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I'm getting 6 copies of the game at 150$

One Dvd - Physical box + Manual
4 Digital Steam Versions
1 DRM FREE version
+ Early Beta access
+ 2 miniatures
+ 1 T-shirt
+ Carmageddon Post Cards
+ Carmageddon Recomendation Kickstarter Forum Access
+ Carmageddon Card Game

SHIT THAT'S TOO MUCH!!! I'll have to add 10 extra dollars to my 157 pledge!
Yeah I threw in an extra $10 to cover P&P of t-shirts, models, poster, dvd, etc .....

Seemed the right thing to do.

I'm still waiting for that GOG announcement though!

Last we heard was:
Carmageddon & GOG – “Stay tuned for further announcements... ;)” we can confirm we are looking into this at the moment and will let you lot here at Kickstarter know as soon as we know more!
My money is on fairly intense negotiations and how quickly GOG can fit it into their testing and release schedule.... Stainless will obviously want to get this out (or at least a 'coming soon' confirmation on the site) before the next, say, 7-10 days are up in order to provide a boost to the kickstarter campaign - but GOG no doubt already have a release schedule planned and agreed with publishers for the next couple of weeks....

Also given that Stainless has said their looking into adding yet more rewards I think it's a safe bet that they'd like to have a tier (say $60... would seem a good fit between the game new Eagle model and the backers t-shirt) which included the GOG'd C1 - and maybe even C2 (or TDR) if we're lucky...

Now I think that having C1 would be possibly sensible - but C2 would not be good from GOG's point of view.... GOG won't make any money directly from the kickstarter and yet having the games on here costs them money (without people buying them)....

The cross section between people pledging with the games as a reward versus buying from GOG is probably fairly large and thus if the reward tier were true it would help Stainless in the KS campaign... but hinder GOG.

I think having C1 as a reward would be sensible since it would provide motivation for the campaign which would then reflect back into desire to revisit the earlier games... and already having C1 from the campaign makes C2 a no brainer to buy (and TDR for OCD types like me that *have* to fill out series).... but it is all very much in the air frankly and pretty unpredictable in advance what would be *best* in terms of sales for all overall.... people can do some odd and surprising things....

I just hope that the two companies don't get bogged down in detail that ultimately will probably matter little overall causing a delay that will ultimately hurt both parties involved... and that at the very least a 'coming soon' for the first two games appears on the site so that can be used to boost the KS - with time left for the boost to have an effect (24-48 hours notice is insufficient).

Stainless can always arrange GOG gift codes (if GOG are willing) or something after the KS is complete and distribute the news (and codes) via the backer notification channels (email, forums, etc) as a 'surprise' thank you to the pledgers....
Okay new updates from Stainless:
* Everyone who backs (at least the minimum $15 for a game) will get both the Steam and DRM-Free version.
* Those who don't back but buy the game after release will pay more for both the Steam and DRM-Free versions [Note: Seems to imply that DRM-Free versions will not be KS only]
* New Reddit AMA on Friday (tomorrow) at 5PM UTC
* The magnificent illogical floating mines of Carma 1 will be coming back. And PUp barrels. We want to recapture all the great features and most “iconic” design elements of Carma.
* Easy texture modding
* Looking into traffic warden peds
* Ranking Up and Challenges [Note: this is not C2 missions] in the game.
* Speed Cameras possibly in game - possibly linked to Challenges
* Various ways to annoy cops a feature
* Spikes, blades, stabbing, chopping of peds form stuff on car a possibility.
* Tool to create own powerups already exists - will be released as part of the modding tools package.
* $350 gets two t-shirts - one in a single colour and one in 3 colours.
* Creating a new 'reward matrix' to try and clear up reward tiers.
* There will be trucks (eg dump truck) in game.
* Keyboard control will be supported (alongside gamepad, wheel)
* The list I posted before for $150 was correct
* All game content (except the Steam reliant stuff like matchmaking, achieves, friend list) will be in DRM-Free version - including any later patches, content, DLC etc
* Ped dismemberment is in the game
* Stretch goals to come [Note: I wish people would focus on the $400k before asking for stretch goals.... still have 73k to go at time of writing]
* Peds that fightback on wishlist - might not make it into C:R but will be in a future Carma game
* I have an odd feeling that Linux pledge bell might go off… soon… [Note: this was someone asking for more definitive support statement of linux before they pledge loads...]
* More brutal and more funny than ever - no interest in a 'low violence to appeal to younger players' version [Note: there was a "Not until we release a Wii version... I'm taking this as a humorous statement and not a statement of intent for platform].
* Working on in game material [Note: implication is screenies and video] to share.
* Not decided whether cars should be stolen or bought yet [Note: whether to obtain new cars via the method used in C1 or C2]
Yeah, I was happy when I upped my pledge to 150, and all I got was the boxed version!
Now, I am freaking exstatic!

