LucasCMose: Here's how I became the best TIE Fighter:
Aiming at capital ships, and missing, after I stopped crashing into them, & never did again.
My language is Excellsian, a speculative fantasy fiction humor language. I am still in testing.
This is part of a charity drive to get my small business operation ministry, as a $ubGenius.
I won't attempt articulate the cause, but I pull up the root, & it succeeds.
I haven't become a SubGenius Minister, yet I shall soon. So I thought I'd crash in, like a genuine BORN GOOBER.
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I apologize for lingual displaced communication
I have PTSD, & I can't just meditate all day, I like to hear my keys talk to me as I compose and interact with mind machine interfaces, & I can't get legal holistic heroin or anything else that works better than what my advisor has recommended, along with a bunch of books.
thanks for the equally insane reply. theres a bridge nearby if you want some goat-meat!