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In joint efforts with the original creators, Capcom, we’re thrilled to announce the re-release of the original Resident Evil™, the groundbreaking series that heralded the golden age of the survival horror genre!

This iconic classic is now available with all its original content intact, featuring quality of life improvements and enhanced compatibility for modern systems. As part of GOG’s ongoing effort to protect and preserve classic games, Resident Evil is now available on the DRM-free GOG store!

Capcom's Resident Evil series has defined and revolutionized the survival horror genre, with the original Resident Evil, Resident Evil™ 2, and Resident Evil™ 3: Nemesis being standout titles that have captivated gamers worldwide. While Resident Evil set the stage, introducing players to the eerie Spencer Mansion and navigating them through terrifying encounters and intricate puzzles, its atmospheric tension and innovative gameplay mechanics laid the foundation for the series' success. Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis successfully expanded the universe, delivering unforgettable experiences that deepened the franchise's lore and horror elements.

That’s not all, though – for the complete Resident Evil experience, we decided to invite someone special to tell us something more about the series. It’s Suzi Hunter, also known as TheSphereHunter! In an exclusive video, Suzi will introduce the history of the franchise and tell the story of its originals’ revival, while interviewing some of the most interesting figures that took part in the process – including GOG’s very own Technical Producer, Adam Ziółkowski, as well as Head of Business Development, Bartosz Kwietniewski. The video will go live soon, and you’ll be able to watch it HERE – so stay tuned!

That being said – Resident Evil is now live on GOG, DRM-free! You can also wishlist Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, or pre-purchase them alongside Resident Evil in a special Bundle – you wouldn’t want to miss this occasion!
Fonzer: I enjoyed the first pc version of RE4.
And why shouldn't you?
It's a good game.
And so are the others.
Though,...slightly different (which is why the 4th in the series was met with criticism - it strayed from the trodden path).
AxlSt00pid: I hope Dino Crisis 1 and 2 are next and we'd have all the original Survival Horror titles from Capcom's PS1-era
Thanks GOG and Capcom, beautiful. And please absolutely this^
These are great releases for the people that care but I am more interested in the remastered versions. Hopefully Capcom can release them soon and might as well fix the broken dragons dogma game that's missing an important patch and the online system is broken.
Okay, everyone! Let's all met up in the mansion's bathroom.
Chris, Jill, Rebecca, Barry, and all the zombies are already there and waiting for us.

Breja: So... I assume this is a big deal? I never paid any attention to Resident Evil. I think I've seen one of the Milla Jovovich movies and that's about it. But good on GOG, I guess. I was beginning to think nothing noteworthy will be released during this sale.

Seriously though, the games long predate that movie you're referring to. The first Resident Evil was released on the original PlayStation, and I do mean the one that would overheat where you would put it on its side so that you could have a fan blowing on it. This release is a big deal in terms of old games here on GOG. It's as significant as the old LucasArts adventure games, Ultima, Might and Magic, Doom, Warcraft 1 & 2, Dungeon Keeper, Master of Orion/Magic, Diablo, and other oldies.
high rated
Transcript of the Q&A part:

How did you guys convince Capcom to bring the classic Resident Evil Trilogy back and what was it like working with them?

Bartosz Kwietniewski:
So the way it usually works is first we evaluate the game then we check what sort of improvements we can implement into the game. In case of Capcom however we took a bit more timeconsuming route, so we created a demo that outlined all of the improvements that we would be applying to the game because we felt that we need to show it first for Capcom to see that this is not just a simple port, there is more to it.

We could definitely tell that this IP means a lot to them as it does for us and you could really feel in all of the conversations that we had and we exchanged hundreds of emails and we were on calls and every suggestion, even if you believe that's the right one, it was sometimes challenged by them because ultimately the goal for both Capcom and for us was to revisit this game and do it justice.

What were some of the challenges you guys faced during the restoration of these classic games?

Adam Ziolkowski:
One of the challenges was making sure that the game shows videos properly and for that we had to add modern codecs to not basically show you black screen when you try to, when it runs the intro.

So next one that was done, the next thing was actually to think about which bugs should we fix and which should we treat as legacy bugs that, you know, you want to leave those because they sometimes just add to the flavor of the game making it more authentic for the times (the game was released in). Sometimes there are textures clipping into each other but you might leave it as well and the other times there would be, there is this one level in Resident Evil where there are fans spinning but the sound for these fans on the original PC version is played only once so we actually went and fixed it for it to loop.

And while talking about polish - we were, for this one we were closely working with Capcom just to make sure the game is up to their standards and their standards are really high. But at the same time this allowed us to create an almost perfect build. When we finished the QA process we were at the 25th version of the build.

(So usually for a game, how many versions are there?)

Adam Ziolkowski:
Usually when you prepare a modern game, because that also is a difference - so for modern games you usually need 3 to 6 until the game is working and you can just put it on release but here there were 25. But then again we are convinced that we fixed everything that there was to be fixed and like looked under every rock and we have no doubt that this will be the, you know the best version, the best version possible for the (authentic experience of the) original Resident Evil 1.

