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LootHunter: Says a guy, who called me Nazi because I'm straight and don't like to watch two men making out.
Vainamoinen: Don't worry, you're not a nazi because of your obvious homophobia. We'd have to talk about your support of a fascist regime of course, but we can't on this forum.
There are always private messages. Unlike your friend bongboy, I don't consider sending a private message to be harassment or insult, unless there are actual insults or harassment in the message.
Telika: ...
LootHunter: ...
Vainamoinen: ...
Maybe you really should start reading the CoC:

"Political discussions not related to a video game are not permitted. Threads created exclusively to talk about politics will be locked. Users who ignore this rule repeatedly will be met with moderation."
foad01: Political discussions not related to a video game are not permitted.
Because the discussion about ESG score, about how pursuing ESG score affect companies, and how CDProjektRED will be affected by ESG initiatives is completely unrelated to video games that CDProjektRED is going to produce in the future. Right?
foad01: Political discussions not related to a video game are not permitted.
LootHunter: Because the discussion about ESG score, about how pursuing ESG score affect companies, and how CDProjektRED will be affected by ESG initiatives is completely unrelated to video games that CDProjektRED is going to produce in the future. Right?
This thread started being political spam. The past few posts alone are purely political and have little to do with the original topic. It is more or less a general debate about the term "woke" which itself is a political debate.

Maybe you should also read the part in the CoC:

"Always treat others with kindness and respect, even if you don’t agree with them."

This is absent in this thread. "You are dumb" "No, you are dumb". This is basically the discussion in this thread.
foad01: Maybe you should also read the part in the CoC:

"Always treat others with kindness and respect, even if you don’t agree with them."
Funny you mentioned that, considering that I always address other people in this thread with kindness and respect. Even those who call me a Nazi and other slander.
What's the problem with ESG scores anyway?
amok: What's the problem with ESG scores anyway?
Read the thread.
amok: What's the problem with ESG scores anyway?
LootHunter: Read the thread.
there is a lot of hogwash and hubaha here, but not anyting actually abot the ESG score. I don't think people even know what it is.
foad01: This thread started being political spam.
You're right. We should wrap it up before Monday morning.

/ V out
Post edited October 16, 2022 by Vainamoinen
LootHunter: What "conservative's narrative"? I never once heard any accusations that Hillary Clinton worked with Russia, other than from you. Accusations were always against Trump, who (according to SJWs) is a Russian spy, no less.
So you missed a chapter. The defense of Trump and his party was (as very often with him) a putinesque "I didn't do that, YOU did that", accusing the democrats of collusion with Russia and claiming Putin was trying (and wishing) to have her elected.

Telika: your leader himself is a major, blatant user of the old "accuse them of what I'm doing" rhetorical trick.
LootHunter: I'm not sure, who is doing what. But "accuse your opponent of being a Nazi" is indeed a trick Putin took from *your* playbook.
Again, you don't understand what projection is about. It's perceiving or accusing others of things that you are doing or feeling yourself. Accusing a group of people of being nazis when they hold fascist values (ethnic purity, virilism, personality cult, apology of violence, militarism, nationalism, authoritarianism, etc) is one thing. Accusing a group of people to be nazis when you start an ethnic conquest war on them full with deportations, racist rhetorics and civilian targets is beyond irony, it's "I am not that because I accused you first" political rhetorics.

Projection is when you dishonestly accuse or honestly suspect people of some evil deed because you have (consciously or unconsciously) this deed's intent in you. It's a psychological self-legitimation mechanism, or a source of paranoia ("people are as evil as me, so I shouldn't trust them"), or a tool of rhetorical sideration ("they think this is bad, they're clearly sensitive about it, so let's throw the accusation at them and watch them deny it all confused and offended, while I personally do it without second thoughts"). It can be an efficient tool when someone considers, for instance, racism to be a source of shame : if you're proudly racist, you can deflect the accusation back to someone who'd be genuinely embarrassed by a racist bias, and carry on while they're on the defensive. Pushed farther, it's a convenient reversal that helps rationalize your actions. Robbing people while accusing them of being thieves. Lying to people while accusing them of being liars. It take a heavy dose of cynicism or a strong lack of self-awareness. Or both, when it's political propaganda.

