Nephew got
this laptop. Quite the specs for a laptop lol (quite the PRICE TOO)
Arrived. First time it powered on, VERY FIRST TIME. A box popped up saying something like "Your computer failed to start. Perhaps an update would fix it." And then it had us configure the wi-fi so it could download a Windows Update. It did that (3GB) and that went quick thanks to my internet speed.
But then after it updated two things were noticable. NUMBER ONE was an error message popped up upon restart (and it popped up EVERY TIME it was restarted) that said something about "the exception software execption something something at location something something" (lol, sorry.. going from memory here but it was something like that along with some strings of characters (letters/numbers mixed). Again, this happened every time it was restarted.
NUMBER TWO: The desktop was completely empty. Now that would normally be a good thing IMO (no bloatware) BUT, this is an ASUS laptop. I've purchased two ASUS laptops before and happy to KNOW they come with some bloatware attached. So something in the original error or update caused I guess everything that was there originally to be lost. Not a big deal I guess... if there's some original software that he needs at some point I'd bet we could find it. But... if it "lost" all of the bloatware... what else is "lost"??? Something critical?
So upon contacting the seller, they had us do a PC Reset (something new in Windows 10). Upon trying that... it failed. It got stuck on 7% and we left it on all night. When we went to bed we couldn't believe it was only on 7% because it had been running since 4:30 in the afternoon. Then we were flabbergasted to awaken and see it STILL on 7%. Obviously it had become "stuck" or something.
So we forced shutdown... (held down on the power button). Upon letting go after it shut down.. it rebooted. THIS TIME WITH NO ERROR MESSAGES. LOL. And blazingly fast (man this thing comes up FAST LOL). No error messages. Blazingly fast. Sounds good right?
Here's our problem. We don't know if all of those errors/problems means something is wrong hardware wise (which means he needs to return it) or whether something might have been "off" software or driver wise. And we don't know how to figure that out.
He doesn't want to return it if he's convinced the problems aren't hardware related. But I don't know how to convince him either way. In fact, I don't even know what to do next. My next thought was to just run some diagnostics to see if the hardware was working... but then I wondered if that was "good enough". In other words, that may tell us if the hardware is working/not working... but will it tell us it's working PROPERLY at the specs it's supposed? I don't know.
The bottom line is... bought a new computer.. had some problems.. and he/we don't know whether to return it or not. All I know is he doesn't "want" to as he says he "likes" it. But he doesn't want to be stuck with a $3,000 laptop that doesn't work as intended either.
Can you think of anything to do? Do you know what you would do if it were you? (I'm guessing most people would just take no chances and return it but maybe I'm wrong).
Anyway, that's the problem we're having and I thought if there were some troubleshooting steps or other steps that might help us with resolving this problem you might know and be able to help us through them.