Hooyaah: This fix may be necessary after a recent Windows 10 Update:
1) Go to Start > Settings
2) Select Update & Security
3) Open Windows Defender Security Center
4) Select Virus & Threat Protection and then choose Virus And Threat Protection Settings
5) Under the Controlled Folder Access change the setting to "off."
Now, Windows 10 should no longer block one from saving games.
Mmm, wouldn’t recommend turning off security settings unless they really know what they are doing.
Dave_Close: just bouhgt fallout 1 and i cant save my game
Never, and I seem to be saying this all the time, NEVER install anything to folders which are part of windows. So this includes program files and program file x86. Always create folders for your own apps and games, maybe c:/mygames. Installing things under windows folders generally just breaks file access due to windows uac.