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Dungeon Keeper 3
Crusader: No Mercy
Prey 2
Looking Glass Studios' Deep Cover
Amen: The Awakening
The sequels to Shogo, Spycraft, and Freelancer that never materialized
Any of the cancelled Apogee games that never saw the light of day, especially the action-oriented ones:
The 2001 version of Duke Nukem Forever
Urban Decay
The 1997 Witcher game

I'm sure there's many others I've forgotten. :-(
The origina Fallout 3 that was in conception, that then became Van Bueren Project that then got lost in the FPS mega-overload of the late 90s early 00s
Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot 2 (presumably Steambot Chronicles 2 had it been finished, released and translated).
Star Trek: Secret of Vulcan Fury


I remember seeing this as a trailer ,I think, on the Starfleet Academy disks I have. I'm not sure if they could have pulled this off, but I always wanted to see how the game would have played out.
Propeller Arena(DC)-Headed by Yu Suzuki and a quirky Flight Sim. Because you can fly planes into buildings and this was scheduled to come out after September 11th, this was canceled. Thank you for canceling it out of temporary over-sensitivity that would've blown over.

D2(M2)-A true sequel to the original D as compared to the DC version, this game was largely complete, like 90-95%. The only rub is that you'd have to find a prototype M2 to play it on. That being said, I issue a challenge. If you own both of these please help to either port it or set up a real emulation for it on PC. Having this game be unplayed by the general population is a crime, this is like a suspected masterpiece not being allowed to be seen by the general public. In general, a complete travesty.

Rent A Hero(DC)-More for the fact that this is the ONLY English translation of said series and the series in general is suppose to be quirky as heck.

Undercover 2055(DC)-For the fact the Japanese game was said to be promising from reviews but had major control, camera issues or both that the American version was going to fix.

Sadness(Wii)-By a Polish company called Nibris. One of the few games at the time that got me really excited given the plot and the use of the Wiimotes for certain gestures. Sounded like it would really mess with your head. The sad thing is nowadays this could get easily get crowdfunded. Thank you for Nintendo for not going out of your comfort zone and creating something original.
Post edited December 05, 2015 by Sarang
Fallout 3: Van Buren
X-COM. And by that I mean the first person shooter that was being developed by 2K. I think it was even being made by some of the same people who made the first Bioshock game, but then it got turned into a 3rd-person shooter called The Bureau and apparently not a very good one at that. The trailer for the X-COM FPS still exists on a few places on Youtube if you wanna give it a look see. It's looks like it had a lot of potential. I would've loved to have seen more of it in action.
Earthbound 64
Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans
In 2009, there was some talk about Eden, a videogame based on Lars von Triers artsy tortureporn-horror Antichrist. But it seem like the idea have been quietly abandoned. :-(
star wars 1313 and paladins quest 2
Project Van Buren (Fallout) without a doubt.
AlexZeusMercer: Legacy of Kain Dead Sun
Now that looks awesome, I've olsy had high expectations on this one, shame they scraped the game :'/

Breja: [url=]Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans[/url]
Didn't even know about an unfinished Warcraft game. A point'n'click, that sounds like loads of fun.. Oh well..

The game I'm really sad that was cancelled was Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned. When I saw the first trailer/gameplay from a gaming magazine's CD, I was blown away by how unreal it looked! Unfortunately, it was discontinued... Broke my heart... :(
Post edited December 05, 2015 by algirdexas699
GlennPN: Leisure Suit Larry 4
It was never cancelled. Unless you count that AT&T and Sierra cc-operated attempt of Al Lowe trying to create a viable online game solution back in the late 80's.

But other than that, Al Lowe decied to skip 4, as he felt he was stuck with the ending of Larry 3.