Although, I only have 2 friends who play racing games.
So, that makes 3 extra copies of the game.
Will probably do a giveaway thing.
Post edited May 24, 2012 by Dave3d
Dave3d: Yeah, I was happy when I upped my pledge to 150, and all I got was the boxed version!
Now, I am freaking exstatic!

Although, I only have 2 friends who play racing games.
So, that makes 3 extra copies of the game.
Will probably do a giveaway thing.
I honestly don't think of this game as a racing game....

I don't think I ever completed an actual race in C1 or C2 (excluding C2 missions requiring it)....

Way too much fun trashing the competitors and running over the peds for that ;)
First stretch goal: LINUX and MAC versions at 600.000$.
Yeah, I had completed races before in carma 2.
But that was usually only when a car got stuck, and wouldnt get unstuck, and I had no recourse but to finish the map racing, or restart the map.
Carma 1 I have completed many races. Way too hard to kill cars in that one.

Dave3d: Yeah, I was happy when I upped my pledge to 150, and all I got was the boxed version!
Now, I am freaking exstatic!

Although, I only have 2 friends who play racing games.
So, that makes 3 extra copies of the game.
Will probably do a giveaway thing.
jimbob0i0: I honestly don't think of this game as a racing game....

I don't think I ever completed an actual race in C1 or C2 (excluding C2 missions requiring it)....

Way too much fun trashing the competitors and running over the peds for that ;)
The original Carmageddon is officially coming to GOG!

They just added the following new reward tier to the Kickstarter:

I’M AGOG!!: Those fantastic people at (formerly Good Old Games) are bringing the original Carmageddon back! And what’s more, they’ve insisted that everyone who pledges $25 dollars or more to the Carmageddon: Reincarnation Kickstarter campaign will receive a voucher that will allow them to visit and download Carmageddon & The Splat Pack for FREE! All the backers of the OTHER $25 Reward tier will get this FREE voucher too. (+Previous Rewards); Delivery Date: on launch of Carmageddon on

How awesome is that?
Are you a GOG? Why yes you are!!!

So GOG and Stainless have a deal and we all are the winners on this one, getting the original Carmageddon and Splat Pack!
spindown: ...
Damn yer Ninjas, go to sleep. It's late.
Post edited May 25, 2012 by DodoGeo
So so awesome!

I'm really hoping this works out well for both GOG and Stainless!
spindown: The original Carmageddon is officially coming to GOG!

They just added the following new reward tier to the Kickstarter:

I’M AGOG!!: Those fantastic people at (formerly Good Old Games) are bringing the original Carmageddon back! And what’s more, they’ve insisted that everyone who pledges $25 dollars or more to the Carmageddon: Reincarnation Kickstarter campaign will receive a voucher that will allow them to visit and download Carmageddon & The Splat Pack for FREE! All the backers of the OTHER $25 Reward tier will get this FREE voucher too. (+Previous Rewards); Delivery Date: on launch of Carmageddon on

How awesome is that?
ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmyg od!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesssss!!!!!!!!

