Strijkbout: Are we going to debunk capitalism we are practicing is just veiled cleptocracy?
mqstout: I sure wish we could get political here, but I'll point you off in the right direction: corporations as we know them are anti-capitalistic entities, they are perversions of free markets created by writ of government pen with special privileges. Their "failure" as you point out is part of their design, especially if you delve into the history of the entities. One
cannot support capitalism without also being anti-corporate.
The problem is now there is a minimum investment requirement to be an entrepreneur, thanks to government regulations and the average cost of certain things. Fortunately, there is still a separation between private and public corporations, which i was educated on. That doesn't take away from the argument, but keep in mind that it's pretty easy to identify the "good guys' still.
I have no qualms about getting banned, though. Watvin, the one public facing staff member who seems to not have his head up his rear end is having difficulty asking my questions. To be fair, my questions are pointing to the absurdity of allowing political games while banning political discussion, as well as trying to define when it's no longer about the games. My last question which he answered was:
15.06.2021, 8:02
For point 1: how does one separate where the game ends and the real world begins, in terms of politics?
His response:
18.06.2021, 8:36
hey there, it has to be directly linked to the content of the game, so one can't preach about their views about politics. It has to be linked to a character, item, plot of the game. I gave you an example about singularity as well as an explanation "Let's say there is a game which mentions communism like in Singularity, as long as the discussion is about the game itself or the role of politics within that game - such discussions are allowed, once discussion derails towards discussing the political views alone with no connection to the plot/characters/references in the game - it turns into politics only discussion which is not allowed. " if you talk about politics in game - in your post you shouldn't include your own view on politics and shouldn't turn it into an opportunity to preach about politics.
I noticed he answered in a way without actually creating a specific example (i figure this was specifically 'cause he knew i would post it somewhere, like here). Naturally, if we're going to establish a standard, I naturally want specifics down to the smallest nuance to know when GOG staff either fails to objectively follow the code or when they themselves actually violate it:
18.06.2021, 23:08
So then, to be clear, if GOG sold Skyrim, i could talk about Ulfric's poltics, but if i said Ulfric looks like Donald Trump, parallels Donald Trump, or Talos represents Jesus, or something to that effect, it would be not ok?
Of course, if he says no, his example of Singularity, my guess without playing it, would be in trouble already. However if he says no, that opens an avenue of passive-aggressive attacks by using metaphores, and are more likely to be personal attacks rather than arguments and counter-arguments. I assume he figured this out and this is why he has not responeded. I want it to be clear that indeed i did put him into this rough position, but he does represent the company that ultimately made this ridiculous policy.