Zrevnur: According to dictionary lookup you are wrong. First result I got "aggressive pressure or intimidation". You may be thinking about legal definition of it. I didn't mean it in a legal sense (obvious from my POV) and didn't imply it far as I can tell.
Either way(even with the part I quoted below this part) it still doesn't seem to fit the definition if one goes by it alone and not just one's gut feeling.
Zrevnur: See above: Intent to cause harm is not required. The goal of GOG in this case would probably be to pressure the user to not make a ticket and not to harm the user. The goal of Google is probably to pressure the user to use Google stuff instead of turning it off with script blockers.
Ok then, but I am pretty sure(though yes there is a slight chance I could be wrong) they are not trying to stop people from making valid tickets for valid reasons(beyond maybe spammers and those who abuse the ticket system for bad purposes or reasons) or pressure people into not making them(as one can use other means to contact them as well).
Heck, I have made several this week(on game related issues and site issues as well), so if their intent WAS to pressure people with captchas not to make tickets then I think they chose a very poor way to do such.
In the end, in order to prove it is harassment one would need to prove intent(pressuring people/etc) and not just state that one feels gog is pressuring people to do something(or not do it in this case).
As for pressuring people to use google: As others stated one can email gog and skip the captchas entirely, so there is seemingly no pressure to only use google captcha/google either(as it isn't the only way to contact them).
Look, I can see we might not see 100% eye to eye on this, but we CAN agree in one thing: Captchas are cr*p and very inconvenient for a good number of people.