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In joint efforts with the original creators, Capcom, we’re thrilled to announce the re-release of the original Resident Evil™, the groundbreaking series that heralded the golden age of the survival horror genre!

This iconic classic is now available with all its original content intact, featuring quality of life improvements and enhanced compatibility for modern systems. As part of GOG’s ongoing effort to protect and preserve classic games, Resident Evil is now available on the DRM-free GOG store!

Capcom's Resident Evil series has defined and revolutionized the survival horror genre, with the original Resident Evil, Resident Evil™ 2, and Resident Evil™ 3: Nemesis being standout titles that have captivated gamers worldwide. While Resident Evil set the stage, introducing players to the eerie Spencer Mansion and navigating them through terrifying encounters and intricate puzzles, its atmospheric tension and innovative gameplay mechanics laid the foundation for the series' success. Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis successfully expanded the universe, delivering unforgettable experiences that deepened the franchise's lore and horror elements.

That’s not all, though – for the complete Resident Evil experience, we decided to invite someone special to tell us something more about the series. It’s Suzi Hunter, also known as TheSphereHunter! In an exclusive video, Suzi will introduce the history of the franchise and tell the story of its originals’ revival, while interviewing some of the most interesting figures that took part in the process – including GOG’s very own Technical Producer, Adam Ziółkowski, as well as Head of Business Development, Bartosz Kwietniewski. The video will go live soon, and you’ll be able to watch it HERE – so stay tuned!

That being said – Resident Evil is now live on GOG, DRM-free! You can also wishlist Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, or pre-purchase them alongside Resident Evil in a special Bundle – you wouldn’t want to miss this occasion!
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Okay, but, what, exactly, is stopping Capcom/GOG from replicating and/or approximating those Achievements anyway?

But just because there isn't one, that doesn't mean that there couldn't be one, and it also doesn't mean that this GOG version should be missing the DC stuff.

I'm sure developers are quite capable of extracting content from a console version and importing it into a PC version, such as this GOG version that was released today. So why wasn't that done?
fionnula: Presumably because time and resources are limited and more important things were prioritized. Why do you think?

Also, most people are capable of enjoying a game for its own sake, without the need for the reassuring pat on the head and shiny sticker reward we call achievements. "Well done you!" My preference would be to strip achievements out of every GOG release along with the DRM.
I don't mind achievements when they unlock stuff like music or artwork but otherwise I could care less. They have gotten too distracting imo.
high rated
I approve this release.

I finished the PC version of RE1 back in the day. I didn't get very far with RE2 so now would be a good time to finish it and 3.

EDIT: People, don't tell me all the pages on this release thread are about achievements, or lack there-of? I was hoping is would be more like:
Oh wow!
Yikes, me likey!
Woozabaloogaya, ulululululululu!
Man oh man, never heard of the game but it sounds tasty!
Meh, I've seen better. In my dreams maybe, ha!
Post edited June 26, 2024 by timppu
high rated
Back in my day, you cut your virtual trophies out of cereal boxes. Then you turned 10 and you understood how infantile a reward system that is.

Today, I guess nothing says 'survival horror' better than a "depleted your ammo" achievement that pops up.
Post edited June 26, 2024 by Vainamoinen
Oh my god. This definetely wasnt on any of my gaming bingo cards.
Bought the bundle, what did you expect?
high rated
First off many thanks to GOG and Capcom for bringing these classic games here.

Second for those moaning about achievements - get a life.

Lastly even though this is the us version you can actually mod it if you want the seamless HD mod.

Took me awhile but i did it and it looks fantastic.

Very happy
That's just my luck, the game won't launch. :/
Breja: So... I assume this is a big deal? I never paid any attention to Resident Evil. I think I've seen one of the Milla Jovovich movies and that's about it. But good on GOG, I guess. I was beginning to think nothing noteworthy will be released during this sale.

I mean, for me personally this is still probably the most disappointing "big sale", but it does look better than "GOG might be in some actual trouble, the best thing they had for the Summer Sale was Riven, a railway simulator and some rythm shooem'up".
It's certainly a nostalgia fest. I'll definately get these (despite Capcom fiddling the reviews :D) when **they come on sale**. £20 is a bit much - actually a LOT much, especially as the RE2 and 3 bits ain't live yet. And they're still new, so "teething troubles" will likely abound. Technically by today's standards they're lacking, especially in the control department. The controls are akin to the original 1992 Alone In The Dark, ie, terribad - but still strangely workable. The music in the 90's RE's gets my nostalgia bone tickled though.

Breja: So... I assume this is a big deal? I never paid any attention to Resident Evil. I think I've seen one of the Milla Jovovich movies and that's about it. But good on GOG, I guess. I was beginning to think nothing noteworthy will be released during this sale.

I mean, for me personally this is still probably the most disappointing "big sale", but it does look better than "GOG might be in some actual trouble, the best thing they had for the Summer Sale was Riven, a railway simulator and some rythm shooem'up".
NuffCatnip: Resident Evil is the daddy of survival horror and one of Capcom's flagship franchises, this is imho a big deal. :)
* Cough * Alone in the Dark * Cough *
NuffCatnip: That's just my luck, the game won't launch. :/
Yet still gets a 5-star review huh?
Post edited June 26, 2024 by JMayer70
Hello GoG staff...!
If you read this: Could you actually make the bundle price 17% lower, for my country too, just as promised on your advertisement? Thank you in advance!

See screenshot

So far... i guess a big achievement bringing the old RE over to GoG in a good shape, much appreciated and one of the reasons we need GoG. Hopefully the cooperation with Capcom may bring even more fruits somewhere in the future... a lot of gamers would enjoy.
re_bundle.png (482 Kb)
Post edited June 26, 2024 by Xeshra
high rated
Please give us Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD Edition, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition, and the first two Dino Crisis games too!
AmethystViper: Please give us Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD Edition, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition, and the first two Dino Crisis games too!
I totally second this... and third this... and fourth this...!
Great job, guys.

Arigatou gozaimasu, Capcom.

Is there chance for Resident Evil Zero original and HD remaster?
NuffCatnip: Resident Evil is the daddy of survival horror and one of Capcom's flagship franchises, this is imho a big deal. :)
JMayer70: * Cough * Alone in the Dark * Cough *
Resi 1 was actually a remake of Sweet Home from 1989, both made by Fujiwara,. But we have other survival horror games before this as well, sucha s Terror House from 1982
JMayer70: * Cough * Alone in the Dark * Cough *
amok: Resi 1 was actually a remake of Sweet Home from 1989, both made by Fujiwara,. But we have other survival horror games before this as well, sucha s Terror House from 1982
Haven't heard of either Sweet Home or Terror House, but I can certainly remember some 80's C64 titles that would fall under "survival horror" if the term had been coined back then. Remember "Chimera" and the "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG" sound effect for example?

Edit: Sweet Home looks like a real retro "s**t thy panties" job!
Terror House, can only find an old LCD hand held for that
Post edited June 26, 2024 by JMayer70