Ashleee: Unfortunately, "My activities" page was disabled. To access your individual tickets, please use the link provided in your e-mail.
For this moment, we do not have an ETA for enabling the page :(
And nobody at GOG thought it warranted an announcement? Really?
First you switched to zendesk, which requires a separate login and allowing a bunch of third party domains, without announcing it beforehand. Now you've disabled half of that service, again without letting us know ahead of time, and have no ETA regarding its restoration.
Not a good show, not good at all.
Cavalary: Why was it disabled? Being able to see all your past tickets seems like a basic functionality if you have a support site and can log on to it. I mean, what other point may there be for the user to have an account there? And those e-mails may well get deleted...
The biggest issue with referring us to the emails is that they never include the whole history of a ticket, even though they're always titled with "Here's your ticket's history". I've complained about it repeatedly, and all I got back was a response along the lines of "thanks for your feedback, we'll forward it to whatever team's responsible".