JoaoPauloZA: he's referring to me.
Nephilim88: You wish. I'm sorry, but I forgot about you.
I'd appreciate it if you'd extend me the same courtesy.
DemonKiller49: This post definitely would have been downvoted. Can't be so sensitive around here. Plus, downvoting someone's opinion or comment is rather childish and akin to trying to be the opinion police.
Nephilim88: Fact is, it was not an 'opinion', nor a 'comment'. When you don't know how something went down, please do not judge.
Well, if something written in a forum is neither an opinion nor a comment, I guess it must have been a bunch of wild unhinged emojis then. Oh wait....I guess emojis would be a comment too. lol The point is that you shouldn't be worried about what someone else does or says. If you are, then engage them. Don't be a Karen. It's really unbecoming. Spam bots need reported, not people because your feelings get hurt, or you got angry, or something of the like. You say someone posted some bs? Your definition of Bs may not be someone else's. Also, if it's BS according to your personal definition then quit going back to roll in it.