I have been waiting MANY years for this announcement! GOG is the best thing to happen to me in a long time. You can keep your new games!

yesssssss x 100! :-D!
Redditors start your upvotes:
$50 pledge. I don't even care about the new game. Counting the seconds till GOG releases the first one. So pumped!


What a way to start the day.
A coca cola
Some email
And Carmageddon coming to gog !!!

I will be flying high all day.

2nd AMA Response Compilation:

I've tried to consolidate where possible and something was answered in multiple areas - the stuff in square brackets are my own opinions and thoughts on various bits.

* Like idea of suicide bomber multiplayer mode with pads attached to bombs making runs for the cars. Get blown up you lose - but become a suicide bomber per and can try and take out another car.
* Drugs powerup is in game.
* They are improving the AI. It will be more aware of what the player is doing.. e.g. if player is actually racing (aka skiving apparently) should know this and act on this versus vehicle war.
* Endless survival model sounds an interesting idea.
* It's possible to make the team FPMSL [Note: yes I had to google this one too…. team must wear diapers with the humour of the games…]
* Will make the most of the technology available to "festoon the landscape with livers. And entrails. And beautifully rendered dismemberment" [Note: Sounds like persistent gore rather than bodies vanishing?]
* Nobby was a Rise of the Triad fan [Note: Shoutout to here.. they have ROTT for sale]
* Happy Wheels is liked by the team [Note: I had to google it….]
* In Carmageddon enemies cheated and teleported to where you were - the size of the maps made it less obvious [Note: This explains so much! I've gone racing from one side of the level to the other in C1 only recently after tabbing quickly to see the map and then suddenly wham there they are].
* Selecting opponents to fight/race possible for one-off events.
* Number of police will vary from "none to potentially… many" on any given race
* Not keen on ranged weapons - want to stay focused on vehicular combat where the vehicle *IS* the weapon.
* Armed/suicide-bomber pads are on there wish list if they get time.
* APO (armour, power, offence - how much you can take, how fast you can go/accelerate, how much damage you can dish for Carma newbies) should seem more balanced than C1 - have a Q&A department these days [Note: Does this mean in the days of C1/C2 there was no formal QA?]
* They'll probably try and rip off some classic vehicle design again without manufacturers noticing.
* Cheats of the originaltypealonglistofrudewords will be in.
* This is all their own in house code/engine rather than buying a third party one [Note: The engine is codenamed Beelzebub and the marketing blurb for it is here:]
* Working headlights are feasible this time round because we now live in THE FUTURE.
* Peds on Hover Boards (following on from that future bit) sounds a likeable idea.
* The unbalanced/random power up scattering of the first games was due to super tight schedule. Nobby/team basically drove round the game in 'edit mode' and just hit keys to shat 'em out their arses…. [Note: There was an edit mode? Was this code stripped before ship or is it a super secret easter egg to get into it no-one stumbled across before?]
* Opponents will only be ejected from car through windscreen etc when wasted. Game is about car combat and they keep their focus on that.
* Spikes, blades, etc on cars will interact 'properly' with the soft things they encounter on the way.
* Other cars will activate power ups - not just you. In addition pads will activate power ups so solid granite pads, electro barstard per, etc
* Peds to be "VERY gibbable" - working on early WIP to show soon.
* Not enough time to make the driver models expression same as prat cam.
* Drivers in C2 were part of the model of the car (hence the weird bending of them on car deformation). In C:R drivers are separate form the car models.
* Not budgeted for a in-car camera view. [Note: In previous responses they indicated the mod tools could be used to make an in car camera positioning but they were not sure how playable it would be with the highly deformed vehicles as they get trashed]
* Finer points of race end behaviour etc yet to be worked out - working on getting a fully functional game framework first.
* Lots of ped mess in' power ups planned - e.g. tow ropes, launching them etc were examples in question.
* Coastal Carnage level is back complete with the loop.
* Spending the money on reacquiring the license not effected team in a financial sense…. except now they have one chair and one PC since they sold everything else to pay for the rights ;)
