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SirPrimalform: Coming Q3 2019?
Wake me up when September ends.
Hooray! Thanks for the great game and epic flavour.

My PM:

Hello SirPrimalform you are Andrea Wellington, Machismo Regular, Team Heroes.

You are, of course, Serpent Rime, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is Andrea Wellington.

Powers: In the action phase you can do nothing but hang about and wait to get killed. You can't even accept help off anybody. That is not the path of Serpent Rime.
Korotan: Wake me up when September ends.
Q3 actually starts in July, but I know that's not a song title. :P
Post edited April 30, 2019 by SirPrimalform
Thanks for playing everybody!

Congratulations to the villains team, but congratulations to the rest of you too: As SirPrimalform pointed out to me, I neglected to announce win conditions at any point in the game, so we're all winners!

I'll answer some questions and put reveal the roles and action results tomorrow.
Whew. Congratulations Villains, well played.

Were any of us focused on HSL after I voiced my suspicions about him, we would've been closer to a Town victory (or maybe we already sort of had it?), but either way, well played by scum.

Now, given that the game is over, I'll reveal my PM:

[i]Hello PookaMustard you are Swinley Carthulme, Regular, Team Heroes.

You are, of course, Monsiour Moutard, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is Swinley Carthulme.

Powers: In the action phase you just wait for everybody else to finish doing what they're doing.[/i]

@Joe what of my Naive modifier? As a Regular, it really doesn't do much...does it?

Crap crap crap.

I made some bad mistakes. I should have voted blotunga, had him solved.

And I really should have asked trent to watch me last night. But I only thought of it after Joe ended the Day.
My Condition is that my protection only works if Im targeted by any action myself.

Sorry, team Heroes. I messed up.

Congrats team Villains. Well done!

Thank you very much Joe for the game.

Will post more when I have access to a laptop and more time.
Actually, I asked Joe and said it's fine to reveal it.


How does a Naive modifier work on a Regular? Surely there isn't a way for me to do anything overnights to naively believe that this or that person is good.

As a Regular, I was underestimating my own power. In other words, had I known of it, I had the ability to night kill. It was funny arguing about a hidden serial killer early in the game, only to realize after my lynch that I was the closest I could get to that. And I simply never knew.

Well done, Joe. Next times, I'll try night actions even if I'm said to have none. Just to be sure.
I guess it's easier to do a reveal for each of us by us than to have Joe paste it again for each so here's what I had:

Hello blotunga you are Abriel Boothe, Psychoanalyst, Team Villains.

You are, of course, Inkblot, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is Police Governor Abriel Boothe. If The Admiralty learn this, they will know that you have infiltrated their organisation in order to do corporate sabotage. Don't let them find out!

Your teammates are Supplementscene and HypersomniacLive.

Powers: In the action phase you can use your inkblots to psychoanalise a Saviour. Target another player, you will learn any modifiers that effect that player's role, including secret modifiers. OR you can use your inkblots for evil! Target another player, that player will be eliminated.
Post edited April 30, 2019 by blotunga
blotunga: I guess it's easier to do a reveal for each of us by us than to have Joe paste it again for each so here's what I had:
I have it on good authority that Joe has left work now, so since we won't be hearing from him until tomorrow I agree we may as well just post them ourselves.

Oh neat, the villains had a psychoanalyst too! I feel like the modifiers didn't come into play as much as intended, people seemed to mostly ignore them.
Post edited April 30, 2019 by SirPrimalform
Congrats to team evil for a very nice win! Special hat tip to HSL, who actually made me believe he was the hero, after I'd been fully convinced that SPF was. Blotunga's slip (?) with revealing their true name helped a lot there. Must've been a somewhat frustrating gamble to capitalize on that? I'd totally have expected team hero to go for lynching blotunga at that point.

dedoporno: [...] I'm particularly paranoid about HSL as he publicly agrees with me every now and again which, of course, may very well be because he actually does share the same opinion but it also may be him doing it to make me feel better about him. [...]
HypersomniacLive: [emphasis added]

The last (and only, if memory serves right) time someone accused me of trying to get on their good side, my accuser turned out to be a sly, conniving double-crosser in pretty sheep's clothes (game #55).

