timppu: Seriously, I was searching the game store what this "Fig Backer" game is that got mentioned early in this thread, but I didn't find it, either with the keywoard "fig" or "backer".
The people really seem to be anxious to play it ASAP, that's why I got interested in Fig Backer, but now it appears there was no such game after all?!? :(
Fig is a platform similar to Kickstarter, where people can pledge funds to get games made. Fig is concerned only with games though, so not as wide-reaching as Kickstarter. The 'Fig Backer' edition people were referencing was what showed up on your game shelf if you backed the game on Fig and redeemed your code on GOG. Eventually that changed to just regular PoE 2. But there was no way you'd be able to search for and find the Fig Backer edition on the store. It was only a 'placeholder' game card on the shelves of backers who opted for the GOG version over the Steam version.
timppu: Little off-topic, but it keeps amazing me how many people are anxious to play games that have barely been released, or are even still in in-dev status. Such games always make me feel like "I bet it has 9999 critical bugs and later they will be releasing 10 DLCs you can't do without, so better wait until the serious bugs are ironed out and the "missing parts" are released", so I'd better wait.
Maybe it is because I don't have gaming friends with whom to discuss about that new shit hot game everyone in the school yard has been waiting for whole year. I just pick up something like Deus Ex, install the latest GMDX mod on top of it, and feel certain I am getting a 1000% better experience than back in 1999, trying to play the 1.0 buggy version of Deus Ex. It is so complicated (with lots of game mechanism branches depending on your actions etc.) that I bet it was a nightmare to try to finish back then.
(Yeah yeah, I do play also newer games than from 1999, but my main point was that I rather wait when the game has become stable and "complete".)
Meh, to each his own I guess.
I quite agree with you, but since I backed the game, I DLed the release version to archive (I like to have the original release version of games archived if I can). But yeah, I'll likely not play it until all the way through patching and DLC is released.