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jimbob0i0: A response from Stainless Steel about first two game!
@ James Hogarth, Veav, Wouter de Hoogd, Patrick, Buddy, Chris Kay et al: We are looking into ways we might revive the original two games and get them working on modern hardware. We should have more news on this soon.
And to clarify, we bought the IP rights and copyright to everything in the Carmageddon universe ever, so we can do whatever we want with it.
jimbob0i0: Come on GOG - they want to do it too - make it happen!!!!!!!
The first Carma would be an instabuy for me. Just saying, GOG:
jimbob0i0, please write to TheEnigmaticT about it! make it happen! We want Carmageddon series on!
keeveek: jimbob0i0, please write to TheEnigmaticT about it! make it happen! We want Carmageddon series on!
Already PM'd him - twice in fact! First when I raised the question on the kickstarter comments to Stainless.... and again since Stainless have said they want to get 1&2 back out there on modern machines....

Poor guy must be getting fed up with me ;)
Dave3d: THE best racing/crashing/smashing/non-linear/go-wherever-you-want auto games needs some help to finish the latest iteration of the game.
So, if you love Carmageddon, hhave the funds, and are willing to help, see here:
This is great news. Now, i gotta go out and sell 2 pints of blood this week.
If they (Carma devs) want more funding, what better way then to sell their old games here on GOG.
Agreed, they should have done that years ago as soon as they bought the rights back.
I really would love to play Reïncarnation, but now it seems they are all following the crowdfunding hype.
Guess I can't blame them since everyone seems to react like: "Shut up and take my money!"
Totally sweet.
Both would be an instabuy for me.
Would probably even buy the 3rd (sic) one.

jimbob0i0: A response from Stainless Steel about first two game!
@ James Hogarth, Veav, Wouter de Hoogd, Patrick, Buddy, Chris Kay et al: We are looking into ways we might revive the original two games and get them working on modern hardware. We should have more news on this soon.
And to clarify, we bought the IP rights and copyright to everything in the Carmageddon universe ever, so we can do whatever we want with it.
jimbob0i0: Come on GOG - they want to do it too - make it happen!!!!!!!
Dave3d: Totally sweet.
Both would be an instabuy for me.
Would probably even buy the 3rd (sic) one.

jimbob0i0: A response from Stainless Steel about first two game!

Come on GOG - they want to do it too - make it happen!!!!!!!
I have all the Carmageddon games running on my computer, they aren't that hard to get running on newer systems. If GOG has trouble with them they may PM me, I'm glad to help if I can, although all the info they need to get them running is just a matter of Googling it.
Post edited May 10, 2012 by Strijkbout
For anyone flush with cash liking physical copies of stuff....

The boxed DVD tier has dropped to $150 from the old $350

Also they might be able to release away from Steam too potentially:
@ Mineo Geoffrey: We might not need to tie the boxed version to Steam. It could be that we’d make it optional. We’ll have to look into it further, and let you know.
They have said they will be supporting offline modes and LAN play ... so hopefully they won't use the Steam network gaming framework but rather an in house thing for multiplayer....

If so makes a release away from Steam in the future seem more feasible - especially since they have a later goal of XBox360 as well as PS3/PC... and of course there's no Steamworks there AFAIK(?)...

