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In joint efforts with the original creators, Capcom, we’re thrilled to announce the re-release of the original Resident Evil™, the groundbreaking series that heralded the golden age of the survival horror genre!

This iconic classic is now available with all its original content intact, featuring quality of life improvements and enhanced compatibility for modern systems. As part of GOG’s ongoing effort to protect and preserve classic games, Resident Evil is now available on the DRM-free GOG store!

Capcom's Resident Evil series has defined and revolutionized the survival horror genre, with the original Resident Evil, Resident Evil™ 2, and Resident Evil™ 3: Nemesis being standout titles that have captivated gamers worldwide. While Resident Evil set the stage, introducing players to the eerie Spencer Mansion and navigating them through terrifying encounters and intricate puzzles, its atmospheric tension and innovative gameplay mechanics laid the foundation for the series' success. Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis successfully expanded the universe, delivering unforgettable experiences that deepened the franchise's lore and horror elements.

That’s not all, though – for the complete Resident Evil experience, we decided to invite someone special to tell us something more about the series. It’s Suzi Hunter, also known as TheSphereHunter! In an exclusive video, Suzi will introduce the history of the franchise and tell the story of its originals’ revival, while interviewing some of the most interesting figures that took part in the process – including GOG’s very own Technical Producer, Adam Ziółkowski, as well as Head of Business Development, Bartosz Kwietniewski. The video will go live soon, and you’ll be able to watch it HERE – so stay tuned!

That being said – Resident Evil is now live on GOG, DRM-free! You can also wishlist Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, or pre-purchase them alongside Resident Evil in a special Bundle – you wouldn’t want to miss this occasion!
Very unexpected release. Wishlisted for now.
high rated
MysterD: This is UNREAL
Goddamn! Consider me absolutely flabbergasted. Never would I have believed Capcom would be willing to bring their original PS-era RE versions to PC again with a modern touch. Thanks Capcom! Thank you, GOG!
Post edited June 26, 2024 by Nunya_009
high rated
The great gog team, we congratulate you on this wonderful achievement. Is there any hope for there being remake versions of resident evil games like: 2,3,4 and 7 and village on the gog platform in the future please any hope or answers?
Post edited June 26, 2024 by mohamad4321
So glad to see the original games here.

Amazing work GOG and Capcom!
high rated
Been trying to get this running on Linux but just getting "Failed to initialize Graphic Hardware Device (3)"


I'm using Lutris and I enabled dgvoodoo2 in the runner options on default setting and the game is now playable. The videos have audio but no video but the in game graphics and controls are working properly.

Logitech 710 controller working with no issues.
Post edited June 26, 2024 by wolfsite
high rated
It's cool capcom remembered gog. Maybe someday there will be a devil may cry series around here.
Theoclymenus: Resident Evil was a massive hit. Off the top of my head I can only remember Tomb Raider and FFVII rivalling it for popularity. I’m probably forgetting a lot of games though. Oh, C&C and Red Alert were two others…
Tekken 3, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo 2 and FIFA comes to mind, although the last two were bundled with the console for a very long time in my country, so I assume it was a international thing.
wolfsite: Been trying to get this running on Linux but just getting "Failed to initialize Graphic Hardware Device (3)"
"You need a better computer" - Every advice on the internet back then :)
Post edited June 26, 2024 by Dark_art_
high rated
Wooooooow :)

Congratulations GOG and thanks Capcom!
Well done Capcom and GOG! Hoping more will follow.
HeavilyAugmented: I don't wanna be "that" guy, especially since having this at all is cool and the work GOG is putting to make these ports work. At the same time, why isn't it the MediaKite version of RE1? I can understand if GOG wanted to flex their skills at fixing a more flawed PC versions for modern systems, but MediaKite is the version people have been modding for years now.

Does this effectively mean we're not getting the SourceNext versions either for RE2/3 when they are also the base version for most of the mod scene?

What's the point of releasing those shitty versions incompatible with any mods? Give use MediaKite and SourceNext versions, this is a huge disappointment.
high rated
NO WAY!!! Capcom's releasing more games on GOG, and they're releasing the original versions of RE 1-3 instead of the remakes? Unbelievable! I've been saying for a very long time that there needs to be a RE Classics Collection given the changes that were made in the RE2 and RE3 remakes so I am very happy to see this.

GOG is listed as a dev so it looks like they helped with getting the release working. Thank you to both Capcom and GOG for making this happen.
Post edited June 26, 2024 by SpikedWallMan
high rated

What you can expect with GOG's version of the game:

* Full compatibility with Windows 10 and Windows 11.
* All 4 localizations of the game included
----(English, German, French, Japanese).
* Improved DirectX game renderer.
* New rendering options
----(Windowed Mode, Vertical Synchronization Control, Gamma Correction, Integer Scaling, Anti-Aliasing and more).
* Improved timing of the cutscenes.
* Improved game video player.
* Improved game registry settings.
* Issue-free game exit and task switching.
* Full support for modern controllers with optimal button binding regardless of the hardware and wireless mode.
----(Sony DualSense, Sony DualShock4, Microsoft Xbox Series, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Logitech F series and many more)

Will wait for the bundle.
Ok, this was indeed a surprise.
Theoclymenus: Resident Evil was a massive hit. Off the top of my head I can only remember Tomb Raider and FFVII rivalling it for popularity. I’m probably forgetting a lot of games though. Oh, C&C and Red Alert were two others…
Dark_art_: Tekken 3, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo 2 and FIFA comes to mind, although the last two were bundled with the console for a very long time in my country, so I assume it was a international thing.
Oh yes, you are correct. I had forgotten how many superb and hugely popular games there were available for the PS1. I don’t know if there were any final sales figures for all PS1 games ? Would be interesting to see which games came out on top. EA Sports games - and sports games in general - were enormously popular back then. Gran Turismo was, indeed, a massive hit. A really enjoyable time to be gamer in general and right on the cusp of arguably the “golden era” of PC gaming too.