almabrds: If you're starting with a F2P account, play casual/ranked. You need some cards from the classic set (like Azure Drake, Defender of Argus, Big Game Hunter, etc), and unfortunately Arena doesn't let you select classic pack as reward.
Matewis: I tried, and perhaps I'll try again one of these days. My internet connection has been more stable lately for some reason. Still I was kinda put off one day, when things were going well in a casual game, until the other guy dropped Deathwing on me :P
If that makes you feel better, Deathwing is rarelly used, since it doesn't clear the board, most of the time (minions with deathrattle are very popular, like Harvest Golem, Piloted Shredder, Sylvanas Windrunner -> steals the dragon :p), you have to destroy all the cards in your hand, and pray that the opponent doesn't have some form of removal. It's a bad card.
About the internet, have you tried playing Hearthstone in your phone, Matewis?