Oh and as for multiplayer game types I'm sure this will appeal to a few people:
@Alberto Benito: We’ve been busy brainstorming the game types for the new game over the last year, and I think you’ll be pleased to hear that “Be a Ped” is already in there…
Post edited May 10, 2012 by jimbob0i0
jimbob0i0: ...
Oh and as for multiplayer game types I'm sure this will appeal to a few people:
@Alberto Benito: We’ve been busy brainstorming the game types for the new game over the last year, and I think you’ll be pleased to hear that “Be a Ped” is already in there…
That sounds SO fun!
Update from Stainless on the comments with more details.... excerpts for the more pertinent stuff here... read the comments page for the full details:
@ Everyone asking the LINUX question: We’re currently looking at how much it will cost to port our tech to Linux. The answer is, there will be a cost. But we’re still looking at it.
@ Everyone asking about a release of the original on GOG: More soon.
@ Jose Hulse: Cops will be coming back. We’ll have a variety; standard squad car that’s easily wrecked, APC style that’s harder, and the return of the Oppressor – the very, very nasty cop vehicle!
@ Veav: Regarding your point about pedestrians being there for bonus points, not immersion. That’s completely true, and a very good point to make. It’s one of the reasons we rejected the complexity of middleware crowd AI solutions; because by the time you get close to the pedestrians in Carmageddon, their basic instinct to flee has kicked in and they’re running for their lives! But, we will be building more behaviour into them than just herd instinct panic, so that the world looks immersive enough.
@ Michael Conomy, Matthijs Jansen and others: Yes, we plan to support the MAC!
@ rimjim: We’re very much supporting modding, so your concerns may not be so much of an issue. [note: this one about whether it would have to be censored with zombies/robots in germany etc again]
@ Eric Wood: I mentioned in an earlier update that we know the harsh “barrier to progress” missions were a mistake! [note: this one in relation to the pain of the carma2 'checkpoint missions']
@ Jonathan Eynon, Wayne Mellors: Fox and Hounds is the Multiplayer game that we enjoyed the most – so it’s definitely coming back! And just to further clarify - we’ll have peds in multiplayer like Carma 1 did.
@ The Very End, SonicFlare: I don’t expect we’d consider any more than 10 cars on a grid, just from a gameplay point of view. We might make it vary from event to event. We haven’t got that aspect of the game finalised yet. But we would certainly allow modders to try chucking in as many cars as they liked into their CarMODgeddon event! [note: this question was regarding the increased capabilities of computers today not being much of a limiting factor anymore can the cars per track be increased for even more carnage... eg 20 instead of 5-8]
@ Trawl Name: Yes, the Pratcam is coming back. We’ve already got mad Tony booked for his comeback.
@ Fabian Taubitz: Yes, we’ll support LAN gaming. This will be available OFFLINE too, so if your internets are down or you have a lousy connection, you still have an MP option. (LAN and friends not supplied.)
This sounds more exciting by the second!
Post edited May 12, 2012 by jimbob0i0
Yeah, they are saying all the right things.
I hope and I pray, that the game is as good as the first 2 were.
SLP2000: You just need one person with US address to run kickstarter.
Navagon: It's possibly the case, but it doesn't really answer the question. I really would appreciate more clarity when it comes to Kickstarter projects.

In any case I asked them directly. Naturally I want to know what's going on before I cough up any hard earned money. Even if this is another of my childhood / adolescent favourites being resurrected here.
In case you missed it they have a US law firm contracted anyway to handle negotiations and legal issues over there for publishing their games in the US....

That law firm set them up a holding company registered in the US to act as the kickstart sponsor and to receive the kickstart money once the target is met and kickstarter send them the money... then they'll transfer this over the their UK accounts I guess for them to work with.

So now that the path of the money is clear and definitely going to them for this project - you'll pledge yeah? ;)
romulus16: $350 to get a retail box ..... :/
$150 now for a retail box - and it includes the 4 digital copies alongside the retail and that card game at $100 ..... trying to convince myself not to up from $50 or my missus will go nuts ;)
Post edited May 12, 2012 by jimbob0i0
jimbob0i0: In case you missed it they have a US law firm contracted anyway to handle negotiations and legal issues over there for publishing their games in the US....
I found out through the BBC website, of all places, not long after that was posted. So yeah it's well and truly backed now. :D
jimbob0i0: In case you missed it they have a US law firm contracted anyway to handle negotiations and legal issues over there for publishing their games in the US....
Navagon: I found out through the BBC website, of all places, not long after that was posted. So yeah it's well and truly backed now. :D
Ha, ha.
The only thing I fear about this project is the Steam based distribution, because it allows local censorship. Anyone remember this shit?
Post edited May 12, 2012 by tejozaszaszas
tejozaszaszas: Ha, ha.
The only thing I fear about this project is the Steam based distribution, because it allows local censorship. Anyone remembers this shit?
Oh yeah, we could do without that. But at least if there is going to be regional censorship then it should be restricted to just the German version.