It's different from hyperbolic accusations, and more sinister. And when your Putin claims that the world intends to dismantle Russia, all while he tries to obliterate Ukraine, this seemingly childish inversion of intents is a very calculated manipulation. It works, because it "exorcises", "projects outside", the guilt that threatens the culprits and accomplices.

And this is absent of your so-called "SWJs" playbook, who are not trying to erase the representation of a group of humans, or are not trying to legitimize their sexual violence while denouncing it in general.

foad01: This thread started being political spam. The past few posts alone are purely political and have little to do with the original topic. It is more or less a general debate about the term "woke" which itself is a political debate.
As I said, this is the whole thread from the get-go. The root of it is "oh noes, ecological and social concerns, this is bad, how dare they". GOG -very possibly for pure commercial reasons- takes a political stance, which offends a category of gamers. They should or shouldn't be allowed to react. But if this thread exist, their reaction will stem counter-reactions.

I'm quite in favor of this thread not existing. I'm not in favor of this thread being a simple display of community antagonism to the values that CD Projekt proclaims. This community has looked like an ideological cesspool for long enough.
Telika: As I said, this is the whole thread from the get-go. The root of it is "oh noes, ecological and social concerns, this is bad, how dare they". GOG -very possibly for pure commercial reasons- takes a political stance, which offends a category of gamers. They should or shouldn't be allowed to react. But if this thread exist, their reaction will stem counter-reactions.

I'm quite in favor of this thread not existing. I'm not in favor of this thread being a simple display of community antagonism to the values that CD Projekt proclaims. This community has looked like an ideological cesspool for long enough.
But why are you making it even worse? The rest of your post alone breaks the CoC. "So you missed a chapter. The defense of Trump [...]". With your posts in this thread you trigger a response. I simply don't understand this behavior. Why is it important for you to discuss this "woke" topic in a forum where it is prohibited?
foad01: This thread started being political spam. The past few posts alone are purely political and have little to do with the original topic. It is more or less a general debate about the term "woke" which itself is a political debate.
I actually agree with you. It is annoying that the Boycotting GOG topic got locked (seemingly in part because of you acting up there), but that ones like this go on in such a fashion. Let's hope you manage to get this one locked too.
Telika: <Snip>
Okay, I've answered to you in PM, as other people complain about "politics in the comments".
rjbuffchix: I actually agree with you. It is annoying that the Boycotting GOG topic got locked (seemingly in part because of you acting up there), but that ones like this go on in such a fashion. Let's hope you manage to get this one locked too.
You blame me that the Boycott thread was locked? Of course! This must be it! The tons of personal attacks before I entered the thread haven't played a role. Of course!

Without any need you come here and attack me on a personal level.
Post edited October 16, 2022 by foad01
Telika: GOG -very possibly for pure commercial reasons- takes a political stance, which offends a category of gamers.
I am not sure this is political. A company adheres volutarily to a code of best practices, including environmental and labor practices. This is often done for two reasons. One, providing information to the final customer about how the product or service is made/delivered. Two, in order to comply with requisites from other companies.

It might be interesting if GOG started asking their suppliers to comply with these requisites as well.

Telika: They should or shouldn't be allowed to react.
Not a very informative portion of text, right?

Telika: But if this thread exist, their reaction will stem counter-reactions.

I'm quite in favor of this thread not existing. I'm not in favor of this thread being a simple display of community antagonism to the values that CD Projekt proclaims. This community has looked like an ideological cesspool for long enough.
I am in favor of free speech all the way, within respect of the UNO charter of human rights and the charter of rights of the European citizen. On top of that, GOG has established a sensible set of rules for the forum. Any post that does not contradict that should be welcome.

We cannot simply forbid posts that we do not like without a valid reason, lest ours will be forbidden one day.