Are there any modernizations to these new ports and if there are what are your favorites?

Adam Ziolkowski:
When working on a game like Resident Evil 1, this being a rather old game, we firstly need to evaluate on what we want to be done and usually with those projects we want them to be as true to the original release as possible while at the same time allowing the game to work on the modern systems and applying some fixes and upgrades that do not break the immersion you would get from the original one.

So my favorite feature that we added for Resident Evil 1 and we also are now adding to other games that we are bringing back is the controller support that actually uses modern controllers and allows you to play with modern controllers on old games and it's actually not dependent on our Galaxy client, it just works with the game out of the box and it allows you to play with your Xbox controller, Switch Pro Controller, the new PS5 dual sense controller and it's really cool because basically you are guaranteed that if you buy the game on GoG you can play it on whatever you want, on whatever machine you want and with whatever controller you have at hand.

Do you have any final thoughts for GoG and Resident Evil fans?

Bartosz Kwietniewski:
I want to thank Capcom because without them this would never happened but I also want to thank our community because you guys are the reason we keep doing what we do.
Go to our (community) wishlist, vote for other games that you want to see on GoG and we'll do our best to make it happen. Thanks so much.
Post edited June 26, 2024 by Swedrami
alexandros050: These are great releases for the people that care but I am more interested in the remastered versions. Hopefully Capcom can release them soon and might as well fix the broken dragons dogma game that's missing an important patch and the online system is broken.
Yeah, that along with these releases of RE classic not being the mod-able Sourcenext versions makes it hard for me to get excited about this news.
high rated
What good news. Now that Capcom has made a (bracketed) re-release of the original Resident Evil trilogy on GOG. I would like to know if Capcom will finally update Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen for GOG. It seems to me that we GOG users (consumers or buyers) have been waiting a long time for such an update. To the wishlist. Thanks to GOG and Capcom for rescuing such gems. In particular, RE2 which is the game of the trilogy I played the most as a kid (on Nintendo 64 and PC). A hug! Regards. :)
GOG, OMG! YOU did it! Gonna buy it!

Now convince SEGA to bring Sonic classic titles here!
Very cool and unexpected.

I would love to think more from Capcom will be coming down the pipe, but I'm not going to hold my breath. After all, there are several big name pubs who released a few games and nothing since, which includes Capcom itself. Hell, we still haven't gotten Metal Gear Solid 2 back ever since it was originally pulled due to some third-party licensed video footage expiring.
Post edited June 26, 2024 by P-E-S
Anyone know how to get the game to recognize my PS4 controller? I also can't get out of fullscreen even though the DirectX config is set to windowed.
Breja: So... I assume this is a big deal? I never paid any attention to Resident Evil. I think I've seen one of the Milla Jovovich movies and that's about it. But good on GOG, I guess. I was beginning to think nothing noteworthy will be released during this sale.
Catventurer: WHY CAN'T BREJA BE HAPPY??!?!?!
Because Brian Herbert is an ass and won't let us have Emperor: Battle for Dune.
Fonzer: I only played and finished RE4. How are these titles liked by people?
Since i never played them.
Well, I've also played the original RE4 on PS2 and PC on several occasions, in fact, it's my favourite game of the series along with RE2 which was the first game I enjoyed on the N64, then I played it again on the PSX and finally I've played it several times on the PC version. I played the first RE1 late and on PC. I played RE3 shortly after RE2 on PC. My experience with RE1 was very pleasant, it's a game with a very good setting, tight corridors, good challenge (including the puzzles) and pretty decent bosses (if we focus on the fact that it's a 1995-96 game). RE2 is a great game (in every sense of the word). Great setting, very good plot (very cinematic for the time), great characters and bosses. And, a very well achieved challenge compared to the previous game and its sequel. RE3 has a great setting, it increases the difficulty level a bit compared to the previous one (especially with Nemesis), the characters are quite charismatic, the story continues from the previous one, enriches it and gives a bit more sense to the lore of the saga (which there was until then for RE). Later RE4 was a boom (for obvious reasons we all know), that mix between survival and action game was a breath of fresh air to the franchise. I liked RE5 quite a lot (and it's among my favourite games of the series). I didn't like RE6 and found it to be a major setback in the gameplay and story of the series. RE7 and RE8 I haven't played in full, but they're good. Maybe it would be interesting to see again a title of the series with a fixed camera and in third person that surprises, frightens and above all keeps you in suspense.
Honestly unexpected but welcome. And extremely cheap in my region, too.
Fonzer: I enjoyed the first pc version of RE4. At least i would not finish it if i didn't like it.
I have to ask. Do you mean the incredibly buggy Ubisoft release? >:)


Hey what gives, the bundle doesn't have a discount in my region. :(
Post edited June 26, 2024 by Foxhack