babark: Absolutely. 100% disbelieve the interview. It's totally false and made up!
But why would anyone believe one part (the dev saying they are including body shape as an option in the game), but disbelieve the second (that they're doing it because that's par for the course with the cyberpunk theme)?
Yes, I noticed how you kept hinting that you were 'part of the group', possibly hoping someone would pick up on that (and I kept consistently ignoring that).
The original poster of this thread refused the right of transgender people to exist, and him and people like him feel that that gives them the right to call out a company for not being a dinosaur. Please don't be offended, but this has nothing to do with you feeling special that you can say you're part of the group but disagree to being pandered to.
1st bit: "I see the cognitive dissonance is strong in this one(you)" I never said to not believe the whole thing, just to not take it all on faith and give scrutiny where it is due.
Also why would anyone? Because
*shock* people CAN lie/etc to sell stuff or get good press?
2nd bit: I said that to show a few things: That not all LGBT approve of such tactics(when companies are proven to have done them), to nip the possible "oh I don't expect a LGBT hater/straight person to like this" or similar discussion ending comments/tactics in the bud, and the like.
Also where did the OP say he doesn't want trans people to exist? Show proof or(again) I have to show a fair dose of skepticism. (
IIRC all OP said was he dislikes such people and said some crude things about them....not that they shouldn't exist His words were crude and uncalled for to some extent, but didn't say or infer such.)
Lastly, my post and others by other LGBT online prove that LGBT don't all like such pandering(if done by companies) and also don't all see harmless jokes like in Ion Fury as the end of the world or offensive. That is the point I was trying to make.
Addition: You know what I find offensive(to a small degree)? Others(anyone) thinking anyone in the LGBT MUST all find any jokes about us offensive or that we must be happy with ANYTHING done for us...even if it's done just to sell more copies and not to be nice and tolerant...and that any who don't follow such are "traitors" or "not true LGBT".