JoeSapphire: "All this fire and fury - it doesn't reflect what is in your heart. Seek balance within yourself and you shall see balance in the world around you."
This was easily my favorite line in the movie. I need to get me some merchandise featuring that quote! All hail the screen writer who came up with it!
Post edited April 30, 2019 by gogtrial34987
I didn't slipped my real name in my JOAT claim. I was assuming that one of them might be a town flavor cop, and since I was under scrutiny for most of the game, I just used my real one. HSL actually came up with an alternate name for me: Constantine El Bassan, but I decided against it because of the above.
ZFR: Crap.

Crap crap crap.

I made some bad mistakes. I should have voted blotunga, had him solved.

And I really should have asked trent to watch me last night. But I only thought of it after Joe ended the Day.
My Condition is that my protection only works if Im targeted by any action myself.

Sorry, team Heroes. I messed up.

Congrats team Villains. Well done!

Thank you very much Joe for the game.

Will post more when I have access to a laptop and more time.
What message did you get when I targeted you for NK?
Also, as was said in the Dead chat, I actually received Lifthrasil's identity, and Lift in turn received mine. In a "What Could Have Been" scenario, Lift would've been probably the Naive Regular.

Maybe this game deserves a TVTropes page, honestly.
Hello PookaMustard you are Swinley Carthulme, Regular, Team Heroes.

You are, of course, Monsiour Moutard, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is Swinley Carthulme.

Powers: In the action phase you just wait for everybody else to finish doing what they're doing.


Hello Lifthrasil you are Antonia Darressa-Lamb, Regular, Team Heroes. (NOTE - Lifthrasil had the hidden qualifier NAIVE - the regular underestimated their own ability - if they had attempted to target someone they would have eliminated them.) (NOTE II - in practice, I misattributed this hidden qualifier to PookaMustard when Lifthrasil was psychoanalysed Night One. So I just swapped their two roles and no-one need ever know about it. Night One Lifthrasil said that his action was "Twiddle my thumbs and wish I could be more useful. If I had been paying attention would I have counted this as self-targetting? Perhaps Lifthrail aught to have ripped his own thumbs off and bled to death... would that have changed the course of the game?.. we'll never know)

You are, of course, ThrashSeal, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is Antonia Daressa-Lamb.

Powers: In the action phase youcan twiddle your thumbs and wish you could be more useful.


Hello Supplementscene you are Sarina Mahmood, Ninja, Team Villains. (NOTE - Supplementscene had the hidden qualifier LOUD. Because that's hilarious.)

You are, of course, The Supplement, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is Vice-Mayor Sarina Mahmood. If The Admiralty learn this they will know that you have been inflitrating the organisation to do insider trading. Do not let them unmask you!
Your teammates are Blotunga, and HypersomniacLive.

Powers: In the action phase you can use your twin guns, Supplementary Pain and Supplementary Pleasure, to remove a player from the game. Because you can supplement your enemies' senses with misinformation you can go undetected by any trackers or watchers. Useful!
also whee!


Hello ZFR you are Lance Auslow, Conditional Doctor, Team Heroes.

You are, or course, Zephyr, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is Lance Auslow.

Powers: In the action phase you can target another player with protective winds. That player will not be eliminated if they are targetted by a killing role in the same action phase. Your winds are fairweather-friends. If you are not the target of someone else during an action phase, this power will fail for that phase.


Hello Fran67 you are Elestrine DuBaille, Tyrannosaur, Team Heroes. (NOTE - Fran had the hidden qualifier NAIVE - the Tyrannosaur was naive enough to believe that a Tyrannosaur would exists in a game of mafia... of course, it would not so an attempt to use this ability would have no effect.)

You are, of course, Frantic Antics, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is Elestrine Dubaille.

Powers: In the action phase you can use Frantic Antics' super move - Frenzied Endsies. This eliminates all players from the game including yourself.


Hello Microfishd you are Dawn Parry, Psychoanalyst, Team Heroes.

You are, of course, Micro Fist, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is Dawn Parry.

Powers: In the action phase you can use your miniscule stature to hide in a Saviour's ear and listen to the thoughts inside their head. Target a player, you will learn any modifiers that effect that player's role, including secret modifiers.