* Team really happy to get the rights back.
* Carmageddon was seen as a complete brand so they were never interested in a deal that would give them a new game (or their old code) alone - it was all or nothing.
* Sim has been eyeing the helmet for Die Anna [Note: She did a great job in the GOG announcement video….] - it seems strongly likely she could be Die Anna if we beg sufficiently.
* Nobby seems Carmageddon as the rest of his professional life in game development - so DLC, expansions, sequels, brand new games on this IP will be coming in future years.
* They still have some source code and GOG can look at it if they need it to help for compatibility.
* Plan to take a picture/video when kick-starter hits target… unless it happens when everyone home in bed. [Note: Nobby if you read this summary would be great if you could get the staff reaction on countdown 6th June too]
* Fan reaction has been fantastic - all the way from first launching to the present through the kickstarter.
* It's great to see new fans discovering the campaign and reacting to it so excitedly.
* Studio can handle their multiple titles without one side affecting the other [Note: So Magic Fans you'll still get your Duels of the Planeswalkers on time… as a M:TG fan yay ;)]
* Every copy entitled to will each get beta access - so can go into beta with friends and family.
* They will add the PayPal pledges post kickstarter campaign to the stretch goal and will feedback the progress of that through the site.
* Once they've ported their technology to Mac/Linux once then it's very likely that future titles from them will be on those platforms from that point forwards.
* The amount of time Nobby has spent on keeping people up to date on Kickstarter has been surprising. Done almost nothing but Kickstarter related work since the campaign began - but it's worth it.
* Big Head mode is in game.
* There was a big yellow thing in the KS video that may be Big Dump….
* Nobby's favourite power up is Opponent Repulsificator but Sim and Trifle's favourites are both the Pedestrian Repulsificator.
* Multiplayer will be a mix of old favourites and some new modes.
* The game settings will be tweak able for performance - too early to know what the recommended spec will be.
* The development process is "iterative development"… expecting some stuff they would have though of as DLC to be done by modding community anyway.
* Trying to get modding tools into a public release state as early as possible.
* They haven't started the multiplayer networking coding yet - our feedback is entering into the R&D and planning for it.
* The will have a mod manager called CarMODgeddon to deal with mod data in a smart way.
* Mod data will download to local machine in multiplayer so you will see the custom cars etc.
* Modding will be highly accessible due to scripting support.
* Still talking to GOG for the back catalogue of games.
* Split screen not in initial plans - will be looked at when consoles question decided much later on.
* Lots of physics tools to come in game.
* Shitting logos (like Counter Strike sprayed decals) on road great idea.
* Will be some new characters in game - not just old.
* They are trying to keep the reward matrix up to date: [Note: The fans have found some errors here guys! ;)]
* Batwick will be reprising the role of Vlad.
* Physics (such as Russel's Fans) will be fully exposed to modding community to play with.
* They have a big list of animals for the game - old and new.
* Art direction is the more mature look of the first rather than the flashier/comic palate of the second.
* Discussions for the preparation for the backer forums going on at the moment.
* The game design document if a living one - not static.
* The tendency is to prototype every idea to see if it works in game.
* Ideas are gather and discussed in meetings - Simista takes the notes down and incorporates to the design document.
* Censorship sucks but Nobby is confident they can stay on the right side of taste to avoid the censors.
* There will be variety of game modes.
* Nobby is fuelled by tea.
* They don't go for controversy for the sake of controversy.
* Model format for cars/tracks is undecided yet - plan on as universal a format as possible so people can all use their preferred 3d programs.
* Expected release price is unknown right now - but the kickstarters will be getting it at a discount compared to that.
* Expect to see Stainless Staff as peds! [Note: Hmm does this mean that Simista as Die Anna will be running over herself…. freaky…]
Great summation jimbob.

And, OMG:
* Still talking to GOG for the back catalogue of games.

Hellz to the Yeah !