iofhua: I can't do that. I use CCleaner to clear my temp files on a daily basis for security reasons. Neither do I let my browsers save login information, for security reasons.
The best security is saving your password to your brain, and typing it in every time you log in. All login captcha does is make life a pain in the butt for people who are already security-minded.
It's not GOG"s job to hold people's hands anyway. They provide a password field to our accounts. It's up to us to engage in sensible security practices.
If you let your browser save your passwords and leave it open all the time with your accounts logged in, it's not GOG's fault if someone comes along and lifts your stuff.
Load CCleaner, click Options tab, click Cookies.
Then find the GOG cookies & shift them to the right hand side.
Any time you now use CCleaner, GOG cookies will remain.