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Well it's only gone and done it! Congratulations to Stainless! This looks set to be the beginning of a Carmageddon onslaught.

Scroll down to pledges by day and look at the massive spike 3 days ago. That's got to have something to do with the announcement about the DRM-free version and the GOG rewards. :P

Now for the 600k stretch goal for the Mac/Linux ports :-)

Scroll down to pledges by day and look at the massive spike 3 days ago. That's got to have something to do with the announcement about the DRM-free version and the GOG rewards. :P
It's not unusual for a project to see an increase near the end. Many have been more dramatic than that. But yes, no doubt it helped, and will continue to.
Navagon: Well it's only gone and done it! Congratulations to Stainless! This looks set to be the beginning of a Carmageddon onslaught.
Ditto, congrats to them. I'm glad they reached their funding gaols.
New stretch goals....

$650,000 = Simista as Die Anna (will be an option even if Faye returns as Sim will then be pratcam for another character... my bet would be Val).... nobby and patrick would also be pratcam for Pitbull and Vlad - and this marks the start of a prgram to Pratcam all opponents.

$750,000 = Split screen support for PC plus Co-Op Multiplayer.
New update:
iOS and Android versions of Carmageddon coming soon.....

Will be free for the first 24 hours of release
First look at the kickstarter only version of the new Eagle...

Complete with moving chainsaw!
Thinking of pledging either $25 or $50 to this kickstarter, is the alternative red eagle car model+accessories worth the extra $25?
Neilk40: Thinking of pledging either $25 or $50 to this kickstarter, is the alternative red eagle car model+accessories worth the extra $25?
I personally think yes it is - but that's purely up to you....

Don't forget that at $30 or higher (so including the $50 you mention) you get two copies of the game not just one....
Bumping this because paypal donations/preorders are now up.
Kickstarter update
Donation Page
Aha, just wanted to post this.

I couldn't pledge while it was on kickstarter, so I am now.
They announced Early Access on Q1 2014 today.

And maybe it's just me, but that last update was nothing but disappointments. First of all: 2014. I was hoping the full game would get released this year, and it's just Early Access they mentioned now. So, we may expect the full game sometime around next spring/summer? What a bummer.

Also, they mentioned a draw to get "the full package" (all future updates and DLC), while backers get "just the standard package". So it's another case of "here you go, the game you pledged for in theory, but if you want the full experience go ahead and pay more to receive the day-one extra content we've done but won't put on the disc because we like moneehs!"
I hear ya, this doesn't bode well for Reincarnation, the updates given so far haven't shown a lot of progress, mostly that they were making iPhone and Android versions of the original.
On the other hand I'll wait and see if the game will be worth it, if it turns out to be good then I don't care that it took longer and as for the DLC's, if they are additions like the Splat Pack for the original Carmageddon, then it is fine by me and will gladly get it.
Don't know if I'm going to participate in the early access though.
"We’ve been following the feedback today very closely, and it became clear we’d screwed this one up – and so we’re happy to tell you that we’re doing the only thing that’s fair and all of you who paid for the game, will get the game plus ALL DLC."

Haha. Guess I wasn't the only one who thought their last move was BS.