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In joint efforts with the original creators, Capcom, we’re thrilled to announce the re-release of the original Resident Evil™, the groundbreaking series that heralded the golden age of the survival horror genre!

This iconic classic is now available with all its original content intact, featuring quality of life improvements and enhanced compatibility for modern systems. As part of GOG’s ongoing effort to protect and preserve classic games, Resident Evil is now available on the DRM-free GOG store!

Capcom's Resident Evil series has defined and revolutionized the survival horror genre, with the original Resident Evil, Resident Evil™ 2, and Resident Evil™ 3: Nemesis being standout titles that have captivated gamers worldwide. While Resident Evil set the stage, introducing players to the eerie Spencer Mansion and navigating them through terrifying encounters and intricate puzzles, its atmospheric tension and innovative gameplay mechanics laid the foundation for the series' success. Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis successfully expanded the universe, delivering unforgettable experiences that deepened the franchise's lore and horror elements.

That’s not all, though – for the complete Resident Evil experience, we decided to invite someone special to tell us something more about the series. It’s Suzi Hunter, also known as TheSphereHunter! In an exclusive video, Suzi will introduce the history of the franchise and tell the story of its originals’ revival, while interviewing some of the most interesting figures that took part in the process – including GOG’s very own Technical Producer, Adam Ziółkowski, as well as Head of Business Development, Bartosz Kwietniewski. The video will go live soon, and you’ll be able to watch it HERE – so stay tuned!

That being said – Resident Evil is now live on GOG, DRM-free! You can also wishlist Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, or pre-purchase them alongside Resident Evil in a special Bundle – you wouldn’t want to miss this occasion!
high rated
Breja: So... I assume this is a big deal? I never paid any attention to Resident Evil. I think I've seen one of the Milla Jovovich movies and that's about it. But good on GOG, I guess. I was beginning to think nothing noteworthy will be released during this sale.

I mean, for me personally this is still probably the most disappointing "big sale", but it does look better than "GOG might be in some actual trouble, the best thing they had for the Summer Sale was Riven, a railway simulator and some rythm shooem'up".
Resident Evil is the daddy of survival horror and one of Capcom's flagship franchises, this is imho a big deal. :)
high rated
Very nice. This is how it should be! The original game with no gameplay changes and only QoL improvements.

Great that we got the originals and not the remasters. Not saying the remasters shouldn't be here, but if it's only a choice of one, the originals are 100% preferable.
Post edited June 26, 2024 by idbeholdME
Cool unexpected releases! (hopefully with also the remakes in the future).

Even if a first look at the RE1 screenshots reminded me when I tried an emulator ages ago.
It rendered the 3d characters too defined, compared to the backgrounds, and they often looked like floating..
Post edited June 26, 2024 by phaolo
Amazing get but I sadly will have to pass as I ain't a fan of tank controls and I hear the old resident evil games use tank controls.
high rated
Breja: So... I assume this is a big deal? I never paid any attention to Resident Evil. I think I've seen one of the Milla Jovovich movies and that's about it. But good on GOG, I guess. I was beginning to think nothing noteworthy will be released during this sale.

I mean, for me personally this is still probably the most disappointing "big sale", but it does look better than "GOG might be in some actual trouble, the best thing they had for the Summer Sale was Riven, a railway simulator and some rythm shooem'up".
God, you're never happy are you :)
Breja: So... I assume this is a big deal?
Nostalgia aside, of which I have none because I played these after I was much older... kinda? I'd say it's almost on par with getting the psx trilogy of FF

But as far as the summer sale goes, we're only getting *one* game from this bundle so ehhh
high rated
Thank you guys this is awesome!
Bring the entire series here!!! More Capcom games!!
high rated
Thanks Gog you guys are awesome! Also, Capcom pls work with GoG on your backlog, you have much more opportunity to make money on GoG, then you all think! So awesome to see not only the OG RE, but the second and third one, as well!
high rated
Amazing work, thank you so much Capcom and GOG! Hoping to see more of their titles here.
high rated
Wow. I have these on disc but they were a pain to get running on a modern system.
Nice to see them here for people to enjoy.
high rated
wow, what a lovely surprise :)

could it be that I will finally have a chance to play RE2 as Claire, as my elementary school classmate's brother only had and burned me a cd with Leon's path? xD
high rated
Breja: So... I assume this is a big deal? I never paid any attention to Resident Evil. I think I've seen one of the Milla Jovovich movies and that's about it. But good on GOG, I guess. I was beginning to think nothing noteworthy will be released during this sale.

I mean, for me personally this is still probably the most disappointing "big sale", but it does look better than "GOG might be in some actual trouble, the best thing they had for the Summer Sale was Riven, a railway simulator and some rythm shooem'up".
NuffCatnip: Resident Evil is the daddy of survival horror
There'd be no RE without Alone in the Dark though.
This is a great release! Well done GOG!
I did not see this one coming. Very awesome. Thanks Capcom and GOG.
high rated
Breja: So... I assume this is a big deal? I never paid any attention to Resident Evil. I think I've seen one of the Milla Jovovich movies and that's about it. But good on GOG, I guess. I was beginning to think nothing noteworthy will be released during this sale.

I mean, for me personally this is still probably the most disappointing "big sale", but it does look better than "GOG might be in some actual trouble, the best thing they had for the Summer Sale was Riven, a railway simulator and some rythm shooem'up".
As somebody who has played a crapton of Resident Evil 2 remake after buying it on Steam sale this year, I say it's a big deal. REmake3 sucks massive fucking balls so this is a rare opportunity to play original Nemesis and see what one of the most terrifying video game villains really is.