are you sure that your quotes are accurate and that you aren't trying to twist them?
Telika: Oh, you know, just asking. From experts on projection. Maybe I could also learn about russian's attempts to get hillary clinton elected
Hardly, considering tht "Russian interference with US election" is a theory that came from your side. So, again, thanks for showing who is really projecting here.
LootHunter: As one smart guy once said "SJWs always project."
Vainamoinen: Using the label "SJW" is an official certificate of an IQ in the one digit range.
Says a guy, who called me Nazi because I'm straight and don't like to watch two men making out.

Vainamoinen: if the same company is hugely successful, the success can not possibly mean that people appreciate the "wokeness".
Name such company. And I mean *actual* woke company, not just "they have women, black people and same-sex couples".

Vainamoinen: And people like myself who can not connect to new Star Wars or the Marvel Cinematic Universe for wholly other reasons than diversity and inclusivity are ignored in the entire equation or worse yet, counted towards the extremely few who left because they didn't like the "wokeness".
Ignored or counted by whom? I'm not the one who calls people racist and mysoginists because they criticize "fuel" BS in TLJ or poor CGI in She-Hulk. And yes, that's exactly what wokeness is - blaming "white supremacy" and "patriarchy" for all the failures and disadvantages. Didn't you say above that you appreciate it?
Telika: Oh, you know, just asking. From experts on projection. Maybe I could also learn about russian's attempts to get hillary clinton elected
LootHunter: Hardly, considering tht "Russian interference with US election" is a theory that came from your side. So, again, thanks for showing who is really projecting here.
Okay, besides general ignorance (of the US conservative's narrative absurdly inverting the accusation during the collusion investigation), you don't even grasp what projection is about. No matter how many examples, you don't realize in whose box inversion is the main tool. That's ironical, given how your leader himself is a major, blatant user of the old "accuse them of what I'm doing" rhetorical trick. By the way, a staple of modern ultraconservative narratives ("it's... it's the migrants who are racist against us", "it's the antiracists who are intolerant of our ethnic cleansing views", "it's the multiculturalists who want everyone to have the same culture") as well as, historically, a first step of genocidary processes ("the jews or tutsis are plotting to kill us all probably, let's make lists and exterminate them first, this is self-defense").

You're just taking it at a ridiculously meta level by accusing others of projection.
Telika: the US conservative's narrative absurdly inverting the accusation during the collusion investigation
What "conservative's narrative"? I never once heard any accusations that Hillary Clinton worked with Russia, other than from you. Accusations were always against Trump, who (according to SJWs) is a Russian spy, no less.

Telika: your leader himself is a major, blatant user of the old "accuse them of what I'm doing" rhetorical trick.
I'm not sure, who is doing what. But "accuse your opponent of being a Nazi" is indeed a trick Putin took from *your* playbook.

This playbook:
Telika: By the way, a staple of modern ultraconservative narratives ("it's... it's the migrants who are racist against us", "it's the antiracists who are intolerant of our ethnic cleansing views", "it's the multiculturalists who want everyone to have the same culture") as well as, historically, a first step of genocidary processes ("the jews or tutsis are plotting to kill us all probably, let's make lists and exterminate them first, this is self-defense").
Post edited October 16, 2022 by LootHunter
LootHunter: Says a guy, who called me Nazi because I'm straight and don't like to watch two men making out.
Don't worry, you're not a nazi because of your obvious homophobia. We'd have to talk about your support of a fascist regime of course, but we can't on this forum.
Post edited October 16, 2022 by Vainamoinen