Hello blotunga you are Abriel Boothe, Psychoanalyst, Team Villains.

You are, of course, Inkblot, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is Police Governor Abriel Boothe. If The Admiralty learn this, they will know that you have infiltrated their organisation in order to do corporate sabotage. Don't let them find out!

Your teammates are Supplementscene and HypersomniacLive.

Powers: In the action phase you can use your inkblots to psychoanalise a Saviour. Target another player, you will learn any modifiers that effect that player's role, including secret modifiers. OR you can use your inkblots for evil! Target another player, that player will be eliminated.
also whee!


Hello SirPrimalform you are Andrea Wellington, Machismo Regular, Team Heroes.

You are, of course, Serpent Rime, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is Andrea Wellington.

Powers: In the action phase you can do nothing but hang about and wait to get killed. You can't even accept help off anybody. That is not the path of Serpent Rime.


Hello Trentonlf you are Stacey Leamer, Tracker, Team Heroes.

You are, of course, The Canton Calf, Saviour of the World, but your secret identity is Stacey Leamer.

Powers: In the action phase you can send your consciousness out on a wave of hypnotic music. Target another player, you will learn who that player targetted with any action that phase.


Hello HypersomniacLive you are Henrietta Akalo, Flavour Cop, Team Villains.

You are, of course, The Hypersomniac, Saviour of the World. But your secret identity is President of WinTHCorp, Henrietta Akalo. If The Admiralty unmask you, they will know that you have infiltrated their organisation in order to make private use of their fine-quality refreshment facilities. They can never know!
Your teammates are Supplementscene and Blotunga.

Powers: In the action phase you can eliminate a Saviour. Choose a player to be the target of your sleepassasination. OR you can target a player with your sleepinvestigation. You will learn that role's secret identity.
also whee!


Hello korotan you are Kai-Ro Han, Epic Prosecutor, Team Heroes.

You are, of course, Koro-Koro Tank, Saviour of the World, but your secret identity is Kai-Ro Han.

Powers: In the action phase you can use your Koro-Cannons to break an enemy's jaw. Target a player, that player will be unable to vote the following day. Koro-Koro Tank never does things quietly. If you choose to use your power, an alert that you are using a powerwill be posted in the game.


Hello Dedoporno you are Murwat Al Burta, Visitor, Team Heroes. (NOTE - Dedoporno had the hidden qualifier CONDITIONAL - the conditions were the same as ZFR's)

You are, of course, DeadProng, Saviour of the World, but your secret identity is Murwat Al Burtar.

Powers: In the action phase you can use your Eye of Grace to bless another player with your presence. Target another player.
@joe was hsl on the right track suspecting that M/M and F/F names were power roles?
Post edited April 30, 2019 by blotunga
Some more notes -

I created the ROLES, the SECRET IDENTITIES and the SUPERHERO CHARACTERS separately, then radnomised them. It was co-incidence that Blotunga had a Freudian Psychiatrist themed superhero and a psychoanalyst role. It was coincidence that Supplementscene was a loud ninja, despite how well it suits his nature ;)

The Superhero characters were Zeogoldesque reinterpretations of your forum names. I meant to say before - thanks to Zeogold for creating Captain Sapphire and inspiring this whole game. I nicked Zeogold's shtick (publicly-known, colourful characters) and had a LOT of fun with it. I'm definitely nicking it again for future games. I didn't put much thought into it - just looked stared at the name until something sprang out at me. Obviously some were more of a stretch than others. I didn't really do anything with "The Hypersomniac", but I think it was the most successful superhero. I think it'd make a great story - the sleeping persona is supremely competent, and the hero keeps waking up having infiltrated secret military bases or whatever and has to try and work out what their sleeping self had been trying to achieve.

There was a clue in the secret identity names that HypersomniacLive worked out pretty quickly - but then Murwat Al Burtar threw him off-track. In my excitement I misremembered ALBERTA as being on the PANDEMIC game board, when it's actually on the RISK game board. As such ALBERTA is a REGION in Canada, and not a CITY. Other than that all the HERO's secret identities had a city name as their family name. What was the purpose? I dunno. It could have been game breaking if anyone noticed, but I assumed no-one would :)

All I've got time for now!