Jontxu420: I have downloaded Sierra games to run on DosBox on my MacBook Air. I have placed all my GOG downloads into a mac folder and in DosBox I have mounted the c drive to work with that mac folder. The disk mount works fine. When I type "dir" I can see all the .exe files that I've placed into the mac folder. However, when I try to execute any of those .exe files I get the error message "This program cannot be run in Dos mode". Can somebody please help me?
Crimson_T: What's the name of the games and the .exe files you're trying to run? I assume you're not attempting to run the GOG installer (e.g. setup_kings_quest_2.0f_(20239).exe) as that'll be a windows file and will require either installing it on a Windows setup or using innoextract to get the files.
Also, If they're newer Sierra games they actually may be Windows programs instead of DOS.
Alternatively if they are DOS games, I know that GOG has replaced some of the Sierra DOSBox builds with builds using ScummVM instead. it may be worth your while to try downloading a ScummVM build that works with your Mac and trying to load a game that way.
If you have a Windows machine with GOG galaxy you can also roll back to the earlier DOSBox builds. Not sure if you can do the same with a Mac, as I don't own one.
Thanks for the reply Crimson. I think I am trying to run a GOG installer. There's a little Windows icon next to the game in the GOG site so that must be the case. I just assumed they would work in a DOS emulator. My bad. I'll try my luck with ScummVM. Also, what is innoextract? Is there a way to extract whatever's in the GOG installer file? Thanks for your help!